Optimistic Vision

The optimistic and pessimistic terms describes the attitude of people to interpret the good and bad things that happen. Pessimistic people go through life believing that, most likely, not never solve their problems; they assume that their problems are the result of their own failures and personal flaws, which they see as impossible to change. Optimistic people believe that their problems are temporary and that are due to bad luck or uncontrollable circumstances; they believe that their problems will be resolved with the passage of time, or that they themselves will solve them. Against defects or faults, that warn in themselves, they assume that they are able to improve and overcome them. e administrator. We imagine you throw in parachute for knowing what attitudes embrace life and if you face it so positively. First jumps, arise anxiety and fear, through a new experience. But once surpassed the impression that produced the first saltos, the vision of the landscape from height is what motivates them to repeat the experience an and Once again. At first, the paratrooper, feels small to the vastness of the landscape; then, against that very wide vision, arises a certain omnipotencia, as if the elements of the landscape are visible, the montanas or the rivers, could be moldeados as the plasticine.

You have this same perspectiva in our lives gives us the feeling of being able to make and unmake what happens to us. You are now the paratrooper. Imagine that, in these momentos, you are half ride a downhill, you suavemente swinging in the air with the open paracaidas and looking at the place where you will be coming. Which of the following options best describe the place where you will be coming? 1. A landscape of field 2. A landscape of mountain 3. A landscape of jungle 4. A river flowing by following its course interprets your choice the picture of what awaits you after landing shows your actitud and vital expectations.


To date, we can easily find a bank deposit at 15-20% per annum in rubles that a year ago, it seemed unreal. This fairly large numbers. And given inflation rates, we can safely say that you will not only save your money, but also to increase. Crisis – this time, profitable investments and purchases, including those in the market of bank deposits. On deposits can now be as earn and lose.

The result depends on the parameters of the deposit and your goals. Bank deposits now – it’s a great opportunity not only to keep the family budget, but also greatly multiply! To these words were more understandable, let’s look at the chart below: Invest in a month, got through 5 years, got through 10 years, got through 20 years, got through 30 years of 500 rubles 44 600 rubles, 133,060 rubles, 666,260 rubles 2,811,070 rubles 1 000 rubles 89 200 rubles 266,115 rubles 1,332,520 rubles 5,612,140 rub rub 2 000 178 410 532 225 rubles rubles 2,665,050 rubles 11,244,280 rubles, 5000 rubles, 446,030 rubles 1,330,570 rubles 6,662,630 rubles 28,110,700 rubles 10 000 rubles, 892,060 rubles 2,661,140 rubles 13,325,265 rubles 56,221,400 rubles at an interest rate of 14% per year in this example, we considered the bank deposit, with interest rate of 14% per annum, with monthly capitalization and the possibility of additional monthly fees. 14% – a rate that existed before the crisis. In the spring of 2009, when a shortage of liquidity in banks was particularly sensitive in the deposit market were much more interesting proposals of 14 percent per annum..

Czech Property – A Successful Investing

Real Estate Czech Republic remains one of the available in Europe for foreign citizens in Russia and cis. Property in Czech foreign citizen may acquire a legal entity registered in the Czech Republic. Open firm Czech Republic, where the foreigner is the founder, allows you to buy and place your property to your company and thus be its owner. Yes, the additional costs associated with registering the company must take into account, and more need to consider two plus the firm in the Czech Republic offers you the opportunity of submitting documents to the Consulate of the Czech Republic with a view to obtaining residence permit in the Czech Republic and that the firm can engage in activities developing their business. Learn more at this site: Nicholas Carr. According to the company foreigner receiving long-term multi visa type D, internal designation number 65. This visa can be renewed an unlimited number of times. Real Estate Czech Republic continues to rise in the price of the last five or six years, the rise in prices is connected, first all, the high demand for real estate purchase Czech citizens, foreigners wishing to invest or reside in the Czech Republic. Opportunities of using bank mortgage programs allow you to Czechs enter into a mortgage contract for a period of forty years, and foreign nationals for a period of thirty years. Foreigners wishing to invest in the Czech real estate often get her into the mortgage, lease and facilities from the lease of repaying monthly interest of a mortgage loan.

Good Financing To Buy A House

If you want to buy a house thinking, always being a good funding for it. Usually you have saved up the money not to pay for a house purchase in cash. There are many financing options. One can conclude, for example, a building society contract. The sooner you do before the house purchase, the better. For a building society contract must meet a certain qualifying period.

It is paid a percentage of equity that will be remunerated at a certain percentage. After the agreed term is a credit available, which is very low interest when it is being used to buy the house. See Nicholas Carr for more details and insights. But also for renovation, modernization, or about the purchase of a new kitchen can be used a building loan contract. Another financing option to buy a home, the traditional bank loans. Here, the bank, requested in connection with public building banks and similar institutions for a loan. Disadvantage is a much higher repayment, with interest and compound interest and fees will often be 1.5 times the original purchase price as a refund due. The most favorable financing for the desire to want to buy a house, the so-called advance loans. This one has the possibility (for a small fee) to secure the current favorable interest rate for house purchase and construction financing for future projects.

This means that it now includes a credit agreement, the loan amount is paid at a later date, or about 1-5 years later. Only then will begin the repayment of the loan advance. We call the loan and forward loans. These loans are form, it only guaranteed loans for real estate financing. Advantage is the long term and thus fixed-rate period of at least 25 years, compared with a conventional bank loan, which is usually after 10 years and then re-calculated with the market rate is adjusted.

March Income

The relationship between the state and its citizens first and foremost determined by law. Most closely the state enforces tax laws, because of our tax forms with your budget and in these matters with the State better not interfere. Personal income tax or tax on personal income subject to any activities that bring you an income in addition to the principal place of work. Sell an apartment or a car passed at rental cottage for the summer, received a gift or inheritance – all reasons for that in the first quarter of next year you will have to fill out and submit your tax inspection Declaration 3 pit. Declaration of March personal income in 2009 – a 26 some form of sheets, which reflect all the possible options to generate additional income, subject to compulsory declaration. For each separate type of income corresponds to a sheet or several sheets, order completion of which is strictly regulated. There are no documents proving one or another income tax provided is not needed. Technology author understands that this is vital information.

All that is required – this is just to properly reflect their income in the declaration of three personal income tax, and tax but will check the data and decide whether you were sincere in their statements. Carelessness or a desire to intentionally conceal income can cost you in the future. – 5% of the outstanding amount as a penalty monthly, and if that period exceeds 6 months, and all 10%. Therefore, remember: The regular and timely filed with your tax office income tax declaration in March – is not only key to a restful sleep, but your civic duty, for which you are personally responsible.

Faster, Higher, Stronger, More Expensive !

The choice of Sochi Winter Olympic Games venue in 2014 already had a positive impact on the Russian market. In addition to improving the country's prestige and economic recovery in the region, conducting the Olympic Games, there are quite certain items of income, which is usually calculated hosts games and future Sochi Olympics will be no exception. However, not always the Olympics brings only profit, costs for which grow continuously. And were frankly a failure in financial terms the Olympics. German Gref, head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Ministry expects that all costs associated with holding the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi will be repaid within ten years, with an approximate initial investment of $ 12 billion. The amount is significant, where did the money will take and what items of expenditure will be spent on? Analysts Antanta Capital on Based ftp "Development of Sochi as a mountain resort (2006 -2014 gg.)" argue that " In accordance with this program, in its first scenario, means choosing the city as the venue for the Olympics, planned to spend a total of $ 12.2 billion from this enormous sum of $ 7.6 billion will be financed by the federal and regional budgets. Sources of funding: $ 7.2 billion Federal Budget The budget of the Krasnodar Territory and Sochi 0.4 Extrabudgetary 4.6 Total 12.2 The core costs of the program – construction and reconstruction of existing transport infrastructure of Sochi, the erection of a complex of sports facilities for winter sports construction and reconstruction of tourism facilities