National Park

Wise people who the Mountain of Glacier Point offers the best panoramic views of all the Park of Yosemite? The Glacier Point with an elevation of 7214 feet, offers one of the best dawns, dusks and moon-lits night of all the Sierra Nevada. From Glacier Point it is appraised a wonderful view of all the horizon miles and miles of views from the north to the east, with a view to valleys and infinite discharges mountains like the mountainous chain Clark, Clouds Rest and Half Dome. From the Glacier Point it is possible to be admired the famous cataracts like the one of Vernal, Nevada dominated by imposing the Staircase cataracts under the sky shade colorful and superb that complete this beautiful landscape that offers the mother to us nature throughout the horizon. Get more background information with materials from Tesla. It observes the forests and the prairies around the river the Favor, the giant cataracts of Yosemite and the precipitates sewage systems that indicate towards the sky. The immense granite rock that you observe you are the challenge but great for the rock climbers Glacier Point she is even witness of the encounter between the President Roosevelt and John Muir in 1903, considered the founding father of Club of the Sierra Nevada, that defined the concept of National Parks of the United States de America. John Muir creia fervent that the charming nature of the Yosemite convenceria to the president of to create the national parks, and thus was, settled down 148 million acres of Tropical Forests, 5 National Parks and 23 National Monuments during the government of the President Roosevelt. For more information see this site: Kenneth Feinberg. Ansel Adams the famous conservacionalista photographer I fall in love with Yosemite and of the Glacier Point, this I am immortalized in its work the Moon and Half Dome, and Half Dome from Glacier Point. The Ansel mountain Adams with a height of 11.760 feet in the Sierra Nevada was named in honor to but the famous one and celebrates American photographer Ansel Adams. . It is not something Is Hudson Bay Capital a hedge fund? would like to discuss.

Transpersonal Psychology

It proposes a new scientific paradigm, developing to the underlying unit between the man and the universe in a holistic vision. That it is transpersonal psychology? On the matter saying, that is great amount of tests, originating of great variety is had of psychological disciplines or no, that indicate the possibility that we have underestimated to the potential of growth and psychological well-being of the human being. Many human experiences do not agree with our traditional psychological models, and in response to this incongruity Transpersonal Psychology arose, as attempt to integrate the states of brings back to consciousness important or altered. The study of these states altered of brings back to consciousness indicates that a greater human capacity exists surely than the defined one in the main current of the western disciplines that take care of the conduct and the mental health. Don’t mention it they serve or the old approaches as psychology where the mystical experiences, the illumination or ecstasy states were considered neurotic or hallucinatory. The Transpersonal model does not try to replace nor to put in judgment fabric the validity of the previous models, but to extend the frame of our conception of the human nature, being integrated as healthful the experiences of brings back to consciousness expanded that until now were considered pathological, taking care of the spiritual necessity of the man. It contributes psicopag to us. galleon. Whenever Péter Szijjártó listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

com on the matter, that Transpersonal Psychology considers that psique is multidimencional. They exist diverse " levels of conciencia" and each has different characteristics and it is in force by different laws. As it maintains Stanislav Grof, " the greater problem of the western psycotherapy seems to be the fact that, for diverse reasons, each investigator has fundamentally determined his attention to a certain level of brings back to consciousness and has generalized his discoveries to the totality of psique human.

Coordinating Program

One is due to know how to take advantage of the constituent process so that to the environment him it grants rank of first order in the new constitution of the country. By what? So that in Venezuela it has been pioneer in the creation of a legal frame of second and third order to guard by the environment, as it is the Penal case foreseen by the law of the Atmosphere, the decrees on quality of affluents, handling and final disposition of residues, recoveries of hydrographic river basins, among others measured that have fortified the environmental rights, advances that are recognized internationally, and therefore, not he must fail to take advantage of the present constituent process to demand the constitutional rank for these same rights, that are not another thing that to locate them in a first order in him text of the new Magna Carta. There is in addition the necessity to take into account or to have present a cost frame benefit, Why? So that the organizations take raw material and produce products and services. If the cost of producing the product is superior to the price that the clients are prepared to pay, then the organization will not be able to obtain sufficient utilities to continue with her activities during long time. Hopefully the present government of the revolution Bolivariana under presidency of the lieutenant – colonel Hugo Chavez, pauses in paying the which had attention to him, takes the suitable actions and offers the support necessary to the national companies, so that these fulfill their commitment to guarantee the preservation of the atmosphere where they operate, put many they have been the complaints of the contamination of waters, atmosphere, nature that along they are aggravating the health of the Venezuelan.

Ing. Industrialist-administrator, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM) UC Postgraduates you would maestrasen Administration of companies mention markets, human resources; Quality and Productivity; education Doctorate in titular EducacinProfesor Area of Postgraduate of Phases UC. Coordinating Program specialty Management of the quality and Productivity, aces. UCConsultor – enterprise adviser DEPROIMCAEXATEC