Step Housing

Accumulating seed money for housing, people are asking how to buy it? As with the use of borrowed money to buy an apartment? Note the main advantages of the mechanism of acquisition of housing by program "Housing move 'before housing cooperatives. Check with Craig Menear to learn more. The mechanism of action of the program "Housing move" fundamentally different from the cooperatives. Cooperatives, although based on the collective interaction of the participants, originally created as a more risky forms of organization! Cooperatives in more detail in a separate article. It shows why co-operative system does not always work for the benefit of the population. For clear understanding of and opportunities for collective housing funded program "Housing step" is necessary to understand its fundamental difference from other systems of home purchase by installments (cooperatives and the banking mortgages). The following are some basic differences of the program "Housing move 'from cooperative systems.

1 reviewing and examining the many reviews of the various cooperatives on the Internet, the essence of most of them can be reduced to that consumer co-operatives do not fulfill their promises and do not bear any responsibility. At the same time is unwise to assume that the organizers and founders of all cooperatives are initially dishonest intentions relation to their future clients. The reason for this situation lies in the fact that the mechanism underlying the operation of cooperatives, from the very beginning has many disadvantages. The main drawback of co-operative storage systems – a source of financing the purchase of an apartment for a shareholder who has made only 50% of its value.

Housing Lending

In the West, the vast majority of the population have long been accustomed to live 'in debt'. Moreover, a loan to buy, mainly real estate. Without fear or doubt become expensive homes, almost all my life but pay the mortgage … And live happy! Can not we also? It's no secret – the accommodation in Perm now expensive. Reasons for the increase in prices – and not very objective – a lot. But this is a topic for another material. Especially because no matter how much cost per square meter, the acquisition of Housing remains a priority list for almost any family.

Still too early to talk about creating a regional market of affordable housing as a fait accompli. However, Perm-city, not without opportunities. In today's market Real Estate operates several schemes offering Perm inhabitants to buy housing, paying for it for several years. Another thorny issue – the mortgage. The ratio to the collateral real estate today is ambiguous. Skeptics argue that the classical scheme of mortgages we can not yet realized. The arguments are simple: there can not be our borrowers because of high housing prices and exorbitant interest rates. And those who find the money for a down payment and interest payments on loans, are not of the 'target audience', for which established such a mechanism.

Some experts even claim that the mortgage is not created people, and in the public interest: housing loans are used primarily as a strategic mechanism for involvement in the housing construction sector long-term financial resources for all other industries. Meanwhile, in the several regions of Russia set up and operate a truly market-based system of mortgage lending. And the number of people wishing to participate in this system is far superior financial resources of the region. Today, bank lending banking institutions engaged in lending to people on an independent real estate purchase. It is believed that the bank generally considers private contributions as a platform for development. The volume of credits granted to the population of real estate in the past 2 years increased faster pace in comparison with the volume of lending of other species. It is also important that, according to yourself bankers, bank lending for the purchase and construction of housing has good prospects for development. Together with the stabilization process of socio-economic situation of the banks is a gradual reduction in interest rates on consumer loans, including long-term loans for real estate. Increased supply of various types of lending for housing. The main reason insufficient access to bank loans for a wide range of people referred to are usually pretty stringent requirements for borrowers' creditworthiness. In addition, one of the conditions of the loan is transparency of client's income. However, in light of the unfolding of recent combat pay 'in the envelope', this issue may fall off by itself.

Avoid Insurance Payments

The flow of applications to courts of car ownership is growing steadily. The main reason for complaint is the refusal of insurers to reimburse the loss of insurance for the drivers surreal reason. Sometimes the insurance refund, but that – seriously detract from its end. The motive of such actions is clear the insurers – the insurance of CTP in the state is unprofitable business. A leading source for info: Craig Menear. However, motorists from this does not become easier. Did a bit of time has passed since that moment as the RF Act was passed CTP. However, during this time in this area have occurred profound changes. Initially, insurance companies began to aggressively compulsory auto insurance liability car owners: sought to increase the number of its own clients, tried to satisfy victims, formed a service examinations, was thoroughly investigated all the crashes.

However, after a certain time – the excitement poumenshilsya. Pretty soon, the players of the insurance market became apparent that the CTP is unprofitable. Impact on it and the car noise. A large number were to appear, those who for the first time picked up the wheel, increasing the total number of cars, in particular – in big cities. Compensate for the loss of drivers, too often in traffic revisions, it turned out actually quite profitable. Then the insurance corporation began to save and policyholders who increasingly have been denied compensation.

Commenting, Alex Algazin, director of the Insurance Law, said that only in their organizations are met hundreds of these cases, and for the past one and a half, a large of failure are far-fetched. The main insurer for today is to find the formal motive and to refuse to reimburse the victim. Naturally, the citizen can go to court, but the mass of motorists who do not willing to enter into a grueling process of proving self-righteousness, and therefore refuse to do such things.

How To Choose A Signal Provider In The Autotrading System

Many of you have already encountered the concept of an automated trading system. These systems should not be confused with mechanical trading systems or trading robots. The essence of the automated trading system is reduced to the following: 1). Developed some software that allows “subscribers”, exactly copied all deals for buying and selling currencies so-called “signal providers. That is, if you are a subscriber, then choose the most successful, in your opinion, traders from the ranking.

Attach them to your trading account. Click Kenneth R. Feinberg to learn more. A system in auto mode, the copy on your account, all transactions you have selected “signal providers. If trader (“ISP signal”) makes a profit, respectively, and you get profit. In the case of loss, you also get a proportional loss. 2). For the convenience of choice, online company that provides automated Trade, published rating providers signals.

” 3). To make a successful trader was interested in becoming a “service provider”, the company motivates him that divides part of the commission of all who have subscribed to its signals. 4). Itself company through the service Autotrading attract new customers as “subscribers” and “providers”. Thereby increasing the overall size of the commission earned by the company. As you can see, if you’re an investor, and interested automatic system of trade, the most difficult for you to identify and select the successful “providers of signals.” On our website tips for choosing managers and providers have a few basic criteria. Let us some of them in more detail: 1).

Building Changes

Changing building and fire standards and requirements, changing laws. The number of people employed in considering the draft officials may be 50-60 people: Secretary-chief-executive-secretary of the head in each instance. Each service is officially entitled to review the documents within 30 days and issue a response. The answer may be agreement or refusal. Make the journey from beginning to end on their own, without help from professionals, it is difficult.

2) you trust us to complete collection of documents for approval of redevelopment. Thus, you save yourself from a tiring process. At the same time relying on their experience, we guarantee you collect all the documents as soon as possible. Agreement made alterations. Obtaining a permit to carry out redevelopment and refurbishment of residential buildings (apartments) and the conversion of non-residential premises.

Reconstruction of facilities – an indoor construction, including the reconstruction measures, to their redevelopment or conversion to alter the properties of the performance space while maintaining the overall technical and economic performance within size of the object reconstruction. Redevelopment areas – to change its configuration, which requires a change in the data sheet of the room. Remodelling is carried out while maintaining the functional purpose premises. Conversion of premises – installation, replacement or transfer of utilities, plumbing, electric go other equipment requiring a change in the data sheet of the room. Alterations carried out to adapt the premises to a new functional purpose. Reconstructive work, including running in conjunction with work on the redevelopment and refurbishment, provide for partial changes in the load-bearing structures and (or) in the architectural appearance of the building.

Contact Law Office

Time will tell whether the implementation of these rules require notification of the authorities of each transaction, or notice will be periodic. Contact Law Office continues to require consent for GUII opening offices in Turkey, contact the foreign companies and maintains a ban on business activities of these offices. This requirement permits the policies "do not need permission" for the stock societies. Obviously, the Government wants to prevent the opening of the contact office and streamline the process to attract more foreign direct investment. Transfer of funds requirement of the preceding law registration of licenses and patents, know-how, technical assistance and guidance in GUII contracts were canceled. As a result, contributions are requested by foreign investors in companies formed in Turkey, are no longer subject to a thorough inspection GUII. Only subject to the standard tax on income before deduction of taxes, foreign investors and their Turkish partners can now easily determine the amount of transfers and payments for technical assistance, as well as other terms and conditions of these agreements.

The law also says that such transfers and payments can be without any barriers translates into accounts of foreign investors in foreign banks. Investments in financial markets continued to distinguish the law, foreign direct investment from investments in Turkish companies trading in the Turkish stock market. However, any investment, leading to the possession of 10 or more percent of shares or control over decisions in the Turkish company, will automatically become dependent on foreign capital and, therefore, is entitled to the protection of the law.

St Petersburg Planned Construction

Geography demand areas, targeted for cottage construction, remains unchanged. The most popular resort area. In 2006, the average price Proposition weave here is $ 10-20 thousand / weaving, the highest price – $ 25 thousand / hundred part in Sestroretsk – up to $ 50 thousand / hectare. In the satellite cities of St. Petersburg (Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Petrodvorets) weave in the average price in 2006 – $ 4-6 thousand / hectare.

However, this land intended for an elite cottage housing (the segment of premium), the market is saturated for more than 90%, and these areas (as already built houses) sold poorly. Accordingly, we estimate growth average price in 2007 in these areas is not more than 15%, and the integrated result of return on investments in these assets is unlikely to exceed 15-18%. Weaving in Vsevolozhsk district last year was worth $ 2-5 thousand projected growth – 35-40% in 2007-2008. Along with a unique landscape and proximity to certain areas of St. Petersburg (with transportation access within an hour), this area is estimated by us as one of the most promising development in terms of “economy class”, so for a segment called “middle class”. The presence of objects in the sale area is located nearest to St Petersburg (Razmetelevo, Virk, Ozerki) offers a table of objects (average cost). Type Cost per 1 sq.m. Cottage in cottage settlement with all communications 387 500 rubles.

Plot IZHS 159 000 rubles. FER site, leasing 31 800 rubles. FER plot, the property of 51 280 rubles. In Priozersk weave average price last year amounted to $ 2-4 thousand Projected growth – no more than 30%. Given the saturation of the building above areas and the high cost of land in the short term we should expect the development of cottage construction in Gatchina, Tosno, Lomonosov and Kirov regions. Expensive especially likely in areas of Lomonosov, Gatchina (40-50%). They are located near the Western Ring Road semiring. This fact can seriously increase the demand. However, it is to within these areas will take away some business from St. Petersburg, which could adversely affect the ecology and dynamics of demand in these areas. Land the rest of the Leningrad region proposed in 2007 in an average of $ 1-2 thousand per hundred square meters. We predict a strong demand for these sites in 2008, so prices can be up to 40%. However, there is imposed and the remoteness of these areas of St. Petersburg. And accordingly, the data sites can not be viewed as objects of cottage construction for permanent residence, but rather as objects to organize the gardening season stay. This approach has advantages, such as construction does not require the costly installation of utilities and allows you to maximize financial results of the integrated yield investments. So no less than the risk of obsolescence sites, due to lower demand for plots with seasonal stay. Likely to happen shift in demand that is likely to be formed among the more low-income than the “middle class” segment of the population that should be considered when determining the price of the object and evaluation of the planned integrated financial results. The land plots for construction and investment projects in St. Petersburg and Len.obl. Translation and change permitted use of land of different categories. Making land.

Market Investment Consulting

With the adoption in Ukraine of a new Tax Code and specialists working in the investment consulting market, it remains only to thank the government for their actions. Azarov citizen could do what the proved incapable of even the global financial crisis – to ensure the rapid changing market investment consultants. Rather, it came qualitatively complement the crisis started it. Namely, to produce complete reformatting of the Ukrainian market of professionals providing assistance to companies to conduct pre-competitive research and development of the project pre-investment documentation (business plans, feasibility studies, memoranda). We are not talking about the Big Four firms, or powerful investment – industrial groups. They live by their rules.

But here in relation to local markets, with their heterogeneous audience members, a change business environment is directly affected. The main feature of the local markets – in the absence of the network capital and the high proportion of small companies, independent consultants and other "free shooters". Audience investment and financial advisers rather heterogeneous. Among them are professionals with extensive practical experience, made the decision to conduct business independently. There are yesterday's students finance higher education institutions There is also a former mediocre project managers, fell during the crisis of the holder or, rather, is simply not capable of an enterprise system to cover up their mediocrity with the phrase "I want to work for themselves." All such local investment advisors in my mind are united by one thing. Their activities are not perceived as a business process, while proudly call it their "own business".

Russia Can Develop Without Inflow Of Foreign Investments

Russia’s economy is able to recover their funds for domestic investors. Meanwhile, the benefits and positive results from many foreign investments is very doubtful. This opinion was expressed Rosbalt Elena Rumyantsev, professor of finance and industrial economy of the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of Russia. “The Russian Federation will be able to stand up from a long restructuring and many mistakes reformers who are restricted from foreign investment. Otherwise, for example, a company like ROSNEFT could be the main sponsor of the Olympic Games in Sochi? “, – The expert said. Large investments overseas investors, according to experts, is not planned. “A development of depth of Sakhalin – not good for Russia – she explains. – Manufacture of food products through the installation for domestic refineries and Enterprise outdated equipment and technology of foreign investors leads to a significant reduction in the release of quality food for the population.

” According to Rumyantseva, due to very low efficiency, which is carried out to date, the state investment policies, Russia, according to UNCTAD, a country that receives foreign direct investment more than anyone else. The main ways to attract them is the registration in Russia of those enterprises which operate entirely by foreign capital, by reason of joint ventures or through the sale of various foreign firms to large blocks of shares owned Russian joint stock companies. Another way to attract foreign direct investment at the expense of establishing free economic zones in certain regions of the country. Another way – the basis of concessions and agreements on the division of products. However, the latter method is not widespread in Russia, while in others it is very popularity. To a lesser extent than in other countries, in Russia the free economic zones. The main objectives of the State Government in this regard, according to experts, is to prohibit the exportation of money from Russia, the maintenance of domestic and not foreign, capital, and the fight against corruption in the investment sector, hurt by a significant and identical to the size of the consolidated budget.