The EA

That is, a possible way to contribute so that the EA reach some of the objectives the one that if considers is through the art, of the education of sensible, since the humanity is living deeply a singular way of relation society nature, that for its peculiarity needs a particular form of reflection, of the aesthetic one (SHE HISSES, 2007). Saints (2001) ratify this necessity of a new reflection/action that is not based on principles of the rationality logical-instrument, and yes in principles as of the aesthetic-expressive rationality (of the arts). In this direction, FREIRE (2004) in it says that &#039 to them; ' a ontolgica imanncia of the participativo and creative impetus of the human being is decisive factor in the development of a critical and emancipatria conscience of the formation of the citizen moderno' '. MARIM (2006) also comments to this respect: The deep art new values. It opens independent perspectives and can take the human being if emancipate of those values that, for the reason or the imaginary heteronmia of a social one, to it are infused as necessities. Who lives deeply the phenomenon of the aesthetic experience ahead has of itself a much more ample and flexible world that one drawn by the consumption societies. (P.

286). That is, the art contributes for the change of the reducionista and fragmentador paradigm of the reality transposing its rationalization when working with the human being in a multidimensional way placing the individual in contact with the surrounding directions in its culture, being a necessity and challenge not only for the EA, but also for the formal education. Silveira (2009, p.379) when approaching what it stipulated to call ambient aesthetic education calls the attention for our union to the world, the inhabited place, the incarnate experiences, and adds that if we long for mature attitudes, ambiently correct and eticamente responsible, it does not have as to get leaving them solely of the science alicerada in the rational dimension.


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