How To Choose A Signal Provider In The Autotrading System

Many of you have already encountered the concept of an automated trading system. These systems should not be confused with mechanical trading systems or trading robots. The essence of the automated trading system is reduced to the following: 1). Developed some software that allows “subscribers”, exactly copied all deals for buying and selling currencies so-called “signal providers. That is, if you are a subscriber, then choose the most successful, in your opinion, traders from the ranking.

Attach them to your trading account. Click Kenneth R. Feinberg to learn more. A system in auto mode, the copy on your account, all transactions you have selected “signal providers. If trader (“ISP signal”) makes a profit, respectively, and you get profit. In the case of loss, you also get a proportional loss. 2). For the convenience of choice, online company that provides automated Trade, published rating providers signals.

” 3). To make a successful trader was interested in becoming a “service provider”, the company motivates him that divides part of the commission of all who have subscribed to its signals. 4). Itself company through the service Autotrading attract new customers as “subscribers” and “providers”. Thereby increasing the overall size of the commission earned by the company. As you can see, if you’re an investor, and interested automatic system of trade, the most difficult for you to identify and select the successful “providers of signals.” On our website tips for choosing managers and providers have a few basic criteria. Let us some of them in more detail: 1).

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