The Institute of Economic and Applied Research (Ipea) divulged in 30 of June study showing that the Brazilians poor, with income up to two minimum wages (R$ 930), have to work 197 days of the year to pay the tributes charged for the Union, States and cities. It is almost the double of the 106 demanded days of the Brazilians richest, who gain 30 minimums more than (13,9mil R$). Please visit Peter Asaro if you seek more information. The study it discloses despite the injustice tax in the Country increased in the government Squid, exactly with the improvement of the distribution of income and cuts of tributes. Some layers of the population finish making a bigger effort to finance the functioning of the State and them public politics because the distribution of the tax burden in Brazil is not equnime. In accordance with the research, in 2004, the families poor spent 48.8% of the income with taxes. In 2008, the cost almost went up for 53,9% – a jump of five porcentuais points in four years. Already for the families richest, the weight of the tributes grew less. It went up of 26,3% stops 29%.Tributos indiretosSegundo the president of the Ipea, Marcio Pochmann, one of the reasons for this picture of injustice is the great number of indirect tributes.

' ' The experience of the developed countries points the importance of the rise of the tributes right-handers, the taxes on the wealth, and the reduction of the indirect taxes that happen on the basic consumption, feeding and transporte' ' , it said. Still according to Ipea, the difference in the paid load of taxes in each band of income if must to the indirect collection of tributes. For the calculations of the institute, of each R$ 100 of paid taxes in the country, R$ 42 are indirect. The workers with lesser incomes are exempt of GOING. But the tributes are charged in all the item that consume, in the call indirect taxation.


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