District Headquarters

Relief figures had contributed for the progress of Belm in its primrdios, among others, Antonio de S Arajo, Manoel Oak Alves, Joo Avelino de Carvalho Dando and, admittedly, the lieutenant colonel Hieronymite Saucers of Oak. Belm was raised to the category of Clientele, for the Provincial Law n 1885, of 12 of October of 1835 and provided canonic in 1910, with the nomination of its first vicar, the Priest Norbeto Phalampin, even so the population of Belm already had been raised to the category of village in 1902. The waters of the river great San Francisco in its full one, in 1919, had almost destroyed the totality of the city with flooding, compelling its messengers to construct in the high parts. One counts that only the Church of Ours Lady of the Sponsorship, padroeira of the city, was of foot. The city needed, then, to change itself higher up for a part of the edges of the river. By legislation, the city of Belm of the San Francisco was created in the same date of emancipation of Cabrob, in 11 of September of 1928.

In 1972, in another great full one of the river San Francisco, the church of Ours Mrs. of Belm, was destroyed, remaining its rubbles as initial landmark of its history, being this place, for coincidence, in front of the church of the Boy God, in firm land, the current Belm of the San Francisco. Of the settlers of Belm, the city values the main figure of its founder Antonio de S Arajo who inhabited to the time of the population of Canabrava. District created with the denomination of Belm for the provincial law n 1836, of 12-03-1885 and municipal law n 2, of 01-12-1892, subordinate to the city of Cabrob, was raised to the category of village with the denomination of Belm, for the provincial law n 345, of 1305-1854, desmembrado of Boa Vista. Headquarters in the village of Belm consisting of the district headquarters and installed in 08-11-1854. For the state law n 597, of 07-05-1903, transfers the headquarters of the village of Belm de high Cabrob to the city condition. Em1924, the city of Belm started to call Belm de Cabror and the state law n 1931, of 11-09-1928, determined the denomination simplified for Belm.

In referring administrative division to the year of 1933, city is constituted of the district headquarters and in 1938 adquiru the district of Itacuruba of the city of Floresta.Em the period of 1939-1943, the city was constituted of 2 districts: Belm and Itacuruba. In 1943, the city of Belm started to call Jatin and in territorial division of 1950, the city is constituted of 2 districts: Jatin and Itacuruba, starting to call Belm of San Francisco. In 1955, the city is constituted of 2 districts: Belm of San Francisco and Itacuruba, thus remaining at1960. By the municipal law n 129, of 26-09-1962, is created the districts of Ib and attached Riacho Small to the city of Belm of San Francisco and for the state law n 4939, of 20-12-1963, desmembra of the city of San Francisco the district of Itacuruba, being raised to the category of city. In dated territorial division of 31-12-1963, the city is constituted of 3 districts: Belm of San Francisco, Ib and Small Riacho.


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