French Diet
The books of the Dukan diet have become a success of sales anywhere in the world. The French dietician has turned its revolutionary Dukan method into one of the diets of thinning with a greater pursuit, composed by four different programs that they make possible to the people the fast loss of corporal weight. One of the postulates of this diet is that, while other slimming regimes do not avoid that the people return to increase of weight after realising the diet, Dukan pleads for the stabilization of the metabolism, insisting to the people to only eat rich protein foods like the milky meat and products, once for week, after finalizing its treatment, whereas the rest of the week the food consumption is the normal one. The Dukan diet does not have to be confused with the diet of Atkins, rich in butter, oil, greasy meats and cream, since, according to Pierre Dukan, it is not possible that the people lose their own fat ingesting the fat of other sources, reason why the French dietician pleads for a plan to become thin free of rich proteins in fats, fomenting the elimination of the fat and avoiding the wearing down of the muscle. Some of the known books more, published by Dukan and that are reaping a success of sales anywhere in the world are Informed the Dukan method: how to always become thin quickly and for , the prescriptions of Dukan and with himself not to thin .
Tags: books