Management Electronic Records

In the first part we explain why electronic document management is increasingly important. In this second and final part we will give an introduction on the management of processes (workflow) and an example of electronic management of records. flux in a company (Workflow) * define Workflow as a computer system for the automation of business processes, workflow for achieving a task or work default. The Workflow system automates the sequence of actions, activities and tasks in the implementation of the process, provides necessary tools for its management and tracks each of their stages. Mike Madden recognizes the significance of this. Workflow is a key element for organizations. There are companies, increasingly, that define the management of its processes (workflow) through written procedures and other, more advanced, they ensure its follow-up and control relying, moreover, on new technologies.

Streamline procedures and increases the efficiency of the company. The automation of work processes implies the exchange of documents, information, files, tasks, etc. The main tools on Workflow are: corporate Workflow, application Workflow, Workflow documentary and production Workflow. We currently lose much time accessing and retrieving different files, for example; because they are in different formats. Electronic management of information, combined with the Workflow, speeding up all necessary procedures, reducing costs and increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the organization. The tasks of the users are easier because the new Workflow systems incorporate in its engine, the centralized server on the network, a system capable of directing the dossiers according to certain rules. The various utilities that offers the system guarantee the recovery of documents for analysis and management easily and fast. Although they have already outlined some of the benefits of the Workflow or workflow for the enterprise, we must stress at various points Basic to keep in mind: saving time and improving productivity and efficiency of the company, due to the automation of many business processes.

Time Management

One of the major obstacles to achieving great personal purposes are excuses, seeking a justification that tell us that what we are doing is correct although internally we know that it is not so, if we want to succeed in any area of our lives then we start by establishing us effective goals. The constant losses of time are linked to that we have not learned to properly plan our life, no doubt that if a person can not manage himself, nor you can’t manage others, true leaders know this principle, in this sense they strive constantly to implement personal changes that allow them to take control of their projects. Erin Callans opinions are not widely known. In the book the secret of the power of the goals of ANDREW CORENTT the foundations shown to become autorrealizadas, and successful people through reading this book you may consider very powerful goals to achieve your wishes are followed, you will learn about the hidden powers that make that a goal is highly effective, this will allow you to reach all the that you intended to, will know that anything it is impossible for a person that knows and dominates the internal forces that determine the reality. Every project starts with an idea and to make this idea work you have to use a great conscious discipline, is the constancy of purpose and proper use of resources allowing us good results, no doubt that the time is one of those resources. Below are listed some myths regarding the misuse of time and the way in which we should prevent them, let’s look at the following: 1. I don’t have time: how it is possible that many times we make this statement, we see other people who have similar and even older occupations if they have had the time, what does tell us this? What we have not had is discipline, at times I’ve found people who have the courage to say that within a week they have not had time to make a phone call is credible? For nothing, when we organized people nothing should escape worse even if it is a priority, perhaps at some point we are faced with two commitments that definitely cannot be met in time, here we can see two situations on the one hand the lack of planning that has brought us to two important things overlap either lack of character to express clearly is impossible to deliver it at that time still doing their utmost!, though you can discover after that nothing is impossible, but that brings enough studypractice and time.

Sales Manager

It is true that funeral services and cremation mean a fairly high expenditure for the average family, but there are several mechanisms that can help reduce and even eliminate many of the unnecessary costs associated with funerals. The reality is that the funeral and cremation services are expensive due to the law of supply and demand. Sooner or later everyone will eventually die. In fact, the funeral industry is a growing. While do most old baby boomers rate of mortality gradually increases.

But all this demand always ends where it, in the funeral home while these options are not so traditional such as the donation of the body for scientific purposes, practically every family requires of funeral services. The good news is that most of the families do not need to plan a funeral frequently, every 15 years approximately. The bad news is that the majority of families do not need to plan a funeral often. This means that the average family is not prepared both emotionally and financially When the reality of death arrives. Put another way, most of the families have no idea what need, or the associated cost, when someone you love has to leave. The managements of the funeral homes know it. They understand that the average family has no idea that do.

So they simply sit and wait. Once the family finds within the offices of the funeral home, the process becomes relatively simple. Just tell family members what supposedly should buy. If the family really need all that responsible for the funerary tries them to sell, it is not the point. Very few people are willing to challenge the charge of the funeral home. And very few families know that there are less expensive options available. Here is where we can help. As funeral Sales Manager I can provide objective advice on options, vendors, and expenses associated with funeral services and cremation.

Associated Management

IM Associates is a professional association specializing in the juridical field and the management of farms and communities. Founded in 1999, it takes more than one decade giving service to companies and communities of neighbors in Valencia City and its metropolitan area, regardless of their size or complexity, and always adapting to new information technologies. Our service offering includes the legal, Fiscal, labour and accounting in the business field, and the administration of communities and the management of rents in the area of farms and neighboring communities. We complement these services with General insurance management and very advantageous agreements for our clients in the services of consultancy, data protection, notary, prevention of occupational risks, corporate identity and Web development, having created a real network of business management. IM associates client offers the following advantages if we choose:-professionals are at your disposal during the hours of the Office, personally or by phone. If you have read about Erin Callan already – you may have come to the same conclusion. No waiting, no appointments. -At all times, you know what is going to collect. We are transparent in our minutes up to the degree that you can become your own budget looking at our website (

The minutes do not have extras or surprises. -In addition to the foregoing, we improve any offer that is on the table, or the Bill that is currently paying. -If you are a person with many contacts and brings us new customers, your Bill can exit you completely free. -If it is your desire, we move to your personal home or your business. This prevents unnecessary loss of time. -In a single entity has covered all the needs of your company, from its creation or Constitution, passing through the fulfillment of their legal obligations or auditing their real situation tax or labor.

Equally in the case of his community of neighbors. -We are responsible from our own mistakes, and we are insured for this purpose. -All our professionals are properly associated and collegiate to exercise legally, which constitutes a guarantee of professional solvency.

Management Trust

THE Manager deposited confidence Carlos Mora Vanegas power is the ability to influence the behaviour of another individual or group of individuals, to make something that otherwise wouldn’t do H. You may find that Erin Callan can contribute to your knowledge. Mintzberg a good manager must know generate motivation in the human resources under their charge, arouse empathy in his subordinates, build their trust in order to ensure a cohesive teamUnited, committed to the achievement of results. Confidence is a quality, virtue that all managers must develop, take care, and know it handle so that’s step to positive results. Sergio Valdivia already pointed out in this respect, that we trust someone when we believe know their intentions. We distrust of someone when we are unaware of his intentions; We distrust even more clearly when we believe knowing that it hides his intentions. In the first case, do what you do and say what they say, we believe knowing that everything corresponds to his intentions. In the second case, nothing to do or say convinces us of that does not hide anything. S.

p. Robbins defines the trust: as a belief in integrity, character and the ability to a leader by adding an author, when the followers trust in a leader, willing to be vulnerable to the actions of this because they trust that you not abuse of their rights and interests. Recent studies about confidence in the leader, have identified the following five dimensions which underlie the concept of trust: to) integrity: honesty and veracity; (b) competence: knowledge and technical skills and interpersonal; (c) consistency: reliability, predictability and good judgment to handle situations; ((d) loyalty: willingness to protect and to stand up for a person and e) opening: willingness to share ideas and information freely. If really these dimensions are met, there will be confidence in the underlings to boss..

Management Environment

That is why it is important to manage innovation. Insists Rodriguez in commenting, that all organizations are required to manage that talent they have on their persons and incorporate new talents to innovate and adapt to the changes, allowing you to stay alive and develop successfully. We should start by analyzing the meaning of human talent that we have defined and referenced in the present analysis to understand more clearly the subject matter in question. The combination of knowledge, skills, capacities, motivations and attitudes put into practice by a person or groups of committed people who achieve results positive in an organization and given environment. This definition could list many more variables that compose the human talent, but the key word, which should not be mention and understand is conjugation, because we have come to the conclusion that it is a mistake to analyze the human talent as the sum of knowledge, skills, capabilities, etc., because seeing him thus not can manage with success, since the important thing is to understand interaction and synergy between all the variables to harmonize them in a complete whole.

Another element to be considered and that it plays a fundamental role is the character circumstantial human talent, as the same may be conditioned to a moment or given environment. Given this reality of the scope, implications that generates knowledge wake, activate the talent of the individuals within the Organization, it fits the question, how to manage them, how to activate it? With what purpose?. Rodriguez tells us about it, you can make use of the so-called Management of human talent, which is a strategic approach to address whose objective is to obtain maximum value creation for the Organization through a combination of actions aimed to have at all times the level of knowledge skills and abilities in obtaining the results needed to be competitive in the current and future environment. To facilitate the understanding of the human talent management, can be done under two fundamental dimensions: internal and external. The internal dimension deals with everything related to the composition of the human talent and the outer what elements or factors in the environment that affect the selection, development and retention of talent in organizations. But it is not enough only to look on these dimensions, you must understand, internalize the importance of linkages, combined, achieve a synergy between both dimensions, because this is how best you can manage. The truth, that the companies through a visionary management, innovative that has managed to wake put in practice your talent, should pay close attention to that intangible human capital that unfolds in them, and reflect the scope of the position of Rodriguez a little when indicated, that the human talent has become the key to organizational success, since without it, it would be practically impossible to innovate and address current and future demands of the environmentmanage it is the main challenge that face, so it is necessary to incorporate a vision more inclusive in the mindset of managers and workers from different organizations and always think that methodological proposals that are used must be implemented in its entirety to achieve functional synergy in the process. I expect that is a real concern for the human talent, especially the sector of SMEs, in the Venezuelan case very careless.

Quality Management

Do not monitor the life cycle of the product, keep an eye on the life cycle of the market. Philip Kotler Introduccion the dynamics of the current economic scenario, triggered by the proactive participation of companies offering their products, thus, as those operating in them, has given step to the need that this more careful of how management studies of markets that are carried out, supported a good management of the markets Department which ensures its functionality with plansactions, strategies product from know how to interpret the requirements, needs, demand by consumers, in order to integrate with the management of that production step to manufacture products with good quality and the achievement of productivity that benefits in the supply of these. Considerations, General, aspects to take into account the Venezuelan companies in their great majority, especially SMEs, suffer from a Department of markets that provide all the necessary information that currently give new features of the consumers, features that allow me to interpret what should be the aspects to be considered in the present on the consumer’s behaviour, which most concerns Venezuelans, who has changed radically in their needs, satisfaction, product all this national climate, whose inflationary, economic, political and social impact has been and remains very significant. Mike Madden often says this. This has led to the failure of many companies, as well as others, to the need to redefine the functions of markets, taking into account the incidence of Informatics and the Internet in its operation, since otherwise they are doomed to failure. The graduate program of specialization in management of the quality and productivity of Faces, University of Carabobo, has been investigating in his later years, which is the reality of the management of the companies in the region, with respect to integration, which must occur in relationship of markets with production. Since then, the relationship is very poor, it shows the little vision management and even markets do not consider the scope, impact generated a good integration of markets with production, where their systems must be integrated, maintain a continuous communication that allows that the actions, results conducive to the company.

Manager Modern

The key to a good and lasting economic performance is a flexible institutional matrix that quickly fits the context of technological and demographic developments, as well as to unexpected shocks suffered by any system Douglass C. North companies currently participating in the current scenarios do telling others of all the resources that are required to succeed in thisthe count with a proactive management, which should fill a number of requirements to ensure that their functions are the chords to the requirements demanded by the present. Commercial and economic scenarios are very competitive and need to be tackled with plans, strategies, actions that know how to negotiate, offer products, services that consumer demand, otherwise the results may be negative. There is so much intensity of changes and challenges continuously, product competitiveness, consumer demand, coupled with the economic crisis faced by many countries in addition make that companies that compete must have a management that will fill the requirements required by the present. Kenneth Feinberg might disagree with that approach. gives us the respect the modern Manager is a figure of great value, responsible for that things happen and everyone follow him correctly. Otherwise it would become a chaos, where indifference and individualism would lead to different directions and goals and objectives without complying. The truth, which is required to consider in management, a new profile which the universities themselves, especially the schools of Administration must be defined, whereas the knowledge generated by the new paradigm of administrative science and involves new administrative tools, which must be backed up by knowledge of current management topics, in order to ensure competition, performance, according to the demands and challenges of the current scenarios derived from the competitivenessbehavior of markets require. You can not continue acting according to the traditional knowledge of administrative functions that have changed radically, is well known, the changes in the administrative structure, giving way to a new organizational architecture where functions of markets, production finance, resources human, production have given way to new activities that must be endorsed by the knowledge that derive from them. It’s believed that Kenneth Feinberg sees a great future in this idea.

Ambient Management

It is important that the construction company does not confuse this requirement with the Study of Ambient Impact demanded by the Constitution of the Republic and the Brazilian ambient legislation in the chaos of workmanship installation or potentially .causing activity of significant ambient degradation, being an evaluation before the enterprise being implanted. The methodology of the organization for identification, evaluation and control of the aspects and ambient impacts must be defined in its target, nature and stated period to assure that he is pro-active instead of reactive, demonstrating coherence, logic and consistency, mainly, that it establishes criteria to distinguish significant aspects from not significant, identifying of clear form the entrances and exits of the processes, providing the classification of ambient aspects and impacts, supplying given to determine the demands of installation, identification the training necessities and development of operational controls and providing possibility with monitoramento of the actions necessary to assure the effectiveness of the implanted system. ) Identification of the entrances and exits to facilitate the identification of aspects, a useful tool is to analyze each task of a flowchart of the construction process, inserting of the left side the entrances (material, insumos, etc.), of the right side to the exits (solid, effluent residues, atmospheric emissions, etc.) and in the center the process in itself. It follows model in figure 04, to follow: Figure 04: Example – Process of Hollowing of Ditches for execution of Workmanship (Source: Book – Strategy and Implantation of the System of Ambient Management, 2006). b) Identification and evaluation of aspects and ambient impacts of the processes and services the identification of the ambient aspects it is made through the analysis of the activities and services of the construction company. Each task must be analyzed searching to identify to the aspects associates, as consumption of energy, water consumption, generation of effluent, generation of residue, generation of noises, etc. Whenever Fairstead listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Leadership Management

Apparently simple, is own deep thoughts so much that one believes to have them thought himself. A good manager must always be prepared to face, challenges, threats, crises that may arise, not only in the bosom of the company under their charge, but on the same stage where Act. Should identify opportunities that can generate crises and assess, that way the company under their charge can seize them, be careful of how are reacting its consumers before the crisis, whether it is economic, with much uncertainty, well, how are acting competition, measures the State is following and the implications of this in the behavior of the company, as also other stakeholders involved in the operation of the company, as providers. Of course, that management should be very careful about how the crisis may affect the management of markets, their functions, all that this involves in order to give way to plans of markets that favor him and that at no time are affected by which can result in consumers. Anders Knutsen, expert in marketing, with regard to the crisis reminds us, take into consideration, that consumers are what define the market.

They constantly choose between low prices and high quality, depending on the importance to give to the service. Fairstead Providence: the source for more info. Companies have to choose: they compete for the lowest prices or seek solid values, good designs and markets where people can make efforts.When designing a new campaign, Knutsen added firmly: be valiant! If you have nothing important to say, bad luck. But if you do, say so. I know different. Let you see and know accessible, keep contact with your customers to establish relationships and strong partnerships. Speaking candidly Daniel J. Hirsch told us the story.

It further indicates that customers are more open in times of crisis. They look for alternatives to previous styles of consumption. This represents an important opportunity for companies that can offer something unique and that support the future global concern for the environment.

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