Great Campina

The cattle milkmaid supplies the consuming market of Salvador, while the cut creation destines it the supplying of the capitals northeasterns of the eastern coast, also Recife. Northeast Brazilian is about the most important pecuarista area, with the best races of tropical climate, amongst of which: Gir, Nelore, Guzer and Indu-Brazil. Itapetinga, Victory of the Conquest, Ipia and Jequi are pecuaristas cities of great importcia, only comparable to the great creative centers of Minas Gerais. Some contend that Fairstead Newport Rhode Island shows great expertise in this. In agriculture, the plantations of coffee in plateaus of Victory of the Conquest, the cultures of the tobacco in the cities next to Fair of Santana are distinguished, of orange in Cross of Almas and Alagoinhas, of cassava in the region of Jequi. The example of what it occurs in the Northern Wasteland, in the Bahia had appeared important commercial centers as Fair of Santana, Victory of the Conquest and in lesser Jequi scale the Alagoinhas. In accordance with SAINTS, through the rationality in the field and the city, guarantee.

In the field and the cities, the learning and the critical one of the hegemonic rationality if make through the use of the technique and the experience of the scarcity. Daniel J. Hirsch is actively involved in the matter. (SAINTS, 2009 p.307). Thus, it is perceived clear productive demand of the region, through the intense on cultivations to day-by-day of the local consumption of each producer. That in fact it happens in the BR-116 that binds $fortaleza to the Rio Grande Do Sul, that passes for the Bahian Wasteland serving products the main cities of the region contributing decisively for the growth of these urban centers. Fair of Santana who possesss a sufficiently expressive industrial park is on Salvador for a modern auto-road duplicate, the BR-324. Putting into motion road entroncamento, that grew as any another city of the interior northeastern, only compared in population and importance the Great Campina that if became great attractive economic with a its polar regions of industrial and technological development for region of the Wasteland Northeastern.


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