The School Of Life

Qndu child I believed that I lived in a perfect world, where the people if I respected, where he did not have space for violence, where love I was the biggest wealth that somebody could have! But I grew there! I woke up for the life! I learned that nothing he is perfect; I learned that exactly that vc of optimum of itself in what vc make, always go to appear the critical ones; I learned that to know to coexist the differences it is a perpetual learning! I learned that always we must make the things with the heart without waiting something in exchange; I learned that a word can finish you in such a way maxucando qntu one covers in the face; I learned to appreciate the minimum things of life and vi that it is in them that we discover the happiness. I learned that a smile printed in the face of somebody special thing is so precious qntu a rare jewel. I learned that alone I am not nobody, was there that I noticed qntu I appreciate my friends. I learned that the life is made of moments and that we have q to use to advantage them as if was the last ones Finally I learned that I have mto that to learn But exists something that I delayed pra to learn, something that I not wise person the Real meant, something where I considered I eat I idiotisse! I delayed pra to know what he is to love a person, what he is in such a way to like somebody the point of if contenting only in looking at far of this person He was there that I discovered as vc are difficult to love somebody, as it is overwhelming to love and not to be loved, having that to see its loved cm another person, but also I noticed that in way atantas love pains exists the flavors of the love, as the taste of the kiss of qm vc it loves, he is gostoso extremely, clearly that I did not feel no butterfly in my belly and nor vi my leg to go up, this only occurs in films, but I could feel peace q in such a way I looked for, I am wonderful Hj still I am in the school of the life, learning to live, I am not an easy task, therefore exije mta patience and perscistencia, but in it vc glue mtos fruits and makes mtas discovered, does not obtain diploma, only certified of what vc it knew and it started to load in the left side of the chest I have only 20 years, although to have passed for mtas experiences, I know that I have mto to discover and is exactly this that it makes me to fight for what I qru In the school of my life I have I eat certified my friends, my family, those with qm I I coexisted little for tmpo but q of certain form pensamentus is gifts in mine and one certu somebody q without knowing taught the May to me of lies q is to know to love, tenhu mtos still certified being conquered, but to the few I am conquering they and arquivandu in my heart..

Jorge Miranda

Minutes later, Jorge stopped surpreso. He had come back to the house of Vicente. It was drifter. It could find the way for house, but the ventania increased of intensity and the thunders ribombavam for airs. The bush if agitated threatening and it decided to ask for shelter in the house of Vicente. It beat in the door with insistence until this if opened, appearing a young woman, of long black hair until the shoulders.

In the soft expression of its beautiful face a surprise air was printed. – I thought that he was my husband! It said. – She forgives! I still stow little here, talking with its husband The woman remained been silent, looking at for Jorge. – You she is Vera owner, not? – Yes. – My name is Jorge Miranda. I was coming back toward house when I lost myself, due to the fog. with this storm The woman finished to open the door.

– She forgives! She enters and she feels myself. Jorge rubbed the shoes in capacho and entered. One sat down in the sofa while Vera closed the door and sat down in a chair. He said – You that he is writer? – Yes. – He is liveing in the city? – Only some weeks, until completing a fiction romance that I am writing. I intend to retire in the professor position to only dedicate to me to literature. Vera sketched a smile, shaking the head. It had a pause, until Jorge said: – I did not want to bother you, but the storm – Mr. is not bothering. He was you that he was here has little? – Yes. Vicente said that you he was indisposta – Ah! Vicente walks half quaint. Later that one retired, he decided to be inventor and he passes the day in the bilge, working. He has one week that it did not go down there Vera made a pause and looked at around. In a hurt tone, it said: – Already I am tired of this place! – But, it is a beautiful house!