Velcom Typosquatting

What do you think, whether people deliberately buy domain names with obvious errors in their writing? the correct answer is yes. So rb has come to the so-called Typosquatting, specifically Typosquatting in the area. by for those who do not know: Typosquatting – register domain names that are close to writing the addresses of popular sites. and operator and Newspaper and Finally – and (Note: There is no point after the ) Question: Why do people deliberately register domain names similar in spelling to the names of known sites? Answer: everything is simple! to the person who makes a mistake in writing a well-known site, got a completely different life ie other words double-site, using the similarity with the name of the popular site, attracting a potential audience. Here for example we have an operator Wellcome and if you ask to write the name, surely someone will write Velkom not Velcom, and will get a completely different site. Here's the secret:).


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