Social Inequality
To think on the origin of the social inequalities were the found way to understand the sprouting of the informal work in the recycling. For this, first it was analyzed the civilizatrio process and the sprouting of the cities with the diverse problems of social degradation, aggravated for the planning lack. Parallel to the disordered growth of the cities appears the capitalism and the power of the consumption, bringing irreversible consequences for the society. One of these consequences, that follow in them daily, is the extreme generation of residues. helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Many people, front to the social inaquality, without no alternative for its survival, search in the informal work of the recycling an alternative for its sustenance. In this teia of relations and connections between civilizatrio process, capitalism, consumption, residues and informal work that this work if bases. Word-key: Social inaquality; Consumerism; Recycling.
1 INTRODUCTION Front to that we are living in our relation with the planet, in what if produces as resulted of one said rationality in evidentes signals of destruction it was the initial thought for the construction of this work. As human beings ‘ ‘ ditos’ ‘ intelligent they had come to stop in this situation of as much inaquality, poverty, destruction and even though self-destruction? Until point we are truily guilty for the current situation? The joined solutions are the ideals to solve the problems faced in our society? A brief survey to identify the origin of these problems was carried through, but it does not stop pointing the culprits for the current situation, and yes with respect to one better agreement of what it is happening to our redor. With the aid of some thinking contemporaries, as Boaventura de Souza Saints, Isabel Oak, Darcy Ribeiro, among others this work was based.
Tags: environment