Air Zone

Shaft furnace is out of the mine, loading and unloading devices, vozduhopodvodyaschey and gas-escape apparatus. Limestone in the blast furnace is charged continuously or periodically from the top. Material as the unloading of lime falls down and meet the baked material leaked hot flue gases. On nature of the processes occurring in the shaft furnace, preheating zone are distinguished, firing and cooling (Fig. 1.1). In the heating zone at the top of the furnace at a temperature of furnace space is not above 900 C, dried lime, and heated it burned organic matter.

In the middle of the furnace in the firing zone, where the temperature reaches 900-1200 C – the decomposition of CCO, and the carbon dioxide. At the bottom of the furnace – cooling zone – cool lime coming from below the air from 900 to 50-100 C. More economical on fuel consumption and ease of furnace design, working on a method for peresypnomu korotkoplamennom fuel (anthracite coal or skinny). Performance shaft furnace is peresypnyh 100-110 tons per day. The disadvantages include contamination of the furnace peresypnyh lime ash fuel. More pure lime is obtained in the blast furnaces with remote fires, working on long-flame fuel (brown coal, wood, peat), and in the furnaces of gas. However, these ovens have a somewhat lower performance. In the blast furnaces can burn only hardwoods (limestone, marble, etc.), and in rotating – as hard rock and soft rock sludge, such as chalk. The main task during the firing – providing maximum calcining CCO at a minimum temperature.


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