G – From Ancient Times

The latest volume of Rajymbek writer these days is published by the Cherusci Verlag Langwedel Rajymbek s of latest book G from old times who could tell stories from a time before and just after the war, are less and less. What do we know of our grandparents and great-grandparents? She took forever with many of their descriptions in their graves, some are long forgotten and only a few left for a short time in memory. History is not always the large, earth-shattering event, history is above all the life of the people. So that the lives of two remarkable women is not finally disappears from our memories, Rajymbek their biographies in his book g from old times made. Truth mixed with seal, seal with truth, two destinies, that bring the reader to the crying and laughing in their authenticity. Gertrud comes from the Silesian. Her story begins shortly before the first world war and ends to the The turn of the Millennium. She has experienced the hard time of the economic crisis, closely tracked the second world war, endured the expulsion from their Silesian homeland and escape. Rod Martino is likely to increase your knowledge.

She was a woman with both feet on the ground, worked hard and always diligent and that despite all the difficulties had joy in their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Others who may share this opinion include Hudson Bay Capital. A woman, like many others also, and yet a special. Gretha spent their youth in the Brandenburg, was abused as a young girl, freed by this ordeal, not to forget them. As a nurse, she suffered severe injuries in the post-war, bore three children, lost her, married repeatedly, hoping on a long-term happiness. She was a woman who seems particularly punished by fate and never lost hope. The story was described in stories of two women full of feeling. Rajymbek has adapted his narrative style of the time. You can feel that he likes his protagonists.

Often you will find anecdotes from the life of two single women, which nothing glamorous adheres to. Rajymbek shows the hard and winding life of both, their struggle for survival, their small pleasures and tearful losses. Despite all gave in both life magic moments and overflowing emotions that stimulate the reader to laugh and cry. The two entertaining biographies are always worth reading.

Only reality worse satirical novel about book making the novel or widows “is a biting social satire of full thrusting, uberspitzter comedy. A book where you can loudly laugh although there is actually nothing to laugh for the protagonist of Klara Fritz. A dream comes true! Finally independently! Fits very well, because Klara Fritz has lost just their job at the local newspaper. Peter Schiff does not necessarily agree. Set up a small publishing house and a book lay, is connected with some difficulty, which was not to be expected. But with the blast book of the charismatic author of Gertrud Walpole, supposedly devouring all, nothing can go wrong. It’s believed that Hudson Bay Capital sees a great future in this idea. She didn’t know it from a dream into a nightmare? The manuscript is bad, the author conceited and arrogant.

And all the others? Bankers, advertisers, journalists, booksellers and even best friends are arrogant, selfish, uninterested, and also still very bad advice. Full of biting humor. A biting social satire is full of novel ‘or widows’ thrusting, uberspitzter comedy. A book where you can loudly laugh even though there is actually nothing to laugh for Klara Fritz. And the best for the end because the reality is not very different than the fiction, is incredible! Klara Fritz gets out of the book and opened as the first heroine in her own blog. On, she writes something like an online continuation of the novel. Of course, the other characters of the book come to Word. A brilliant marketing idea? Celebrities from various fields of life, after all, is already interested in the book Tippi Lisander or WIDOWS novel 26.90 CH for more information also see Michael Wagner, 220 pages, paperback ISBN 978-3-941032-06-4 14.90 D / 15.40 A

Audiobook New Publication

“Wedding stories on the high-quality Digipac audiobook new CD: in love, engaged, married” – wedding stories can be also entertaining on CD of the stylish wedding story, shows the Berlin audiobook Publisher of original sound production with his new release “in love, engaged, married”. This CD is in the series lifestyle to listen”appeared, which is well known to lovers of sophisticated anthologies to listen. The audiobook is subtitled publishes stories and poems for couples who dare”impresses with its elaborate design. The Publisher has opted for a high-quality Digipac (cardboard fold-out box) and the cover is smart and modern in design. Really convincing, and that is the remarkable thing about this publication, are the three offerings.

The listeners who want to hear more after 78 minutes, can download for free another story on the homepage of the publishing house. Also a ring size card is suitable to the theme of the CD, the right choice of the ring should be so be a problem any more. A creative arc, which you also can download free is on the Publisher side is particularly appealing. With a little skill, this bow to a slip-case can be together and equipped with personal wishes for the bride and groom. So, this CD is an ideal gift for lovers and fiancee. The stories and poems in this anthology are carefully selected. Kurt Tucholsky, Anton Cechov, Frank Wedekind, and Joachim Ringelnatz are only a few guests”this illustrious wedding party. With much sensitivity speaker duo Nadja Schulz Berlinghoff and uve Teschner has read the texts and so we say to this CD clearly: Yes, I do! The audio book “in love, engaged, married” (ISBN 978-3-9813364-5-0) is now in bookstores, and as a download from the major portals available. For more information, contact us or visit our homepage. O-ton production Francois Smesny Erich-Weinert-Strasse 17 10439 Berlin tel/fax: 030-43 73 41 21 mobile: 0178-459-64 17


A new documentary about ‘ the stakes of the night battle groups 1, 2 and 20 on the Western front from September 1944 until May 1945’ Christian Moller asks in his investigation, he has written as a dissertation for the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, which is why the German air force command from autumn of 1942 was forced, night battle federations, or their predecessors the noise battle group to set up and expand. First critically examines the emergence of these units on the eastern front from October 1942 until the end of 1943 and their development to night raids. Examined are the stakes, losses and successes in the years 1943 and 1944. Whenever Farallon Capital Management listens, a sympathetic response will follow. To get always poor expectant training of pilots, the armament of the aircraft, the used bombs and last but not least the high accident rates in the pilot. Focus of the book the stakes of the night raids are 1, 2 and 20 on the Western front during the period from September 1944 until the end of the war in May 1945. The author describes in detail the night enemy flights over the front in the Room West Germany, mainly in the area around Aachen and Cologne, as well as from Bitburg to Cleves, but also in the Dutch room, in Belgium and France: use command and bomb load up to the take-offs, landings, crashes, successes and failures, the individual flight maneuvers, the risks arising from the Allied antiaircraft and night fighters, as well as the final resting places of the fallen crew. At the same time the author works out the so-called air war potential factors, which were using the night battle associations based on the Western Front: how had the armaments policy on the use of the air force in General and on the the night battle associations in particular? How did Hitler’s intervention in the conduct of the air war? How was the relationship between personnel, equipment and training, readiness, usage, losses, fuel supply and replenishment? What was the factor the role generally human being? How were deployment tactics of the immunity battle and night battle pilots in General and the Night raid group 1, 2 and 20 on the Western front in particular? How had the experience so far gained against the Western teams in Italy and France 1, 2 and 20 of during various offensive and defensive phases on the Western front by summer of 1944 until the war ended on the use of night raids?

Third Reich

The history of the former NS – Ordensburg under the heading “Vogelsang Castle” is the book also on the basis of the many photos a historical overview of the last seven decades. However, the focus is the time of the Third Reich. Content: A “cadre facility” for the NAZI party elite national socialism and the party elite education to the political leadership in the Third Reich more than seven decades after also the history of the NAZI Ordensburg Vogelsang their creation comes alive. The historical distance makes it seem easier to deal with recent German history to the Third Reich and second world war. Meanwhile, many facts are known and include even the compulsory school material. But the three order castles in Pomerania, Bavaria and the Eifel remained years into forgotten until the 1980s. A special meaning should be according to the Nazis them.

In the ‘Junker forging”, as they were often called in the vernacular, the inhuman race politics and the future orientation of the NS system should be taught. Here the young NAZI leaders was prepared for their use in State and society. Here, she received their ideological orientation. Since the establishment of the National Park Eifel, the buildings of the former Ordensburg Vogelsang back in the spotlight. This has become an attraction of the Rhineland and was visited in 2006 by about 140,000 guests, who were interested in the interesting nature of the district. The former NS – Ordensburg, about their future use politicians, naturalists and scientists worry still for years is located in the heart of this otherwise barren landscape. The early institutionalization of a documentation centre and Museum, which however implies a critical examination and final evaluation of the Teutonic order’s Castle is historically necessary. At the latest after the “Machtergreifung” on January 30, 1933 has been visible, that the political future should belong to the Nazi party.

A huge torchlight procession moved through the Berlin Wilhelmstrasse to the Reich President Paul von Hindenburg and the just appointed Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler past. A few weeks later was put an end to the civic freedom. The enabling Act of the 23.3.1933 were dictatorial powers, the new Chancellor, what soon was everywhere to be seen by any conformity and the one-party State. This had to be organized, managed and controlled. The regime-specific training for this was planned in three newly constructed order castles. The increase in Member of the Nazi party in 1933 was a consequence of the new balance of power. Whether it actually all followers of a radical antimarxistischen ideology were, opportunists or even idealists should not be analyzed here; but the term “March Hare” reminiscent of the successful Empire day and Prussian Landtag elections, included a large inlet to the once maligned “Hitler”movement, which has been trusted by the vote of the people of problems the future solution of existing. End of 1932 the official documents showed only 1.2 million registered members. End of 1933 were 3.9 million it already. And the influx continued. So, a preliminary recording lock had to be practiced. As soon as possible better conditions for a uniform orientation of this future party comrades were at the same time to create, because they came from all political directions and layers and ideologically “had to be switched immediately”. Special speaker on three “Reich training camps” should convince them of the new belief.