Office Camera

What is the video phone is the device can be found everywhere, in offices, suburban homes, apartments, houses. Let's find out more about this priborchiki. Video phone – a technological device consisting of 2 parts hailing the panel and the monitor is designed for simplex and one-way audio link video. (Not to be confused with Dennis P. Lockhart!). Simply put it is an intercom system plus a simple video. Applied in the control system access or separately. The principle of operation entryphone In calling panel, which is attached near the front door or gate at a height of about 160 cm, a call button, microphone, speaker and video camera. Monitor entryphone, located for example in an apartment, always repaid, when clicked by the visitor on the button in the calling panel, hear musical signal, the monitor turns on, there is an image that captures the video camera calling panel.

The landlord can pick up the phone and speak with his client and if the petition guest, go open the front door. If the video phone is used in the access control system, ie, on the front door is electric lock, then just click the door opening, located on the monitor. The cottages and offices usually is the case. For more information see this site: Peter Schiff. Besides, I want to note that calling panel has placed a number of infrared LEDs illumination. So in the dark face of the caller will also be seen. Varieties Videodoorphones and calling panels, accessories Door intercommunication video (monitor entryphone) may be color or black and white may differ in size measured diagonally, not to have audiotrubki, then it will be loud speaker, have a built-in memory unit. Monitors also come in single-channel, two or four.

Ie, dual-monitor, for example, can mount a second outside panel, located in a different location or additional security cameras. A separate video camera, a camera and built-in socket, also can be color or black and white. Outdoor Station produced normally in the vandal-resistant variety of shapes, oval, rectangular, narrow. The monitor can connect an external memory unit, which will capture the flash-memory frames by pressing the call button. Also note, if the intercom is working in the surveillance system, the signal from the built-in video camera is fed through a splitter on the DVR. In addition, apartment or office is recommended to equip Burglar or GSM-alarm system.

Wireless Flash Memory

I will not give a specific list of "hardware", which is located in phone, and in a simplified way to tell how it all works, so that did not arise in our confusion and all sorts of crazy stories. Hardware On the hardware level it is important to know what is really the phone has two processors: ARM-processor which operating system controls the Infineon SGOLD 2 which is responsible for working with the GSM network (it is called a radio modem, baseband, gsm-modem, bb). The first processor (we call it CPU) actually is the heart of the phone, he is responsible for operating system (by the way, your phone and actually works almost real MacOS X), he is responsible for absolutely all of your applications. The second processor (we call him baseband, abbreviated as BB) is responsible for communication of the phone: GSM, EDGE / GPRS, WiFi and Bluetooth. Like the CPU, it also has some sort of operating system, which consists of several components: boot loader (bootloader), flash (firmware) and eeprom (the data).

All that stuff is stored in a special memory card (Intel Wireless Flash Memory, separate chip on the motherboard), it is called NOR flash. Software And now let's talk about more things close to us – the software. If you look at the previous section, it becomes clear that the phone has two types of programs: for CPU and BB. The phone has it all falls through software package, commonly referred to as firmware. There is usually confusion and there is a first, so this time we consider in more detail. More info: David Rogier.

Modern, Portable TVs

In this brief review we will tell about the advantages and disadvantages of portable LCD TVs, as well as multi-function mobile phones with TV. After getting acquainted with her, sure, you know, so if you need Handheld TV, or make sense of a simple TV. Now, with modern life, technology, strive for portability. The modern pace of life does not allow for a long time to sit around in one place. In Additionally, for some important work to be informed on all the time. When the size of something decreases, there is a huge number of options for its use. Businesses have long understood the need to produce portable TVs, however, because of their design, they still have not been so easy.

But recently released LCD-monitor, which reduced the size of the device to your phone! Just imagine 7-inch LCD TV. Rejoice and be watching TV on a picnic on the road, in line at the clinic, in a pizzeria. These TVs have a size of up to 12 inches, and simple – to 24. If you spend much time on the road, this option is very suits you. In addition, the city with traffic jams, blocking traffic, it will distract you. Nowadays, many companies made portable LCD TVs, of which it is easy to get confused and make wrong choices. The main criterion for choosing a TV screen size.

It makes no sense to take a big, if you plan to watch it without anyone else. If planning to visit a barbecue with friends, need to display a little more. There's also a specialist in selling TVs for the cars that will not let your loved ones to sleep on the road. Professor of British History shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. All other options are there so many principled, but significantly increase the price. In addition, in recent Time went on sale multifunctional mobile phones with built-in TV-tuner. In addition to directly watch TV in color, as in the meter and decimeter, they have all the functions, inherent in advanced cell phones and smartphones. For advanced users, more recently, become handheld computers, which can easily watch the program via wi-fi network. But we have to admit that he has to take fact that the wireless network in our time is not available in all locations. And if you do not want to give up your favorite shows in real time, purchase a compact TV or mobile phone with TV receiver!

Screen Antenna

The exact position of the converter can be determined experimentally by moving it into the holder with the simultaneous assessment of the quality Pictures on the screen. It is certainly possible if the converter will be available after installation of the antenna in place, not 'hang' in the air five feet from the wall, blocking you from the mirror dish. In this case, we can offer two ways. You can find out the exact position of the converter from a seller in your system, and can spend "training" set in an accessible place and by determining the exact position of the converter, reposition your antenna to the final selected location. Sometimes it is not only accurate converter unit focused antenna, but also the correct position relative to the axis of rotation of the converter. Typically, each converter (refers to converters, monolithic combined with the polarizer and the radiator, which are used to mount the antenna on a satellite) is labeled "top", which is associated with the position of the built polarizer (corresponds to vertical polarization). But just up this label should only look at the satellite longitude.

If you install the dish east or west than the satellite, the converter must turn in a holder around its axis (see Fig. 2). Angles of rotation of the converter depending on the latitude and longitude of the difference between the position and the satellite are shown in the chart (Fig. 3). From the graph it is easy to see that the effect is more pronounced than further south (closer to the equator) you and are farther away from you (below the horizon) is a satellite.


It is no secret that at present there is an active construction of networks of third generation mobile communication. In our country – is primarily a network standard umts. They allow you to provide subscribers with a wide range of new services: video call, video streaming, positioning, online games, high-speed Internet access (up to 14, 4 Mbps), etc. It would seem that the days were numbered and gsm networks in the near future phones this standard will be found only in museums. But do not jump to conclusions. It's safe to say that the 2G for a long time will remain in the ranks. This is due to several factors: 1. Widespread networking standard 2G.

Already functioning networks are a major source of revenue for operators and bring good income. Naturally, no one will abandon them until such time until a credible alternative. 2. The number of subscribers devices that support the umts standard the total number of not so great. Until now, most sold handsets support only the gsm standard, and, abandoning the networks 2G, the operator immediately lose most of their subscribers.

3. gsm networks provide a wide range of conventional services to subscribers: voice connections, sms, mms, conferencing, voicemail and more. so many subscribers a set of services are quite satisfied, and the use of new standard and, therefore, purchase a new phone does not matter to them, nor any sense. The question then arises: why operators make huge investments in building new networks, if a gsm network can still bring benefit to the owner and address (although to a lesser extent than 3G) subscriber demand. The answer lies in the desire of mobile operators to increase the share of income from the so-called value-added services, which, just and true data transmission. This tidbit a long time does not sleep leading players of the mobile market. Existing in gsm data transmission technology such as gprs and edge do not meet current subscriber requests for speed (Up to 384 kbit / s), and umts networks to support hsdpa technology enable Internet access at speeds up to 14.4 Mbps. This compares with wired technologies like adsl, fttb, Ethernet. Thus, cellular communication can compete with dedicated Internet access service quality, and it promises no small income for the operators, which can be comparable with the income from basic services (voice transmission). So after all, what would be the coexistence of gsm and umts in the future? In First of all it will be good neighbors. Some operators initially build a 3G network specifically for data transmission, is prohibited in their voice calls, sms and so on, allowing only access to the Internet. So manner, while conserving valuable resources of the new network for the most significant trends. At the same 2G network unloaded due to the outflow of Internet users. Over time, the network of the second and third generations will coexist as equals. The subscriber can choose for myself used a network depending on their needs and capabilities of the phone. Say the same when it will begin withdrawal from service of gsm networks is still too early. The fact that it is often advantageous operate loss-making network, as well as the dismantling of telecommunications equipment requires large funds. Therefore, at least a few years nobody will think about how to turn off the gsm network in favor of a new generation. So it is too early to get rid of your gsm phone, but it is to choose a new – umts device.