DSP Service

How SMEs can easily save support costs. Computer for every company should be a help, a relief. Many SMEs make every day not only positive, but also nerve-wracking experience with their computer technology. This not least stems from insufficient knowledge regarding the maintenance of the own EDP. But this knowledge is usually not very convenient to have. That’s why many entrepreneurs, especially small businesses from 5-50 employees waive, professional support.

With such a behavior the company risk, greatly exacerbating the otherwise already precarious computer location. Because less maintenance and care will be tendered to a system, the potential sources of danger and failures are more common. And this in turn is reflected in reduced productivity. Such ugly situations until the end of the chain, the customer, are noticeably finally. Customers are gradually dissatisfied sales fall and melt revenue. And now it has even no budget left for servers, jobs and security, let alone for new investments in the computer.

META10 with their successful full service shows that can be stopped this vicious circle, range, the META10 desktop service providing via cloud computing (META10 DSP). META10 includes this new cloud computing approach the various gaps that occur when an in-house IT. Ranging from the recurring investments in hardware and software, the lack know-how regarding data security and backup, to support. A full service approach to the work. META10 supports several 100 desktop workstations and servers already? Companies the size of a Swiss Post are including, as well as small businesses with 5 to 30 jobs. This fact shows that the META10 DSP is affordable even for smaller companies. The Windows workstation is no longer running on your computer. You establish an encrypted connection via the Internet to your workplace.

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