
The small localities had always been strengthenn to build a beautiful sumptuous church, as unequivocal demonstration of faith, but they had almost never revealed identical enthusiasm to construct a school. With the influence of the religion guiding uses and customs and implanting rules of social behavior, the cultural events if summarized to the religious parties, being distinguished, between them, the commemorations of Christmas, the groups of Are Joo; until the malhao of the Judas if became a imperdvel attraction. It was the sufficient for a community structuralized under the principles of the Church, but insufficient for a society that it needed to structuralize and to follow the development in ascension in the great cities of Brazil and the world. In this society it invigorated the patriarcalismo, with farmers detainers of wide extensions of land and many slaves; almost self-sufficient country properties, well little dependents of the urban nucleus. In this social picture as to spread out culture education if lacked human resources and financial, therefore since the beginning of the settling until the Independence of Brazil (1822) the concerns of the authorities had rare been turned in this direction; from the beginning of the first Empire until the announcement of the Republic (1889) the country faced problems of agricultural production, exportations, of contracted debts, internal revolutions, war with Paraguay and all the process that led to the abolition of the slavery with the consequent transistion for a free market. It is evident that the partner-economic-cultural reality was determinative for the ascension and predominance of incompatible standards of behavior with the romantismo praised for the writers and poets. The beautiful romances and poems were read by few distant small people and rare localities arrived at the e, where they more became necessary and where they would be more useful. In the place of the Love an obligation was imposed; a gesture of indifference or one tabefe in the face as repayment to an affectionate caress; a whip always soon to punish a traquinagem of the children, to straighten the independent way to think of the sonhadora son and to think on the atrevimento of the woman who dared to reveal a unpleasantness.


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