The Quality

It fortifies your car concept or image. Cntrate in your talents, not in your defects. Result: you will project a strong, powerful, proactive leadership. 3.Tristeza/depression This emotion helps to prepararte a loss significant or to assume frustrated expectations. When it is prolonged, it means that you live under constant labor dissatisfaction (or personnel). Recommendation: it cries if you were not promoted that as much you wished, if the project that you carried out did not give the planned results or if you have visited 30 clients and all they said that no.

But later takes hold a handkerchief, dry your tears to you, releases the pain that this caused to you, otherwise you will begin to perceive to the full world of bitterness and you will become paralyzed, making the problem more serious. It undertakes a new beginning but applying a different formula. You do not return to do the same because you will obtain the same results. If east step becomes difficult to you, requests aid. Result: you will reflect an optimistic and creative leadership.

4.Preocupacin Permite to concentrate all capacities and creativity in the resolution of a challenge or problem. If constantly you are worried, means that you perceive too many labor or personal situations or challenges like circumstances on which you do not have influence or control, reason why most probable is than you are under constant stress or anxiety. Recommendation: before a challenge or problem, tomato a time to think about its possible causes and solutions. It defines well your strategy and it undertakes the required ways that dictate to your experience and common sense to you. Concntrate in the accomplishment of the actions that you decided. Although it seems contradictory, I recommend to you that psychologically you free yourself of the result that delays. This one will arrive as a result of the actions that you realise now, in other words, I want that you understand that the quality than you do in the present will form the quality of your future.


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