Buenos Aires

I finish returning from a long trip by the interior of my beautiful Argentina, a trip that I did of the hand of Despegar.com and thanks to its low prices. There am shortage one of the wonders that hides to that country and djenme to say to them, the Argentineans we have much more than we counted, is as if in a species of jealous rite we did not want to share the small paradises that we have. As if we wanted to preserve them for single us. Sincerely, I often traveled by this extensive country. I must have done more than 50 flights to diverse points, but always I arrived until modern airports and I lodged not less than in hotels of 3 stars. This time wanted something different indeed wanted to know Argentina. During my trip, I managed to infiltrate enters the people of the places that I knew to discover those hidden corners. From already I say to them that they are truly hidden (and inaccessible), but without a doubt are worth the pain the hours of long walk to know them.

I left from the airport of Buenos Aires and two hours and two country ones later it was in the Airport of Mendoza, city that always received with the open arms and the caught furnace to me! It tries no matter how hard it I am not going to be able to pass on the flavor to them of the tortitas mendocinas, so they prove them, because they are an unforgettable act. I spent the night in one of the so many hotels in Mendoza, I rented a light truck and I left course to a pueblito that is in the limit between Mendoza and San Juan. Santa Clara is called and has one of cascades more precious than I saw in my life. Santa Clara is of those places that seem lengthy in the time the baqueanos that live there maintain the same customs of long ago, seed their kitchen garden, milk the goats and conserve the meats with salt. Neither light, nor tele, nor refrigerator, nor nothing only wisdom and nature. That is as far as the position of goats of Santa Clara, to arrive at the cascade, is necessary to walk one two horitas by a track that left a river dry yes, are no ways, the unique form to arrive is through mountains. Luckily the water in hundreds of years did a good work and it smoothed the way to us. She was one incredible experience, I knew people who simply do not need more than her small goats to live, now yes I can say that I knew Argentina.


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