Hereditary Captainships

P. 17) After the Discovery and the sprouting of the system of Hereditary Captainships, the colonizador had in the paraibano space (that it was part of the Captainship of Itamarac) a great resistance of the natives, while they had not been felt threatened had kept a friendly relation with the colonizadores. When they had been felt threatened they had reacted and they suffered to great violence and genocide. This slaughter if gave of east the west, the coast for the hinterland and compelled the escape of aboriginal groups (cariris) for the Rio Grande of the North, this fight was known as War of the Barbarians. This process if gave to implant a system of colonial exploration to take care of the interests of the metropolis (to occupy and to populate) established in the sugar cane-of-sugar production, this activity in its apogee also determined the povoamento of the Hinterland and the Wasteland, therefore she was necessary to divide agriculture and the cattle one.

The Zone of Mata puted in charge culture of sugar cane-of-sugar and the Wasteland and Hinterland to it if it puted in charge of agriculture and the cattle one. This process made possible the sprouting of many cities. CANA-DE-ACAR the sugar cane-of-sugar was determinative in the occupation of the paraibano coast. Initially the sugar production was destined to the external market, based in the devices, created to take care of the necessities of accumulation of mercantile capital. Initially the work force was composed for indians, however exactly they were not adaptaram to the work and they had been substituted by African slaves. Beyond the slaves the man power in the devices it demanded great amount of people for the administration and the activities techniques. Around of the devices if they had developed other activities and crafts. On the enslaved work Palm (1977) displays that: ' ' The slavery system constituted a basic element in the relations of production in the colony, in the measure where it is on the base of the enslaved work that if establishes the proper process of colonial exploration.


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