
‘ ‘ San Francisco de Assis (1182? 1226). With effect, much reason had that Saint Homem when composing, 800 years behind, little more or less, this poetical monument call CANTICO OF the CREATURES, where, beyond treating the SUN and the MOON as brothers, it also cites the WATER, as if it are an alive being, perfectly integrated in the set of the Supreme Creation, therefore, DIVINE CREATURE, as of remaining portion, also we, while workmanships of the SUPREME CREATOR. The three adjetivaes (humble, precious and chaste), are linked for the particle conjunctive and surely not to consider unevennesses of importance between them with rank of commas. It deserves analysis to the part, the application of these three adjectives of the form proposal. I will start for the last one, therefore, as already said, it does not have hierarchic classification of importance: -) The WATER IS CHASTE because we poluamos despite it daily, in direct contact with the land and for a natural process, it comes back to be chaste and to fulfill its mission to give life, to purificar and to feed; b) The WATER IS PRECIOUS because exactly unprovided of I smell, flavor or color, all the beings daily consume it to livings creature with great pleasure, for all the life, as he was cheiroso, delicious and beautiful of manjares, it circulates internally in the beings, it condenses, it removes toxins, it is expelled and it returns its natural, chaste or pure state.

Ecological Footprint Method

The Barometer of the Support is had as a combinatria tool of pointers pointing cocientes through indices. Such indices facilitate very in the agreement, and to visualize the situation accomplishes of the state of the environment and society as a whole. The support pointers must establish correlation between itself, always inside of the hierarchy and relevance, therefore its analysis separately would cause great difficulty of mensurao of the support as a whole. However certain recklessness can be perceived that, while a dimension inside of a set of pointers can be considered sustainable, another one not, exactly being inside of the same joint of pointers, from there to occur to the obfuscation of the identification of insustentabilidade of a system or subsystem because this can occur in the gamma of five pointers more than grouped, for example, and one or two inside of this five to be appearing as unsustainable it is thus a system running the risk of if extinguishing. barometer of the Support uses a well clear form indices goes of the welfare state to the ecological one, glimpsing ours to see the harmonization between environment and the man, looking for to delineate until where the exploration of the natural supplies is sustainable or not, however some pointers tend to mask others inside being they of one same dimension therefore the hierarquizao system must be used of form very multicriteria and guided front the relevance of the pointers. Therefore the pointer of bigger importance inside of the goal will prevail there and scales established. The Ecological Footprint Method the Ecological Footprint Method is a tool that indicates compensatory actions for each parcel of appropriate natural resources for a country, state, city and or governmental institution or not. Ecological footprint, the book launched for Wackernager & Rees (1996), Our Ecological Footprint Method, a bold work regarding this used system in such a way to metrificar as to divulge the development sustainable..

The EA

That is, a possible way to contribute so that the EA reach some of the objectives the one that if considers is through the art, of the education of sensible, since the humanity is living deeply a singular way of relation society nature, that for its peculiarity needs a particular form of reflection, of the aesthetic one (SHE HISSES, 2007). Saints (2001) ratify this necessity of a new reflection/action that is not based on principles of the rationality logical-instrument, and yes in principles as of the aesthetic-expressive rationality (of the arts). In this direction, FREIRE (2004) in it says that &#039 to them; ' a ontolgica imanncia of the participativo and creative impetus of the human being is decisive factor in the development of a critical and emancipatria conscience of the formation of the citizen moderno' '. MARIM (2006) also comments to this respect: The deep art new values. It opens independent perspectives and can take the human being if emancipate of those values that, for the reason or the imaginary heteronmia of a social one, to it are infused as necessities. Who lives deeply the phenomenon of the aesthetic experience ahead has of itself a much more ample and flexible world that one drawn by the consumption societies. (P.

286). That is, the art contributes for the change of the reducionista and fragmentador paradigm of the reality transposing its rationalization when working with the human being in a multidimensional way placing the individual in contact with the surrounding directions in its culture, being a necessity and challenge not only for the EA, but also for the formal education. Silveira (2009, p.379) when approaching what it stipulated to call ambient aesthetic education calls the attention for our union to the world, the inhabited place, the incarnate experiences, and adds that if we long for mature attitudes, ambiently correct and eticamente responsible, it does not have as to get leaving them solely of the science alicerada in the rational dimension.

Increasing Areas

But the fact is that to go to the purchases and to appeal to the services each more tiring time is becoming. 2.2.2? Increase of the number of unemployeds, beggars and subempregados In the great urban areas and metropolitans, of almost the whole world, has a growth of unemployeds, subempregados and of beggars. The people arrive of more behind areas? of its proper country or the exterior? unprepared and without conditions to face the life and for performance of the activities in the great centers. The apparatuses of combat to the crime and social assistance do not follow the increasing rhythm of people who arrive and if they concentrate in these centers. The entities and organisms of professional qualification do not hold the increasing volume of interested they search that them. The sprouting of new ranks of work does not follow the rhythm of the growth of offers of work, also for the hand of qualified workmanship. Therefore, significant parcels of people, not only amongst whom they arrive, but also those deriving of the great centers urban metropolitans and, only find alternatives of survival in the marginality and crime. 2.2.3? Bad conditions of housing the well located, comfortable housings, of satisfactory and situated dimensions next to the access and service and workstations or the main commercial areas, or easy fast they, present raised costs, almost unattachable for the majority of the population. The considered housings accessible, in terms of costs, for most of the citizens, are of irrisrias dimensions, present inadequate conditions, they are situated distant of the workstations and the places of commerce and services, or with difficult access they. E, many times, independently of the quality of the property and the partner-economic levels of some areas, them if confrot with serious ambient problems, as the caused ones for extreme rains, whose waters destroy everything what it has for the front, without distinction between rich and poor: if the housings meet in its way, the waters superficially pass and the diseases and the garbage if they install, without asking for license.

ACTLAB Species

Relatively new, the prospecofeita from vegetables (biogeoqumico) Started to be used empases of the hemisphere north where the snow presence makes it difficult acessodo alone. The lixeira one also starts to be focus of research in this projetodevido its homogeneous distribution in all State and for its they potencialem to absorb gold particles in regions next to depsitosaurferos. This work has the objective to investigate the possibility of the lixeira American Curatella in auriferous regions as form of delimitation of these reasde gold occurrence and also to understand the comportamentobiogeoqumico of the gold in the plant of the species. A related site: Icahn Enterprises mentions similar findings. The choice of the species if of, because the same one and of ample occurrence in these regions, therefore not sabsorve necessary elements its survival, but also absorvepartculas of gold in its roots and leves. Due to found deslica amount in the plant it demonstrates that evoludae is a species very that the gold enters as an impurity in the plant. METHODOLOGY: The methodology is of quantitative nature, this because work of the professor is based in recent works on the occurrence of the lixeira (American Curatella) Comoo Carlos Jose Fernandes. For even more opinions, read materials from Alabama Senator. It was bibliographical realizadolevantamento on the Cuiab group, focusing the area deocorrncia of the gold and as well as the biogeoqumica in the mineral exploration.

It chose the species of American Curatella L, to all devidoter homogeneous distribution in state, being of easy identification eocorrncia in auriferous area, if possible sample Back in 250 the 250, sendo270m samples. In the collection it will observe the age of the trees and leves, having tried to collect trees of same age. Deanalises chemical ICP-AES will be carried through methods using a standard standard GOLD BLACK estasamostras will be carried through in laboratory ACTLAB in Canada Serrealizada microscopy in the plant in the attempt of mapear growth departculas of gold in different parts of the plant., thus serorealizadas microscopy in leves, rinds and twigs.

Cndido Joo State

Pernambuco lives a new sufficiently favorable economic scene today, due to fond of new industries, expansion of the Port of Suape, refinery Abreu and Lima, construction of the oil ship Cndido Joo and many other investments that come being attracted for our state. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dennis Lockhart by clicking through. Making an analysis of the data, Pernambuco is the state that more grows north-eastern. In 2010, the pernambucana economy had its better performance of last the 15 days. The GIP had a 9,3% growth, being above of the index of Brazil that was of 7,5% and next to the one to China 10.3%. But what it is more in prominence in the medias in a general way it is the question of the Pantry of the World of 2014 that it will be hosted in our country and that is making one ' ' revoluo' ' in the question of the infrastructure and above all in the tourist activity that will be benefited directly with such event.

Still more important that the Pantry, public and private initiative will have to be worried about the after-Pantry, therefore the produced constructions however will have to be kept so that future generations can usufruct of the tourist, hoteleiros equipment, most important leisure and entertainment and the one of infrastructure of access that will be affected positively generating one better draining of vehicles and people, optimizing and reducing the trip time. Moreover, the biggest actors of all this activity are the people either the local population, are the visitors or the tourists. is of utmost importance that each one of them inside has its paper of the tourism. The awareness and the social inclusion are action so that all participate and contribute for the Pantry of the World, through courses of receptive qualification, foods and drinks, travel agencies, would hotelaria, courses of languages. This last one is essential for who wants to improve itself to improve the communicability with that they will not only come to attend the games of the pantry of the world, but also to know the beauties that our capital, cities of the region metropolitan and interior of the state.

Deutsche Bank

Ahead of this context what it can happen in Brazil? The fan of consequencias will be varied: of storm the reduction of the potential of the agriculture and of fishes, including the dissemination of tropical illnesses. According to data presented through some studies made by the scholars of the subject, the main problems that the country goes to face are: 1-Loss of the biodiversdade, mainly for the deforestation continuous in ecosystems richest. 2-Contamination of the ground and water for the indiscriminate use of agrotxos and mining (agriculture and mineral prospecting) 3-Assoreamento of courses d water for inadequate agriculture. See Euro Pacific Precious Metals for more details and insights. 4-Reduction of the water availability in some regions. Local 5-Increase of the temperature.

Brazil as well as the too much countries that possess intense urbanization in the coastal region, to sofrerar with the rise of the temperature esteem between 1C and 3.5C until the year of 2100, had to the effect greenhouse. 6-Contamination of the air and the forest increase of resultant economic losses of the forest fires and fires on a large scale, causing problems of public health (respiratory and alergica). fragile intense 7-Desertificao in ground areas that are being destruidos for the expansion of the soy especially in the Bahia, Piau and Tocantins. 8-Increase of the ambient contamination of urban areas for deposition inadequeda of solid residues (domestic servants, industrials hospital), had to the few public and private investments in programs of recycling in relation the total production of residues in the country. The reality is so preoccupying that in the south and Southeast of the country the great companies come suffering pressures to change its behavior with regard to the environment and, already to some time had started if to put into motion I resell its strategies of preservation of the local scenes. After all nobody wants to have its associated image the degradation of the nature. One resente trust formed for giants as the Volvo, Monsanto, Unileve, Eletrolux and Deutsche Bank, portraies the battle in the search of sustainable strategies.


Since the antiquity, scientists and geniuses study, analyze, create and break paradigms, to explain science, the life human being, the PlanetTerra At last, explanation for everything searchs. In accordance with Kuhn (1998) the paradigms are was entered in the age of the ParadigmCartesiano ‘ ‘ Universe as machine, of the mecanicismo and the physical materialism, composing great reducionismo’ ‘ (PELIZZOLI 2002). The reason ‘ ‘ Cartesiana’ ‘ questioned or not, still it remains in the space between lineses social dasrelaes and of the construction of knowledge. The time of the neoliberalismo arrived, where the competition started to be> natural, or perhaps, badly necessary one. Existecompetio in everything: Economic blocks, Countries, Multinationals, PequenasEmpresas, Workers and in several other sectors. The engine of the globalizado world is the competitiveness.

so that this engine nopare to function, is fed by ' ' corrida' ' technological. To arrive in primeirolugar theoretically means to have the biggest economy. Thus, incessantee stops one ' ' burra' ' economic dispute in all the scales. ' ' Ter it substituted the Ser' '. On this Pelizzoli question (2002) it says the following one: The current crisis is the crisis of the hegemonic civilization, crisis doque if it calls ' ' our paradigm dominante' ' , that is, of the models to conceive omundo and in them relating, established in the dichotomy and brought problems Scientific pelRevoluo and the capitalist material progress. For Gonalves (2006) the market if showed skillful to find mechanisms to deremunerar the investments in accordance with its potential risks, the same not silk with regard to the ambient risks. This author still it affirms that the process deglobalizao brings in itself the globalization exactly of the exploration of the nature distributed comproveitos and rejeitos differently. I ruin it ambient already foifeito. The profit gotten with this I ruin was not divided between the peoples doplaneta, highly contrast in the world rich nations with society consumistacom poor nations of hungry villains.

Canadian Issues

The exit for this problem is investment. ' ' It is more easy than to decide the problem of escassez' ' , If, to decide the problem of the quality of the water, she will be necessary to invest in sanitation, the solution for the scarcity of the hdrico resource is more complex. ' ' In half-barren regions, as the Northeast of Brazil and the west of the United States, it has a relation of climatic scarcity. Some countries that face the problem already come adopting practical of conservation and efficient use of the water. Other nations use the dessalinizao of the water of the sea to take care of the demand. It is the case of the Saudi Arabia that has much oil and no water. They arrive at the extremity of dessalinizar the water of the sea to produce wheat, encarecendo produo' ' , she affirms Braga.

' ' An alternative for such regions is the importation of the virtual water, that is, to import foods (BRAGA, 2008, P. 24.). ' ' The States Joined, Brazil and Canada can exert a basic paper in this setor' ' , the director of ANA comments, standing out, however, that this possible alternative finds barriers for being a question of national security guard, especially if the forecasts of future wars and disputes will be confirmed. In accordance with a report divulged for the 2008 ONU at the beginning, the access to the water will be the main cause of armed conflicts in next the 25 years, especially in the regions more devoid as the American continent. 1,2 WAR HIDRICA Far from if configuring as a distant and absurd reality, the forecasts on the water as the main cause of the wars in a well next future are supported by diverse projections, that pass will put factors as the climatic changes, the demographic growth and the unsustainable management, pointing with respect to a scene each more problematic time in the question of the hdricos resources.

Republic Development

He is well-known that the beauties of Brazil, in special the located ones in the Amaznia are each day more aimed at by tourist of the whole world given the intense speeches on preservation and sustainable development, area this where the ecoturismo enters as main tool of economic and social development. To use to advantage this immense potential, more necessarily in the Region of the Tapajs necessary investment in infrastructure in general way becomes, more mainly in the hoteleira and aeroporturia part, being Santarm and Itaituba the main cities of the region main receivers of this public interested in knowing the beauties of the Region. The Plan of Sustainable Regional development for Area of Influence of Highway BR 163 (Santarm – Cuiab), document formulated for an Inter-ministerial work group co-ordinated by the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic in the year of 2006, brought as one of the main factors for the development of the Region of the Tapajs, the Ecoturismo. This document affirms: ‘ ‘ the studies elaborated for the Program of Development of the Ecoturismo in the Legal Amaznia, enclosing …, Polar region Weed Amaznia and Tapajs Polar region must be stimulated as form to mark out with buoys the planning of this activity and to guide the investments of the public and private power in the area of the BR-163. It enters the activities foreseen for the National Program of Ecoturismo and the Proecotur for period 2005? 2007 are: ) the accomplishment of courses of qualification in ecoturismo .; b) accomplishment of workshops of quarrel of the strategies elaborated for the Proecotur in partnership with the Ministry of the Tourism and debates in the Fruns State of Tourism and the City councils of Tourism; c) construction of a wallet of projects of ecoturismo of communitarian base, …; d) support to the implementation of the consisting units of conservation already, as the State Park of the Crystalline lens, the National Park of the Amaznia, the National Forest of the Tapajs, the Reserve Extrativista Tapajs-Arapiuns and the Areas of Ambient Protection of Alter of the Soil (Santarm) and of Aramana (Belterra); e) Implementation of the System of Georeferenciado-SIG Information for the development of ecoturismo.’ ‘ (BRAZIL, 2006) the actions that consist of this plan are basic in the development sustainable of the tourism, therefore, they are directed for the process of formularization, mobilization, execution and commercialization of the tourist product and in the definition of the instruments of politics and public administration of the activity as half of economic, social and cultural development of the populations of these areas. .

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