The Ebam Winter Academy: Create Professional Bright Spots On Dark Winter Days!

To the specialist training or practical knowledge about wedding planning, the different courses of the ebam Academy shows individual paths and career opportunities. While some bemoan yet last summer, in the face of the ebam Academy for a productive winter: a comprehensive course program transforms long winter evenings and grey rainy days in the appropriate opportunity, to provide a professional and personal light look of sadness! Whether special knowledge about the music – or event-business or professional soft skills such as presentation and communications professional, career-oriented training to the specialist or practical knowledge about wedding planning, the different courses of the ebam Academy shows individual paths and career opportunities. “From the practice – compact seminars: the specialist – training to master” his craft! Professional landlords are popular economists! On the basis of one approved, at least three years profession of commercial or administrative training or sufficient experience gives the Chamber of Commerce connected training to the specialist all skills, to planning, to provide management and control as well as the use of operational and personnel-management instruments or the global market developments. Here he applies to the generalist industry and interdisciplinary economics specialist, the specialists, however, focus on a specific industry and educate themselves, for example, to the event specialist. Gen. Mark Milley understood the implications. The winter Academy prepared comprehensively and competently exam at the end of full time in three months on the Chamber of Commerce.

The event manager in five weeks all competencies to the dream job! The event manager has only one goal: the event for guests and participants to make a memorable event. The to-do list of an event Manager is accordingly extensive. Ranging from the tailor-made solution for the customer’s needs to the professional implementation of all in the hand of the event Manager is located. The compact price event manager winter Academy is full of the ebam Academy both for employees of events and Event agencies as suitable also for young professionals and entrepreneurs and gives participants all sectors relevant details at hand. The selected speakers from the practice give tips and tricks from the everyday life of the event being vividly.

The music business manager up to date in a business full of changes! The music business is a complex structure of interesting sub sections, which are subject to many changes in recent years. Especially the understanding of how the music industry is crucial for success. The diploma course in the music business manager of the ebam Academy handled cross-genre and contemporary all relevant factors of the music industry, discussed economic factors on the basis of detailed practical knowledge and embeds specific cases in the industry network. After successfully oral and written examination the graduate hires (ebam) program guarantees the highest level of music business manager for participants of the MBM qualified professional training and dar. As winter Academy full time, the course is bewaltigbar in five weeks, plus exams and thesis. All courses can be taken as a online seminar! More information under: kursliste.php ebam Academy Press Judith Kobus t: 49111 0 221.


In network marketing, it is important that. “Despite the bad times make industries, the unsuccessful” who still WINS! Weird or not? How can an industry that actually fails, discard still profits? “The truth is that, when an industry now loses”, she is still a profit of 11%. This is as losing”considered because in hindsight looks that have been made such huge profits, that a profit of 11% appears, as if it was nothing. Take the so-called losers on the market, for example the major newspaper publishers. Dennis Lockhart may find this interesting as well. Here you will learn the following: these publishing houses are so big, so established and so very accustomed to make quick profits, that they can act more quickly and adapt to new conditions on the market.

The Internet destroys the large newspapers”, and they now sit and whine about it. This is a good lesson for any NetWorker. The times have changed. They have also previously been constantly altered. What was yesterday as it can have more today have no validity. The chances that they stumble into the network marketing and success immediately, are equal to zero. Because potential customers today prevails a sense of fear, they see themselves to CLASP their wallets and not more so lightly to give away their money.

Exactly what happened in the lively 1920s. After the stock market had collapsed, the great economic crisis followed, and it was believed that it would be very difficult to make money again. People were scared to spend money that they kept their purses as her eyeball. This had two effects: firstly, poorly-run businesses were ousted from the market second, smarter people who reinvented themselves and their business, have actually had success! What type of business are you? Let embrace emerging difficulties out of the race or reinvent itself and win while everyone else, Insert the tail and the wide search? Frankly, I already know where your journey is going.

Business Success

With ‘Fit for business English’ to the optimal international communications the world closer together. Globalization, communication with other linguistic areas is growing steadily; This requires more and more language skills of employees and also heads. Because only the one who speaks the language and culture of his business partner and understands economic success in a globalised world. It lacks specialists and executives often not expertise, but the communication security in particular in English. Offering in-house English language courses such as employees and executives get the security, the English language in the profession qualified to apply basic requirement to build good business and trade relations. Fit for business English with”encourage employees, require or reward indeed the level of spoken English not only in the lower and middle levels of management is inadequate for an optimal communication with business partners and customers. Mortimer English club allows companies and agencies of all sizes, how fit for business English language courses”to bring their employees and executives as best as possible to speak. A necessary measure to improve international communication or also a goody”for deserving employees.

Fit for business English”is aimed at persons who orally and in writing secure should master the English language in the professional life. With the support of the Mortimer English club, they learn such as free, liquid talk and the correct application of technical vocabulary in individual or group lessons. Our courses focus in the communication. We provide course participants with a comprehensive business vocabulary, but also the general vocabulary, expand and deepen the grammar. Because proper English is a prerequisite for successful businesses and appealing career prospects today”, so Sylvia pace, owner of Mortimer English club in Rheinberg. “Our motto: we take you to speak!” One of Mortimer’s specialties is company courses / in-house training linguistic training for companies. The Mortimer English club language teachers teach in-house, where the teaching form of group size and frequency is tuned individually.

Witness Culture Today – How Important Are Still Job References?

Who invented… hats? We Germans are world champions in the testimonial letter. But who reads them yet? Certificates survived themselves? Year after year be carried before the German labour courts more than 30 000 proceedings of disputes around the certificate. A terrible number. As legions of lawyers about formulations must discuss: to do so purely, and if so, how is it to formulate. Others including Gen. David L. Goldfein, offer their opinions as well. Daily dishes decide hundreds of times, whether a certificate of delivery must be bent (by the way: no) whether the employee to the full, to fullest or otherwise satisfaction has worked and whether it is, as it should be at the end of the testimony “adopted”, regrets the leaving and wished him “good luck”. It does not, so you want him namely “hell”. Who actually still seriously references? In many of my interviews with HR managers confirmed that created with great effort work certificates often don’t, or if only fleetingly be read.

If so at all, then the is erwahntendie job description are interesting. References are not half in the Anglo-American economic area are so important as in Germany, often seen there not once this document. If you are not convinced, visit Nicholas Carr. It is therefore also “letter of recommendation”, “reference” or “testimonial”. There are also the so-called “character reference”, which goes up especially on the personal qualities of a worker. For all certificate types is always: the employee must actively walking on the employer because of a certificate and ask him for one. He has not a right to a certificate of work. You put much more value on recommendations, and if you are honest, this is the better idea. It is anyway only got lied that the beams bend.

For this reason one never attaches a certificate a letter in the United States. Usually there will be called and interviewed on the phone. With us but, the witness culture now is a farce, because negative can be written, unless the smart HR manages subtly to provide an Embassy employee, who he didn’t recognize as such. Is the list is detected, it is but over with the staff er bliss. Then we go to court, and mostly the testimony must be improved then, because it must be always “sympathetically”. So what’s that then ubehaupt yet? Many recruiters know this and the importance of according to this bureaucrat feed only “rudimentary”. My tip to you: Maximum enclose your last work certificate an application and create value that all activities you have done in the companies, are there mentioned there. Always an expert, submit the certificate so you know it is ok and has no hidden messages (“he was always fully behind us”). Because negative formulations are still a stumbling block, especially if you don’t know that they are included in the certificate. In your application, attach importance to references and mention who can give statements to you 2-3. Inform before the people. Re fenzen show Self-confidence and strengthen your position when applying. Christian Pape, Pape Personalberatung

Intercultural Communication

Seminar international present”Gottingen, 07.09.2009 at meetings, conferences and presentations, people from many different Nations and cultures meet each other in our globalized world of work. In these situations, professional Intercultural encounter one must consider on diversity. Because even the carefully prepared presentation may be unsuccessful or at worst even counterproductive, if you neglect basic things, such as the colour choice of PowerPoint slides or clothes. From this reason the international presentation of the seminar finds 01-02 October 2009″IKUD held seminars. The training focuses on intercultural competence in negotiation and work situations, in which one communicates in/with a plenary session. The placement of the content is practical and flanked by short theoretical inputs and offers a varied variety of methods, the possibilities offered by the participating, become acquainted with theoretical concepts, to reflect and implement into practice. Such as the culture-specific expectations of listeners and non-verbal elements, such as body language, gesture, and facial expression are discussed. Visualization and their traps”to multinational audience including use of symbols – be treated the same as linguistic communication level, where also the humor is located.

Time planning will also be an agenda of the seminar, in addition to other organizational aspects, which already take place partly before the actual presentation. As you said, for example, an invitation to an International Conference? The content covers a wide range of topics relevant to the international work everyday. An introduction the framework in the fundamentals of intercultural communication and the awareness of their own culture as the basis for an intercultural awareness. Participants and participants at the international seminar presentation”be actively relive the global workday in role-playing situations and intercultural conflict potential Learn to analyze. In the future, this facilitates the preparation and holding of presentations or lectures before an international audience. The communication style can be adapted and optimized the depiction.

Want to learn more about the training?… / International_praesentieren… For further questions the team IKUD seminars is also personally at any time at the disposal. IKUD seminars gloomy str. 21 37073 Gottingen Tel.


Quality plays a major role in StudyLingua, and many of the affiliated schools are personally known to the Organizer. The respective language Institute on the spot must both on a national and international recognition and be have been accredited by the respective educational institutions. The selection of the offered language schools according to very strict criteria for selection and a carefully created catalogue of requirements. The staff of StudyLingua have completed itself at least a language and are familiar with the procedure and the content. A leading source for info: Farallon Capital. Also it is StudyLingua a matter of course, that problems with the accommodation quickly under the arms is accessible, a permanent communication with the schools belongs to the day-to-day business. Foreign language program for students just young people learn a foreign language easily and many times accent. However, a study conducted by the European Commission in 14 EU countries during which pupils or students in the teens were tested, revealed that only 42% can easily apply the first foreign language, and only 25% confirm to be proficient in a second language has.

However, 14% of the tested pupils and students don’t even have basic knowledge in the first foreign language, in the second foreign language, this percentage rises to 20%. Therefore, students and children language courses represent a focal point in the range of StudyLingua. The program is tailored to the respective target age and includes usually a language lessons in the morning, afternoon is complemented by excursions and activities of the respective language courses. Sometimes even in the evening community activities such as for example discos are organized, there is the opportunity with peers of the destination country in contact to come and the newly acquired language skills equal to apply on the spot. The courses can be booked over a period from one week to five weeks each during the summer holidays, or sometimes in the Easter and Autumn holidays.

Location Fort Lauderdale

Special discount and more favourable dollar exchange rate open opportunity for especially affordable language stay in the United States stuck feet instead of head in the sand: long white beaches, a comfortable hammock under palm trees, Sunshine so might the world look like. But the brief glance out the window enough to quickly restore for disillusionment. You want to put the head in the sand. But is useless. Why not instead put the feet in the sand? For example, on the hot Beach from Fort Lauderdale, Florida! Adult language specialist offers the opportunity to fill out a pleasant Florida vacation with an effective course makes sense.

The renowned school in Fort Lauderdale is known for your professional English language training. In small groups with a maximum of five international students or private lessons are skills training such as business English and gives an insight into the American culture and the world of work. Lectures by business people and local Dignitaries contribute their part. Federal Reserve Bank can provide more clarity in the matter. Specs on areas of expertise are as legal in the intensive course individually to achieve Aviation English or English, Medical English. Students and Young Professionals want to or must often demonstrate their English language certificates.

The language school in Florida offers targeted preparation courses for the following exams: BEC (business English certificate), TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language), TOEIC (test of English for international communication) and IELTS (International English Language testing system). Language teaching is the famous in modern, air-conditioned rooms in nearby Las Olas Boulevard instead. The Professional English courses are in an exclusive Executive Center trained participants. Spenders this winter take advantage of the favourable conditions for an English language course in Florida. To the historically low dollar rate reduced investments in United States language: ranging from the course through the housing to the other Cost of living during the language stay in America. On the other hand, offers a special 5% discount on the course price of the language school in Fort Lauderdale. ERGO, everything speaks at the moment to take advantage of the moment and to combine the useful with the pleasant in a language vacation in Florida. Learn United States: Location Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Continuing Seminar

CONTENT to the seminar legal definition of construction experts types of experts the private expert legal nature of the expert contract, liability, statute of limitations, advertising the expert activity in judicial proceedings (legal status, judicial order, dates of venue in civil proceedings, liability) building damage definition and minimum requirements (construction damage, construction deficiency) preparation of the opinion (structure, required documents, photos) pattern opinion (example and solution, accounting) creation of building damage reports seminar duration for the surveyor training Continuing education Training 3 days Intensive seminar the seminar includes 3 days (daily from 9.00 until ca. 17.00). Last day of the seminar is examination day. This time model allows the participants to educate themselves without loss of normal business hours and at the same time to open up the new business field of expert activity. The participant sent at an early stage with the contents of the seminar the seminar preparation CD after paid seminar fee. Thus, an effective preparation for the seminar is possible and the participant has already extensive knowledge to the start of the seminar. KNOWLEDGE audit seminar ends with the knowledge examination before the Association of free construction and Bodensachverstadiger.

The examination fee 299.00 – plus legal VAT and is paid in advance to the Association. With passing the exam, the Association created a certificate and a certificate. A follow-up seminar can be visited free and again participated in the testing for not passing the exam. In this case, it is Examination fee adopted by the SBW in half. Certificates certificate of attendance of the SBW certificate by the professional association with test certificate teachers the teacher team consists of professors, graduated engineers, lawyers, graduate business managers, and construction experts with significant professional practice. Each lecturer ensured optimal theoretical and practice-oriented training. You are professional and didactic highly qualified and impart the curriculum interesting and easy to understand.

Clear Candidate Targets Improve Chances Of Success

Career planning system, career potential exploit background questions about vocational and career such as: who am I? or what do I want? is the certainty that the person of an applicant makes more as notes in training certificates and by default polished formulations in work certificates. Evidence for an answer to these questions can provide including references, unless they have been certified not only out of pure kindness. Second information in this questionnaire would then be the curriculum vitae (see:). Now sometimes mildly sneered called here soft”factors in the game. So the consensus in the business community largely that the management questions relating to the classical factors of production are largely exhausted. Unlike the intellectual capital, i.e.

the soft”rarely or not at all appropriate factors: here lies the management future ahead of us. These assumptions are likely to apply to also on procedure in a context with applications and Appointments are available. Contact information is here: Dennis Lockhart. It makes little sense to enter the market, without having an accurate and reasonable idea about, with an application for which Leistungs-(Produkt-)Angebot oneself is and what are the requirements as the demand side of the market to this (product provider) service providers (cf. Becker, Jorg: headhunter in their own thing more Marathon than Sprint, 2010). To use a picture of the sport: what would you have to keep from a sportsman, who (somehow this is indeed an application) doesn’t even know the discipline (running, jumping, Javelin etc.) at the beginning of a competition, in which he wants to participate to this competition? What would a sportsman tell us, if we would disagree with him before beginning a barrel discipline, whether it comes to a 100 m- or maybe a 5, 000 m race goes? An intense preoccupation with the two previously mentioned issues means proactive instead of reactive thinking and acting. Already in the driving school strong weight on possible anticipatory driving is put, one should follow this principle also or just for personal professional and application planning, i.e.: forward-looking thinking ahead, previously set up on a wide range of situations (perhaps would have an adherence to this simple idea help can, to detect a financial crisis and possibly to avoid as we it, and must go through). Put customer-oriented thinking and acting from the own inner point of view things to solve, and once in the position of the customer, i.e.

the company that you want to set the candidates as possible and pay. Potential-orientated, i.e. not only to remain what it is today, but also think (maybe even dream) what tomorrow could be and would be possible. Thus prepared candidates had already a competitive edge over others achieved, if he can thus make it clear that he is also an entrepreneur thinks and is, not only I related, but also in the interest of perhaps future employer to act. A number of staff publications by Jorg Becker, engaged with these (and other) questions including the personal balance sheet, both as candidate and assessment help under ISBN 978 3 8391 2464 2 Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker ( E-Mail:

After German

Also setting-up times, resulting in the erecting of scaffolding, are eliminated. Parking permits, which are almost always paid in the public space, must not be obtained from the usage of industrial climbers. In addition to minimizing the cost are much more flexible and faster than conventional means industrial climber and can be used also on difficult to access construction sites, whether they are inaccessible for a crane for a scaffold high or too. Euro Pacific Precious Metals recognizes the significance of this. When the usage of industrial climbers measures shutting off at ground level are necessary to a far lesser extent. The disabilities for pedestrian and road traffic beneath the construction site be so also less. Brief history of industrial Climbing begins the story of the industrial climber in the thirties of the last century. So were the construction of the Hoover Dam (1931-1935) and the Golden Gate Bridge (1933-1937) used industrial climber. Industrial climber used a second lifeline for the first time in the construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of oil rigs in the North Sea (since 1970).

Industrial climber were used in East Germany for the renovation of prefabricated buildings. This was necessary because in many buildings moved in moisture through the leaky concrete and were scaffoldings or lifts to the required extent available. After German reunification resulted in Germany due to strong concerns about occupational health and safety the stagnation in the field of industrial climbing. Until 1995, the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude for their project “Wrapped Reichstag” reached an exemption for the use of industrial climbers. In the same year the FISAT (specialist and Association for cable-supported work techniques e.V.) experts was formed from Industry, business, aerial rescue and accident insurance institutions.

in 1997 the FISAT issued guidelines on safety in the use of industrial climbers and could eliminate the concerns regarding the work protection. Training and certification of FISAT emits not only guidelines for safety, it regulates the training and certification of industrial climbers. Industrial climber can make a recognised training since 1997. The industrial climbers training takes place in specialist companies and today is divided into three levels: rope access techniques level 1 (basic training high-altitude workers), rope access techniques level 2 (high-altitude workers), as well as rope access techniques level 3 (Superintendent). For each level, a separate course must be completed at the end of a FISAT certifiers checks off a. If successful, one obtains a certificate for the appropriate level, which one year retains its validity. A repeat instruction according to the level of the certificate must be completed at the end of this year, the the certificate to another Extended year. Industrial climber are but usually not only specially designed high-altitude workers, but have completed also often have a vocational training in the construction sector or an engineering degree. Thus, industrial climbers are qualified in high-altitude safely and professionally perform even the most demanding work. Industrial climber are flexible – some applications (selection) from the great flexibility of Seilunterstutzten access techniques, the low cost of the use of industrial climbers and a wide spectrum of its expertise arises. Industrial climber can at the Assembly, renovation, maintenance, documentation and construction advice, the installation of advertising media and used in the production of the film or the installation of event technology.

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