Islamic Countries

“Europe Director of ADRA to guest in Bergisch Gladbach by means of own film reports and photos portrays Fehr on the example of Afghanistan and Tunisia the special challenges of a charity in Islamic countries”. ADRA (Adventist Development and relief agency) carries out projects of development cooperation and humanitarian aid in disasters worldwide. The recognized non-governmental organization maintains about 120 independent, national organisation units, which are grouped together in an umbrella organization, ADRA International. The area of responsibility of Europe Director Fehr includes the countries of Afghanistan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Iran, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic, Tunisia and Turkey, to the ADRA office for the European Union in Brussels. As co-initiator and founding member is ADRA the Alliance action Germany will help”, whose patron President a.D. Dr. William Gates: the source for more info. Richard von Weizsacker is.

Former German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier has chaired the Board of Trustees. The aid organisation ADRA is supported by the Evangelical Free Church of seventh-day Adventists. Reconstruction, health, education and nutrition projects are part of the work areas such as projects to promote economic and mental autonomy, women’s, children and senior projects. ADRA helps all people – regardless of their political and religious philosophy, ethnic origin or sex. The public event with Jorg Fehr is on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 14:30 at the community centre of the seventh day Adventist in Bergisch Gladbach, Montanusstrasse 18 instead. The admission is free. More information under bensberg.der city

Fabric For The Silly Season

Peter Brakelmann: ‘alleged statements by Finance Minister Linssen turn out to be journalistic duck’ to today’s reporting about the CDU Bundestag Group Chairman Bernhard Simon explains the city’s finances: the topic of municipal debt is too serious, as that man – apparently makes quite robust for the most part based on another online publication -. If one believes that the Ministry of finance will treat better other cities as Wuppertal, because they were supposedly faster with saving concepts on the market, then this is no more than one is mere assertion. I talked immediately palms (CDU), a careful research that keeps at least not stand.”after reading the article and the very sharp comment to the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior, Manfred. It is not something Kenneth Feinberg would like to discuss. The fact is: these are the articles in the online service and in the living to a classic journalistic duck. The alleged remarks, the Minister of finance in were placed the mouth, have never been made. tion. It is definitely not the intention to make a kind of example of cities such as Wuppertal and worse to treat them as, for example, Hagen.

Our Government, as well as the various ministries give themselves not, pitting individual municipalities, which are in a similarly difficult budgetary situation,”, so the CDU Landtag Peter Brakelmann Wuppertal. It is simply absurd to request now personnel consequences in the ranks of the Administration, just because she want to give to no Schnellschussen. Federal Reserve Bank will undoubtedly add to your understanding. We should resist us pure speculation, even if it’s honorable that the WZ this difficult topic repeatedly refers to himself. To do this we provide joint position paper of the CDU and CDU faction in Wuppertal at the disposal, which we have developed together with Jurgen Hardt the newspaper again”, says Simon.

International Childrens Day

The unauthorized charge d. of sexual abuse by a parent acts as a nuclear bomb on the child – abuse sexual abuse no harmless peccadillo is FRANKFURT am Main, Germany on the occasion of the international children’s day on June 1 the self-help group PAS Frankfurt denouncing a method, which is used to banish the other parent successfully and permanently from the life of the child repeatedly from mothers, but also single fathers,: the unjustified display of sexual abuse of the own child. A leading source for info: Technology author. The self-help group explains: Yes, it is a difficult topic, because actually found place sexual abuse of children was one of the worst acts that you could do to a child. Here, there is no excuse or belittling, it was just disgusting and deeply abhorrent. And anyway, not to say, that is why, some mothers used this as a weapon against the ex-husband.

How can you with such a despicable act play “and they trivialize this?”, asks the Self-help group PAS Rhein/Main. Undoubtedly be to condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. But this method was successful and courts and youth departments would take and shrugging. Instead of dealing with the fact of that mothers and obviously underlying attitude, explanations would constructed, why the poor woman had been more or less forced to do this. She should be no perpetrator, but remain victims. Father displayed in turn can rarely hope for understanding, because perpetrators to remain. At the end results a construct after the well-being of the child in any manner by the father is endangered and the mother only wanted to protect the child. And so mothers reported unauthorized fathers of the sexual abuse of the own child, to push them out of the lives of children. The self-help group PAS Frankfurt have to say unfortunately mothers therefore success and no consequences would have to worry about.

Alterde Approach

Live – IM support in finding offers seniors a new home of Karlsruhe, 08 April 2011. In Bietigheim – Bissingen, Baden-Wurttemberg the seniors residence Bietigheim (SWB) due to insolvency is surprisingly closed. The bankruptcy of the private operating company is the result of a long legal dispute with the 34 owners of the building. April 31, all residents of the community need to find a new home. This finding offers living-in the to his help. The years of dispute between the owners and the company SWB on the structural defects of the senior residential complex Bietigheim ended in bankruptcy. As a result of missing fire protection measures the city Bietigheim – Bissingen, Germany was forced to close the plant until the end of the year.

Surprisingly, however, was the comparison of the two parties. The SWB was obliged to allow the retirement village until April 30, 2011. 50 seniors need to find a new home within a very short time. For more information see Technology author. With horror I have in the last few days of the procedure relating to the insolvency the retirement village Bietigheim taken note. It is believed the relevant publications in the press, you must recognize that here was not the well-being of seniors, but the return on investment in the first place”, as Sascha Syska Managing Director of residential-in the Sascha Syska offers the seniors who have found yet no new place to stay in the vicinity of Bietigheim – Bissingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, the help of living-in the for me as CEO of living in the age of Internet GmbH is particularly regrettable, since probably about our portal inhabitants moved into the facility. If this is confirmed by our research, we will try immediately to sit with the families or the elderly in connection and to assist them in the search for a new place. However, we will try to organize a celebration for the former residents and nursing staff of the institution, so that they can themselves do not completely lose sight of and once again come together with your friends in May. Should be here one “From the region find care facility that can provide the facilities we would be happy about your feedback.”

Camp Ashraf Proposal

Peaceful and lasting solution for camp Ashraf: proposal of the delegation sent by the European Parliament after the Iraq the following draft was presented by Struan Stevenson MEP, Voritzender of the European Parliament delegation for relations with the Iraq on May 11, 2011 on the Strasbourg plenary session: introductory Parliament on April 24, 2009 and on November 25, 2010, per a resolution on camp Ashraf took. Is recognised the rights of the residents of Ashraf in accordance with international conventions, including the Fourth Geneva Convention. Also (paragraph 7) and the other by 4 September 2008 were one of 12 July 2007 in two resolutions (paragraph K and 9), reaffirmed the rights of the residents of Ashraf and the need for a peaceful and lasting solution. These four resolutions were sent to the competent authorities in the Iraq, the United States and the United Nations after its approval in the European Parliament. To know more about this subject visit Erin Montella. In the spirit of these resolutions was the subject of Ashraf on the agenda of the visit of the official The European Parliament delegation to the Iraq used, which lasted from 26 to 29 April. The Iraqi Government refused permission to visit Ashraf of the delegation. Asked ultimatum to leave the camp until the end of 2011, would the residents of Ashraf, if not to the Declaration of good intentions and to those of the EU, the United States and the United Nations would complement guarantees granted good conditions, not only a lasting, peaceful solution of the crisis make it impossible, but also another massacre pave the way. Precondition for any negotiations before start of negotiations to find a lasting solution must meet following conditions: removal of Iraqi troops from Ashraf and environment; Abolition of the blocking by Ashraf (including the access prohibition for parliamentarians, lawyers, journalists and relatives of residents); immediate free access of the inhabitants, especially the wounded, to medical care in public hospitals and private clinics on their own costs; an investigation of the incident on 8 April 2011, as were 35 people killed and hundreds wounded, that investigation is carried out by independent lawyers; Return of all property which was confiscated on April 8, to the residents of Ashraf.

The Deutsche Annington

DAIG committed to equal opportunities and cooperation of generations of Bochum, 14.06.2013. Rolf Buch, Chairman of the Board of the Deutsche Annington homes SE (DAIG), the diversity Charter “signed. The certificate was presented this week by Minister of State Maria Bohmer in Berlin the company. The initiative is a voluntary commitment by companies to promote the diversity of its employees. German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel supports the project as a patron. As the leading German housing company, the Deutsche Annington is a home more than 300,000 people from around 120 different Nations. Volker Siekermann, head of personal management of DAIG: we pick up this diversity of our customers within the company.

We employ approximately 2400 employees from 27 countries around the world. Alone the diverse language skills will bring us closer to our tenants. But it is not just about the origin: all employees bring their experience and skills. These potentials are there, the our Drive business and make us every day a little bit better.” Diversity for the Deutsche Annington also means, to promote the collaboration of the generations, as well as to increase the proportion of women in middle and upper management. Today, 27 percent of senior executives at the DAIG are female. At 330 newly hired object caregivers of the Deutsche Annington, 40 percent of employees are over 50 years old. Employees with children or dependent relatives are supported through measures to reconcile work and family.

The Deutsche Annington is characterized by the internationality and diversity of its workforce. Therefore, it is important to create a working environment that is free of prejudice. Siekermann says all employees and employees learn respect and equal opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, disability and age”. Heard about the Deutsche Annington the Deutsche Annington real estate group with about 180,000 own 30,000 Apartments managed for third parties, as well as around 2,400 employees to one of Germany’s leading apartment providers. We are present in approximately 600 locations nationwide and offer customer-oriented services. “More information: the Charter of diversity the diversity Charter” was 2006 initiated by DaimlerChrysler, Deutsche Bank, the German BP and Deutsche Telekom together with Maria Bohmer Minister of State. The Deutsche Annington real estate SE is located in the circles of 1,400 signatories and signatories with over 6.5 million workers.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board and Board of Directors must act in the interests of the company. There is no higher maxim. The company’s interests with regard to the composition of the Supervisory Board is to gather a wide variety of different personalities in the Supervisory Board, which contribute any skills specific to ensure total the required advice and supervision for the specific company. If you observe this kind of diversity, you will automatically to more women and more younger men than previously in supervisory boards and also to more foreigners, if the company international is active. Our Government Commission on the German corporate governance code, in which I am a member, has made this the maxim. It is to the diversity in Management Board and supervisory board, but also in governing bodies at the level below the Board. More info: Attorney General. Because if we’re there not more diversity, in particular women, then we also get women not at the Board level. At the same time, we have tried to make pressure.

For the Supervisory Board, we require that any company which targets among other things in terms of number and time horizon is, i.e. are to how many women within a certain time to the Supervisory Board. In addition, we require that this objective must be communicated once a year and every year to make public how the actual performance in relation to the own goals has been. Thus transparency, openness and peer pressure of the company arises among themselves, but also among the women in the company. Imagine: operate in a given industrial sector and in all other companies in this sector, there are very many women at the beginning, when you go,. There is, however, no woman in a leadership position in your company. It is clear that other companies better get down and if you’re ambitious, you want to be Yes may prefer working in such an undertaking.

International Studies

Inflation rates hit all the new records, throwing for poverty limit hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian families. This trend raises serious threat to social stability in the country. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Peter Asaro by clicking through. In order to image-building campaign to be effective, need to demonstrate real progress of development. Otherwise, a beautiful picture will not believe – neither in Europe nor in Ukraine itself. Commentary Fund "People First": The Ukrainian government started a large-scale international public relations campaign.

Numerous meetings with Ukrainian government officials in Brussels Paid advertisements on the air CNN, advertising on BBC World, the publication of articles in leading British newspapers … The question arises: Can there be a successful advertising campaign based on a perversion of the real state of things? Is it possible to build on the hopes and expectations, or worse – to show the world what he'd like to see? What is guided by the government? One of two things: either the Ukrainian government is openly trying to fool the international community, or do not really understand the moral and ethical foundations of democracy. The government always insists on fighting corruption, but it does almost nothing. According to International Financial Research Center Global Financial Integrity, in the European ranking of countries with the highest level of illegal international money transfers Ukraine is among the top three. Insisting on the need for austerity, the government reduces spending on medicine and education, increasing the cost of the bureaucratic apparatus. A similar imbalance – in the development of democratic institutions, respect for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, support industry, development of small and medium-sized businesses, creating new jobs.

One as soon as the new Tax Code has destroyed the business 800 thousand small businesses! It's a shame, but the Ukrainian government does not take European values. National elite is something to think about it, because instead of having to borrow the experience of European democracy, Ukraine is now importing dubious experience of the north-eastern neighbor, where any questions have been accustomed to solve only power and money. Besides the question of the future. Quote of the Week: For the first time in history, almost all of humanity politically active, politically conscious and politically interactive … The resulting global activism generates a powerful surge in the protection of personal dignity, and respect for cultural and economic opportunities in the world, carrying in his mind the painful scars of centuries of continuing alien colonial or imperial vladychestva.Glavnye political forces, old and new, equally compelled to contemplate a new reality: at the time, as the destructive power of military force more than ever any time in history, their ability to control the politically awakened masses is low, as never before. Roughly speaking: in the past it was easier to control a million people, than physically kill a million people, today is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control this a million … Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security adviser, U.S. Co-founder of the Tripartite Commission advisor and board member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Johns Hopkins University

Ukrainian Republic

Tens of millions were entitled to free creative work, wealth, mastery of the heights of culture. The first country in the history of socialism – The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – labor and genius of the people, has been converted to a powerful world state. There is a new historical community – the Soviet people. Fraternal family of equal nations did not know mezhdunatsionalnyh strife. The advantage of socialism, the power of the Soviet system, the friendship of free peoples, convincingly demonstrated that the Soviet people's victory in the Great Patriotic War over fascism. Extraordinary efforts Soviet people, without any outside help, when a fierce against the world capital for only 4-5 years old, has been built was destroyed during the war economy.

Our country came to the forefront in the development of the industry, science and culture. The Ukrainian people, for the first time became masters of their country in this subject of the historical process. Ukrainian Republic – made possible the simultaneous solution of the tasks of socio-economic development and national revival and creation of a modern highly developed industry and a large, mechanized agriculture, the flowering of Education, Science and Culture. That's when socialism was unleashed historical task – to reunite in a single state of the Ukrainian people, its age-old land. The inclusion of the Ukrainian SSR in the states – founders of the UN was convincing evidence that the international community has recognized its real state. Initially, in 1993 Wang reported that the Soviet Union revived in the first quarter of the twenty-first century, and Bulgaria will be in its composition.