BTL Agency

What is BTL service"? Do you think this is another attempt to sell the customer something long ago known and understood in the guise of something entirely new? No way! BTL stands for Below the line. This is a complex marketing events that hold special agency. For even more analysis, hear from Jeff Sessions. It includes many useful activities, such as sales promotion, distribution of leaflets, advertising campaigns. BTL marketing is especially good because you can tell advertising message or a call for purchase directly to the individual consumer. BTL agency will organize this process so that the message is the most personal, the place most impact approaching the point of sale or to the place where the decision to purchase. Each person got into the campaign, feels that the proposal was drawn to him, but not to a faceless abstraction "consumer." BTL Activities include promotions for consumers, activities, enabling wholesale buyers, shares of loyalty to business partners. Each of our BTL manager – a true professional of his craft. BTL technology is not standing place in our changing world, and we constantly introduce the latest techniques in this field, always managing to keep up to date. BTL projects also involve searching for information, compiling databases and analysis of information collected. Proper conduct of BTL – a guarantee that success is about to knock on your door. Source: Production Centre Sergei Knyazev

Succeeding In Life

Bodo Schaefer in an interview, said that human life can be divided into five areas: health, relationships and family, finances, internal state, and our activities. These 5 areas of life can be likened to the five fingers on our palms. If all five fingers in the manner that we feel fine. But if you take a hammer and hit one of them, and the remaining four will not bring you happiness. I know how, probably, and each of us, if sometime in the future I looked back at the sides and I see that I was actively engaged in their self-realization, do great things, came to material success, many saw and felt, but my actions in my personal life rather unfortunate that at this point I not be happy. And if I have a wonderful family life, I would not mind chayat in his beloved, but we have to constantly scrape the money on a piece of bread, then this situation would also not one I would like to see Ideally. If you have everything but your life will bring you to a wheelchair, I doubt that the internal state will be tremendous. For even more analysis, hear from Carl Icahn.

Lack of health can override all the good that we have. Of course, we need to rejoice in the beautiful, that is all around us, thank the world, and this is the right approach. But I am sure that the ideal life that we are presenting, closing his eyes, there is. The life where we are enthusiastically engaged in the business, live in abundance, together with a loved one and close friends around, and our beautiful soul enjoys being in a healthy body. What do you think would happen if a huge amount of time we spend in caring for their health, but forget about a material component of this world like money? We will be very healthy, but our purse is always empty.

Or it may not be healthy, because in the winter in a tent to sleep cold, and money for an apartment no. And if your vocation – to be an artist, and you'll be sitting day and night for the canvas and totally forget that home is waiting for you family? Perhaps you will write a brilliant picture, and then notice that your favorite gathered her things and leave you alone. And maybe not write as it is difficult to create something brilliant, if your thoughts are concentrated on the problems in his personal life. I can not rank values. They are equally important to me. And to be with his beloved girl man I want in exactly the same as to be financially independent, healthy, successful. And I think that it is in such harmony we seek the best results in all our affairs. My work will be bring me a large income, the income will be happier family life and family give me support and inspiration for new achievements in my career. Harmony!

Fire Construction

Currently, experts in the field of fire automatics is no secret that a full fire protection facility can not be done without the union of all components of fire automation into a single cohesive complex. Gone are the days when it was enough to bring in, say, the ventilation system and smoke one for the object signal to the fire detection and limit it. The construction boom in our country, the massive construction of hypermarkets, the construction of modern hotels, mixed-use complexes cause greater flexibility to control problem Fire automation, look for optimal solutions to protect people and property. This is the branching of the control algorithms for ventilation, flame-retardant flaps, elevators, alarm and escape control by fire, fire suppression systems, makes for a more intellectually rich controls APPZ. Usually formulated three priority requirements for the fire APPZ: * How can earlier detection of fire.

* Delivery of all necessary signals for activating the automatic fire of an object. This back pressure of air in the elevator shafts and stairwells, and disconnection of the general exchange ventilation and smoke removal systems integration, and control valves, and the forced lowering of the elevators, and automatic closing fire doors, and run the automatic extinguishing systems (AUPT). * Detailed information about the fire situation at the facility and staff on duty, and others present at the occupants. It is often forgotten that the system APPZ most of the time in standby mode and does not produce all the above actions. The main advantage of the fire alarm system (PS) in this case is to minimize the number of false positives, which, among other negative factors may entail material damage.

PRP Insulation

These days, hard to water mains, sewers and other elements of civilization without tubes. Pipes are everywhere, including big and small countries, cities and even villages. And with the latest technology is incorporated in the tube different kinds of modern transport, energy-efficient and durable design, and so dalee.Odnim of the most used in the world today insulating material is polyurethane foam (PUF), which is used in As a material for a wide range of industrial and household insulation in general, and thermal insulation of pipes and pipelines for various purposes in chastnosti.Penopoliuretan or cut – foam can be up to 20 percent of the heat. There are several ways to the current insulation – installation of thermal insulation shells – technology "pipe in pipe" – spray foam on the assembled pipe – pre-insulated Polyurethane flexible tube type ISOPROFLEX, izofleks, kasafleks.Takie coverage allocated a low thermal conductivity (0, 027, – 0, 032 W / mK), minimal water absorption (Vol. percent 1, 4 – 2, 1) and a satisfactory adhesion to the heterogeneous materials. Therefore, PRP also serves as thermal insulation, corrosion protection of metal and other materials – from external destructive vozdeystviy.Preimuschestva use foam (PU) insulation for pipes for various purposes (including domestic, such as houses and cottages) – is obvious. With careful attention to the selection of the pipe manufacturer benefits to consumers will be uncontested.

The rule here is not complicated: the closer to the source, the better. Dealing with agents is not prohibited, but why pay more? Why, and pipe manufacturer may be different: the geographical proximity of the producer tells you nothing about the quality of its products. But if you buy the pipe from the enterprise which is engaged not only in production and installation of pipes, but also manufactures, supplies and installs the equipment for the production of pipes – that there will be a perfect choice for purchase of pipes and pipelines – and quality, and on the Internet using a web stoimosti.S anyone can know any interesting information on the website -. mht-ppu. ru. Among other things, on the site due to special form, you can order the product at any time convenient for you.