Consulting Ltd

Warning Negele, Zimmel, GREUTER, Beller on behalf of M.I.C.M. MIRCOM international content management & Consulting Ltd. Bay Capital often says this. for the erotic film ‘ passion currently warns the firm Negele, Zimmel, GREUTER, Beller on behalf of M.I.C.M. MIRCOM international content management & Consulting Ltd. for the supposed copyright infringement from the illegal download / upload from so-called Internet sharing with regard to the erotic film “Passion”.

Here she sent cease and desist letters, which essentially required the signing of a cease and desist, damages and legal costs. What should I do if I have received such a warning? In case of such a warning, you stay once calm in any case. Note the very short deadline and contact definitely not the watchdog Office. Sign nothing and pay anything before you have not previously obtained the advice of a qualified attorney for copyright. In many cases, the warnings are not necessarily fully accept. If you not in contact with the industrial firm have recorded and contact us, we can help you very well, because we know the top current jurisprudence of the OLG Cologne and BGH. We do not recommend you to instruct counsel General because you just need to know this special knowledge, such as the case-law and the corresponding argument in such a matter. Let you help themselves in any case by a qualified lawyer of copyright law, because you you otherwise in the next 30 years of legal consequences of such punitive cease and desist, as you, threatened with several thousand euros at once again determine of your IP address”are. Georg Schafer lawyer

Brazilian Citizens

After one soon description on the main types of maltreatment against children and adolescents, this chapter to analyze as the protection to the right of the child has been treated in the Brazilian constitutions and the institucional laws that had exerted and exert the guardianship, as the Code to Minors, the statute of the Child and the Adolescent, as well as the Federal Constitution of 1988. The first Brazilian Constitution, Empire, granted in 1824, the child did not make reference to reference to any type of protection and the adolescent. Heading VIII that it deals with the General Disposals and Guarantees of the Civil laws and Politicians of the Brazilian Citizens: In what pertine the content of article 179: XIX, we observe that, since already are abolished the whips, the torture, the mark of hot iron, and all the cruel penalties; XXXII the primary instruction is gratuitous to all the citizens. Valley to point out that the guarantees are directed to all the Brazilians, not having, therefore, any reference to the children and the adolescents. To follow, it came the first Republican Constitution, of 1891, that also it did not make any reference of protection to the child and the adolescent. Only the Constitution of 1934, for the first time, brings protection and support norms to the child.

In regards to article 121, interpolated proposition ' ' d' ' we have that: Prohibition of the work the minors of 14 years; of nocturnal work the minors of 16 years, and in unhealthy industries the minors of 18 years and the women. 3: The services of support to the maternity and infancy, the referring ones to the home and the feminine work, as well as the respective fiscalization and the orientation, will be charged of preference the qualified women. No longer article 138, we observe that: It charges to the Union, the States and Cities, in the terms of the respective laws: c).