
To educate children is a non-transferable responsibility; the parents need to become jumbled more I submerge in this process, as much in the home as in the school. He is anti ecological and he breaks the own natural laws of the development and learning of the human being, to delegate the education of this one (character, values, ethics, etc.) in other instances different from the family. Also it is anti ecological (against natura) that some institution like the State, the right is repealed to educate the children of a nation, instead of its parents. The home: seed plot of the future generations of responsible citizens and jeopardizes with its nation. The home is the main institution for the qualification of the future generations, to form brings back to consciousness of the citizen futures of a republic.

Daniel Wesbster says on the matter: the home is first of the schools and best classroom for education, the heart will cooperate there with the mind, the affection with the powers of the reflection. Lydia Sigourney adds as well: the force of a nation, especially a republican nation, is in the intelligence and the order of the homes of a town. It exists, then, a directly proportional relation, between the quality of management and the commitment of the governors of turn with democratic principles and morals, with the education received in the home. Until where the participation arrives from the parents in the educative process of the parents? Sandal besides the formation of the character, values and attitudes, a protagnica participation in the instruction process and learning to obtain a formation that makes possible to its children an effective performance to him in an office (academic and vocational aspects of its children). Even though the school plays a stellar roll in this sense, the parents need to become jumbled thorough in the process.


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