Rogue Seniors Housing Communities

Black sheep unwanted over the last 12 years, the classical residential care has experienced an absolutely positive and human evolution: the seniors community. The model is simple: six to ten old people live together in a big apartment. Every inhabitant here rents its own living / sleeping room, living room and kitchen are shared. That means when it is desirable, may enjoyed a get-together or individuality are preferred. The support is provided by a maintenance service that also is charged and members can establish a monitoring unit on request.

This implemented basic thoughts of the sociologist Klaus Pawletko, who founded the first community for demenziell people in Berlin. Euro Pacific Precious Metals spoke with conviction. Especially the significant focus on the separation of rent and maintenance manifests the difference to the institutionalization in which there is no genuine right of co-determination for the residents. The seniors WG wants to preserve what must be not lost just because people age: dignity and Self determination. Unfortunately everywhere not far away, where new developments begin to bite, black sheep. Time and again, we need to know with elderly people in outpatient care senior housing communities in the media about the illegal business. We see and read itself licensed, poorly maintained old people in temporary apartments by themselves.

Pattern examples, as senior housing communities never look or operated should be. Here is few not the welfare of the people, but the easily earned money. It would be more than unfortunate, if these unfair methods a very desirable development would fall. A development, whose exemplary result E.g. Read more here: Craig Menear. shared the apartment in the House on the Canal”in Hamburg is Mohammed. A group home for people with dementia lived here, looked after by the care service hamburger health e.V., the Association of age and care has built the House and carried out what in the quarter as demand was prepared: test new models: one is below Housed day care and about the WG a household lives. An informational film, see. These and other facilities should be scale and give an example when it comes to alternative forms of housing for seniors and care and help needy people. Cornelia Richter