Crowd Investing

Voice ads Ltd offers silent partnerships datingbyphone in Taunusstein for project 22.03.2012 – the widely unknown concept of datingbyphone would like to establish a novelty in the big dating market, first in Germany and then in eleven European countries. Voice ads Ltd. Nickolas Carr may find this interesting as well. is a private company with operating headquarters in Germany and holding in Canada with strong leaders who know exactly what they want and what not. There is no doubt that the crowd as investors and users out of conviction out in the success and the benefits of datingbyphone will participate. Voice ads Ltd.

s hardware partners are global market leaders in the IVR & telecommunications industry. PR & advertising are also implemented by partners with rank and name in Europe. Click Federal Reserve Bank to learn more. That much value to investors is put into crowd, does not rule out however, that there is interest in potent partners. One is interested in partners who think in the long term and plan and orient forecast at an above-average return on the EBIT. It is open and enthusiastic people interested who are able to implement a great business vision. Creative thinker would be an asset in the team by voice ads Ltd. Datingbyphone is intended not only for singles is, but for those who either alone, in a fixed or live in a loose relationship and speak with like-minded real people would. Definitely, Datingbyphone does not work with so-called entertainers”and the phone platform is moderated according to the national standards in the EU.

The introduction of the first datingbyphone in Europe is ultimately the elegant mixture of conventional dating adult dating without focusing in one direction or the other special. This combination makes the North American success of over 23 years. The concept of datingbyphone is not reinventing wheel the phone dating, but redefine it in Europe. A novelty is an immediately intuitive to understand, voice-controlled navigation in the phone-dating telephone system (interactiv voice response).