Associated Management

IM Associates is a professional association specializing in the juridical field and the management of farms and communities. Founded in 1999, it takes more than one decade giving service to companies and communities of neighbors in Valencia City and its metropolitan area, regardless of their size or complexity, and always adapting to new information technologies. Our service offering includes the legal, Fiscal, labour and accounting in the business field, and the administration of communities and the management of rents in the area of farms and neighboring communities. We complement these services with General insurance management and very advantageous agreements for our clients in the services of consultancy, data protection, notary, prevention of occupational risks, corporate identity and Web development, having created a real network of business management. IM associates client offers the following advantages if we choose:-professionals are at your disposal during the hours of the Office, personally or by phone. If you have read about Erin Callan already – you may have come to the same conclusion. No waiting, no appointments. -At all times, you know what is going to collect. We are transparent in our minutes up to the degree that you can become your own budget looking at our website (

The minutes do not have extras or surprises. -In addition to the foregoing, we improve any offer that is on the table, or the Bill that is currently paying. -If you are a person with many contacts and brings us new customers, your Bill can exit you completely free. -If it is your desire, we move to your personal home or your business. This prevents unnecessary loss of time. -In a single entity has covered all the needs of your company, from its creation or Constitution, passing through the fulfillment of their legal obligations or auditing their real situation tax or labor.

Equally in the case of his community of neighbors. -We are responsible from our own mistakes, and we are insured for this purpose. -All our professionals are properly associated and collegiate to exercise legally, which constitutes a guarantee of professional solvency.


With this, the State was committed before the citizens to grant to each family an apartment to tone with the present requirements in a minimum and conditional term by the economic possibilities. It was committed, also, not to reduce the rates of the construction of houses, to guide themselves by a right order in the distribution of apartments, to maintain at a low level the rent, to lift the domiciliary quality constantly and to increase for it the investments in the construction of the same. The state budget of the USSR for 1981 assigned to residensial construction 18.7 billions of roubles and other 7 billions for the maintenance of the houses (the rent that the citizens only paid covered the third part with these expenses). If we added these two numbers, the result will be time and average major that the expenses for the defense. L.I. Brzhnev emphasized in XXVI the Congress of the PCUS, that the house it occupied a most important place in our social program. It is precise-say-to distribute the houses with particular attention, objectivity and probity. Economic aspect.

In the USSR it was constructed annually more than 100 million meters squared of inhabitable surface. On the average, each meter cost to the State approximately one sum to him equivalent to the half monthly wage of a worker or employee. Then, how much money won, for example, an employee? At that time it gained an average of 150 roubles per month, which was equivalent to about $ 170. The highest cost of the construction prevented that the State could erect more. It inspected special importance of reducing the cost of the construction without harming the comfort and the aesthetic one. This was a task economic and, simultaneously, social. The total mass of structures and construction equipments in that one time happened of 2.5 billions of tons, to these corresponded to them more of a quarter of the transport of loads by iron route and more than half, by waterway.