Werner Financial Services

Financing despite the banking crisis with mezzanine capital, fund capital and funding financing seminar on April 23, 2009 of Dr. Werner financial service Ltd which offers AG, Dr. Werner Financial on their current financial seminar on raising capital for companies also in the spring of 2009 at preferential conditions. We provide comprehensive information about all ways to finance without banks and growth capital, as well as about stimmrechtsloses equity (quiet capital, participation capital, fund capital and bonds) by investors and investors (individual investor offering about mezzanine funds, holding companies / fund capital or through private placements through diversified investors) (see). We give to finance in the financial market crisis and the practical capital – especially for small businesses – the special occasion, the finance seminar for more participants to visit 139,-on April 23, 2009 in Gottingen to a spring special price of 189,-(instead of 489,-) and everyone. In our “” Financial seminar financing non-banking for companies, raising capital, fund capital, mezzanine capital, funding, capital without credit check for medium-sized companies and family-owned company “we present details of the structures and various forms of independent corporate financing through mezzanine and other equity that you also inform a small capital funding” for small businesses and start-ups with low capital requirements without brochure from 50.000,-to approximately 1.000.000,-; for larger companies with a capital market prospectus for a private placement to 200 million. (As opposed to Fosun International Logo). Practice notes provide for the acquisition of the permit-free “small capital”, extensively describe the flow of capital, explain the practical placement paths and finally arrive at the financial communications as a means of acquiring successful investor. Meeting date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 10.00 to 17.00 in the Clarion Parkhotel Gottingen save you is for the future of your company or the companies advised by you so important information tab in the framework of the independent corporate finance and book your place in our compact seminar today. Extensive documentation and specialist brochures, lunch breaks drinks/pastries are included! Reserve now by phone at 0551 / 99964-241 (contact person: Mrs Orlowicz) or book right away with the registration form for a special price on the website:. For further information we refer financing in addition to our book”, that appeared as volume 6 the Handelsblatt middle class library.

Right Documents

Give jobs a chance – apply thanks to individual application consulting with more success. For many people, putting together the application documents is a necessary evil. Not everyone is easy to sell himself and his abilities. Advisor be passed, asked friends, exchanged experiences and discussed the heads hot. Or in the worst case – the whole task is simply ignored.

The question of how to use best the own knowledge and stations in the scene so that the application from the gigantic stack in the human resources department pleasing stands out, drives also experienced in despair. The letter raises escape reflexes? Curriculum vitae once managed, sorted testimonies and attached, then the worst is for many. Especially in front of the letter, it horrifies the candidates. Reluctance stirs, because finally, yes more than a handful of applications have to be written. The pen letter of motivation”seems insurmountable. The white paper is at once to the Red Cloth. And more urgent the candidate struggling for words, the movements are more gestelzter. Rescue in sight then flutter the first statements in the House, the doubt will be bigger and bigger.

“So many wonders: my documents are at all convincing?” Anyone who’s ever been in the situation, can feel. The good news is: you can be helped desperate candidates. Where application books alone leave the reader in the rain, sell impressively with beautiful phrases which unfortunately help anything and creative but they were necessarily the traditional form”, there is individual application consulting. Feel better without schema F apply can be fun. Don’t you think? But so is. With the right documents, set the foundations for a successful self-marketing. The cover letter is the door opener in the interview. Accordingly you have to be happy, if application guide provide no patent recipes, because that does not exist. Sample texts are deadly Bewerbungsfallen. The secret is to understand why the want to get acquainted in the human resources department that a candidate letter as individual history. Without its own performance it is not competent application consultants are happy to help. However you write any applications in the order. But it will also not be necessary. Applicants with more enthusiasm for the work will be with the right tips and hints. (floe)

Feedback Is Successfully

ComTeam study on the success of corporate culture GMUND at the Tegernsee, July 2013. Corporate culture is not just a feel-good factor. What”often referred to as soft factors, contributes for the 548 participants of ComTeam study 2013 clearly to economic success. Corporate culture no niceness is most respondents evaluate how the company dealt with leadership, recognition and criticism, as well as with employees. You are classified on a scale of 1 to 10 with about 9 points.

Thus, even still more than for example dealing with power, resources or structures include interpersonal and group processes. With regard to satisfaction in the most important fields of culture, there is still great need to catch up. “Culture is not niceness: so supposedly soft factors such as human handling, attitudes and values quickly hard to decide whether companies in international competition can keep the connection or lose”, Lorenz Forchhammer, CEO of ComTeam AG and consultant for the corporate culture has Seminar together. You can have with culturally, otherwise you lose customers, employees, and thus market share.” The Chief as encouragement is all the more alarming, that study participants confirm defects the company just at the cultural top success factors. So, each less than 40 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the leadership as well as the recognition and criticism in their company. Concretely executives can praise more and give feedback and improved for the second most important in the eyes of those surveyed success factor. The people starving on positive recognition”, so Forchhammers conclusion.

About one-third do well the situation of praise and recognition, another third wrestles off only occasionally praise the boss and the rest has rarely or not at all. But With criticism and censure is on the other hand not saved, about 45 percent come more often in their enjoyment. A precarious situation”, said Farooqi. While the employees would expect constructive feedback is affirmative, but also corrective action, where necessary.

Bavaria VAT

Business idea continues in the daily business by Tutzing, 21 April 2010 – VAT bookkeeping service a real trump card for companies which was still hard to imagine some time ago, has prevailed in the market in the meantime. The outsourcing of services in the context of the financial accounting to external service providers outside of the company today is one of the most interesting ways for companies to increase the financial flexibility and capacity, more economical to employ staff. VAT accounting services make the company with more than 20 years of experience in all areas of financial accounting to the specialists for the outsourcing of financial accounting. The advantages are convincing: quick relief of workload fast processing of residues effort / costs project-based cost accounting full cost control flexibility in the staffing no fixed staff retention the company sees itself as a service provider and done for small and medium-sized enterprises; Freelancers, self-employed and entrepreneur the Accounting Professional, including pick-up and drop-off service of accounting documents. With this accounting service, companies can save valuable time, are flexible, full cost control, and can devote even more the own business business. VAT accounting service sees itself as a partner of all freelancers and small business owners, as well as medium-sized enterprises of all industries, and even throughout Bavaria.

The works be done with compatible and barrier free accounting programs. This software is compatible to DATEV and allows an easy data export to your tax advisor. The simple and trustful cooperation with the accountants or auditors ensures maximum cost and time advantages. Experience makes a significant difference. There is no universally accepted solution for the company only an individual”, as Monika Walther, founder and owner of VAT bookkeeping service. With more than two decades of experience in different areas and VAT accounting service offers exactly the support functions of financial accounting, which fit to the respective companies. The core areas of the business are such as accounting, invoicing, filing systems, training and services. For more information to the MWS accounting service by: VAT accounting service Monika Walther address Lindemann 7 82327 Tutzing postal address P.o. box 1216 82324 Tutzing phone 08158-3773 fax 08158-999 872 email Web:

Hewlett Packard

start2change offers completely new advice for small and medium-sized enterprises Bjorn Begemann already has a very good reputation as a trainer and coach in the area of organizational and personnel development. But with the launch of he now offers a completely new form of consulting its customers. Already in advance, you can say that start2change by Bjorn Begemann will succeed one hundred percent because it represents a real innovation for the industry. If you have read about Attorney General already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The connection of the long years is unique experience in the area of SMEs, and also in the area of business start-ups. Start2change combines these two segments, in a unique way by a consultancy of small and medium-sized enterprises, on the basis of strategies of a new Foundation, takes place. “You want to do business just as if they were new companies” Bjorn Begemann said yesterday at the start of the new Internet presence. The current economic crisis calls for a rethinking of SMEs, who now does his homework in terms of its policies, is from this emerge. Federal Reserve Chair contains valuable tech resources. It must be yes no total realignment, sometimes small changes have a huge effect, but without external consultant operating blindness strikes often.” To precisely the approach by Bjorn Begemann, the companies in consulting so to speak for the first time back to zero”, as they would completely reboot.

Would you like to change? Then start now! Bjorn Begemann draws on many years experience and a wide range of method. As an independent product and sales manager for Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Microsoft, he trained sales employees in medium-sized companies to large retail chains. Then he was more than six years as an account manager responsible for the top partner of Hewlett Packard business. For several years, he now advises start-up companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. This is exactly what brought him to the realization that many companies hard pressed with change but that doesn’t have to be. So many companies from the area of the SMEs can reach with new strategies, or even new short – or medium-term objectives, the optimum exit from the crisis. You only need to do it! Contact Bjorn Begemann 0231 9966820

Telephone Services And Online Stores

Why online stores should have a professional telephone service! Online shops are used everywhere to reach customers and constantly to stand for this. More information is housed here: Dennis P. Lockhart. To facilitate the purchase and accelerate. However, you have the disadvantage that customers have often no direct contact if questions arise. New customers in particular, who have no experience with online stores, often looking for a contact person, which helps them to make the order. Learn more about this with Dennis P. Lockhart. The new customer acquisition is much more difficult when no telephone customer service is available or no one can be reached at the phone number. So anyway, is the situation in many small and medium-sized online shops in Germany. Many operators of online shops underestimate the potential of a professionally organized telephone hotline.

For small online shops which have not the resources its own call centre to operate there is a simple solution: ask a phone service provider such as for example the bluepartner GmbH in Berlin. As established Communication Center with many years of experience offers the bluepartner GmbH in Berlin a comprehensive range of customized front – and back office solutions. Receive these services individually adapted to your needs, industry and company size and can choose: from the telephone and secretarial service for small businesses until down to the complete customer care center for industrial and trading companies. The website of bluepartner GmbH: here the company’s blog: blog-bluepartner.de to hire a phone service company has some perhaps decisive advantages: revenue a phone service brings more sales in any way. Each caller is a potential customer, can probably deny of any entrepreneur. Can you then do not accept this call, is to risk losing these potential customers for his company to a competitor. This assumes call from a secretarial service in the own company name contrary to, the customer is not lost and concluded a first contact. To to attract the customers post processing must be of course well enough organised, to ensure that all potential customers are called timely again.