
The agroindustrializao according to Gnoatto et al, (without year) is a new activity not agriculturist which possesss basic criteria for its concretion as been to know to make of the familiar agriculturists. The author still quotation that a secular art of transformation that existed in the logic of reproduction of the subsistence agriculturists passed to be improved and to be developed with a look beyond the family, objectifying spaces in the markets. Although from 90 years the agricultural familiar agroindstria only got its recognition as strategy, the act to process foods is basic in the development of units of agricultural production has many years (MIOR, 2005). For to be something relatively new in the current one Brazilian agricultural context, as public politics, the familiar agroindstrias little become understood and elucidated objects in socioeconmicos terms, what it makes it difficult, on the other hand, it total understands them in a new logic of development (agricultural and local), and for another one, to undertake action in the direction to foment them. More info: Technology author. Gnoatto et al., (without year). In this Mior context (2005) I assumed that agroindstria familiar agricultural if it does not so only summarize to the food processing even so this activity is part, the agroindstria demands a bigger abrangncia. Ahead of these actions one becomes indispensable to argue a concept for agroindstria. For Mior (2005: 191) ‘ ‘ the agricultural familiar agroindstria is an organization form where the agricultural family produces, she processes and/or she transforms part of its agricultural and/or cattle production, aiming at, over all, the production of value of exchange that if carries through in the commercialization. Meanwhile, the activity of food processing and substances cousins aim at with priority the production of value of use that if carries through in the autoone; ‘.


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