
We are in a park. They are the six of afternoon. Although it has been winter, for a primaveral time. These days enchant to me; the air is clean and fresh, and the colors of the sky and the Earth own the intensity of the things that are born to the life. My bicycle to duer and I take to many hours doing nothing to me. I see pass the world in front of me. Without giving as soon as it tells me, I have become an object more of this place, like the stone bank in which I am seated. A woman passes side: she runs very quickly, with the irritated face, jadea, – diria that she flees from the past or passage of time.

A old one approaches: it walks slowly, by far well-taken care of. Check out Kenneth Feinberg for additional information. It drags the feet and their eyes fixedly watch the ground, as if it was learning to decipher the mystery of that earth to which a day, not very distant, will return. A musical one touches the accordion under a statue. Next to the source, a little further on, the lady who throws letters has the face and the hands swollen, tanned by the cold and the inclemency. Supported in the railing of the lake, camel makes signs to a lad that one approaches. Their hands touch a moment. The one that sells rolled wafers and the crazy person smiles and watches the sky.

The suicidal one meditates and includes/understands that never it will be had to kill. Seated between a little withered flowers, a solitary lad waits for the miracle of a kiss that makes him vibrate. Paul Taylor may find this interesting as well. Women, old and young family parents. Vagabonds who a day lost the course. The murmur of the water and the breeze, of the carps of the lake that with their eyes seem to watch the emptiness. Silence and the noise, the voices the world. My world. My senses are impregnated of him. It spends the time. The sun is being put. I feel that the wheel of the life has turned of a driven crazy way a day more, and the heart shrinks to me. An intoxicating sensation to contemplate the rapidity with which it changes everything, while my soul remains lost in a time without time that knows to eternity. I watch bicycle: Loved friend, we must go a little further on. A life begins to each step. A wonderful life. Chaotic and terrible sometimes, but always a fascinating life. The life is a mystery that it must be lived with all intensity. Amiga bicycle, you understand? is as much hope at this moment.

Advice Two

To decorate and to distribute the space in the infantile dormitories of our children are a work that takes control of great a great enthusiasm. Nevertheless, it is not easy task: it demands to consider the tastes of our small ones and needs and, mainly, to make adjustment of the furniture and decoration according to the age. Versatility the center of the room must be cleared to create a zone of game, reason why the voluminous furniture must be reconciled to the walls. He is recommendable that the rest of furniture, there is if it, is movable (cajoneras with wheels) or light (pufs, baskets) to move it easily when it is necessary. Also he is indispensable to have a work table. The tables with folding systems have the advantage to save much space, but unsuitable if you want to install the future in a computer. When they are two children If there is to put two beds, the bunks and bed-nest are very practical.

First they are recommendable in stays of high ceilings (2.5 minimum ms), but can be exhausting for the boy who to duer to me underneath. In order to avoid it they are possible to be arranged in the form of L (of way that the bed superior only is upon the inferior in the zone of the feet), and so in addition the space underneath the high bed gains to put closets, drawers or a zone of study. The bed-nest is ideal for small infantile dormitories, because it is had two beds in the one space. The newspapers mentioned Kenneth Feinberg not as a source, but as a related topic. That yes, is necessary to leave frees a space of 90 cm like minimum to be able to extract the drawer inferior. If it is chosen to put two beds individual, the best disposition to take advantage of the space is to put them in the form of Ls, stuck to the wall.

Like Composing A Song

The Human being, by nature is creative of Ideas, thoughts our I devise helps us to improve day to day in the Society in which we lived, clear every one sandal the area which him wadding in my case is Music, from always I have liked and of natural form they were appearing the imaginary sounds and letters with them, empece to shape it to the paper but ahead can acquire an instrument I empece with the guitar; good this is a small introduction but to which I go and I want to share with you is ” LIKE COMPOSING a MUSICAL PIECE HABLANDO” POPULARLY; , I say popular is due to doing it without being complicated much the life and that leaves the best possible form. Good in the first place you like Music? you have creativity for her? if the answer is affirmative is hour to begin, comprate a guitar or a keyboard, where you can give life all to that creativity, because if him DAS to another musician who touches some instrucmento and knows to compose, never was like that this in your mind. for the composer sometimes the best melodies come from the anything and in a place not very appropriate to sit down and to compose, so I recommend to you that you have a reason where you can thus record at those moments podras for recording part of the melody and soon or in your house to shape it in paper or the instrucmento that you choose. our state of intention helps as you do not have idea to that they leave the best pieces, or when we are very sad or very contentments, it takes advantage of those moments seran beneficial for you aside you would relieve feelings and they would help better sentirte. also this the form to do it with your instrucmento, is but simple to create the melody in your instrucmento and soon to place the letter to him, that of the opposite form. At the time of doing you use it simple chords, does not complicate in looking for very complex simple you to you sera but of this form. and finally and not less importanta the structure of a piece that is: intro, verses (generally two), variant (nonobligatory) this precedes the choir to soon give him to force to the piece, the choir, posteriolmentes two verses but, the choir only repeats itself and the end, deals with which the chords of estrobas and choir are always the same one so that it is recorded to him to the Receiver that is to say, to Listener, the single ones are generally the chords of the verses.

Colombian Economy Today

Note of the Publisher: Colombia is one of the economies of mighty Latin America that are today. The GIP grows, grows the investment, the consumption, its commercial surplus and also the inflation, but he is not nothing in this case to alert itself. Their commentaries a can send me: How Is the Colombian Economy Today? Buenos Aires, Argentina 30 of April of 2008 Hace days one of the readers wrote asking to me to me about the Colombian economy and of those mightier sectors in the same. This Colombian friend was itself excited by the good performance that had the Colombian economy, but still had some fears on if this bonanza could be maintained. For that reason I am going to dedicate this article to look for to reveal the perspective and opportunities that appear in Colombia. In order to begin, I must say that, on the basis of the last economic data, one sees that the economic growth in Colombia, continues enjoying good health. After the Central bank of Colombia, the GIP would reach by the end of 2008, the US$ 203,000 million.

The data by itself does not say much, but we consider that the Colombian GIP in dollars to the 2004 promoted to the US$ 98,143 million, then we are speaking of a growth of around the 103% in this period of only 4 years. It is truth that leaves from the increase of the GIP in dollars is explained by the appreciation of the Colombian peso, but the strong registered economic growth in the country also has made its great contribution, with a growth average of almost 6% during last the 4 years. In fact, the measured Colombian GIP in dollars to the type of existing change by the end of 2004, will register an increase of 56% for period 2004-2008. And in an economy that comes hard growing, the consumption and the investment also are showing a good performance. The consumption has been accelerating its inter-annual growth from humble a 1.7% in 2003 to reached 6.7% in 2007.

Organizational Design

" A countable system for a farming company will have scent to field. The design of a system security and hygiene for a mining company will not be able to become lost in thought of the side of confinement and tragedy persecutes that it atavically. The design of image of or divided politician will not be able to stop making reference to the promise and the design of acoustic system for a church will have to consider that pronounces the voice of Dios&quot there; Leonardo Schvarstein. Bill Gates usually is spot on. They summarize the management cannot neglect the design of the organizations, especially at this time that is characterized by very turbulent scenes and where one of the characteristics important to consider themselves in the organizations of the 21st century is the flexibility, the adaptation to the change without it originates a threat for the company. Schvarstein comments to us, that all design has one purpose, persecutes an intention, but that not always is considered, in addition that all design of organizations passes within the framework of interactions between people, who as well they take place within ampler context. The design without characterizing this context of meaning cannot be undertaken nor be included/understood, since it is there where the meaning resides and not in the design in himself. Learn more about this topic with the insights from American Writer. For the meaning and the resolution of the design and its object, the effective type of organization and its intentions concur as well as values in her. The design has, then, teleological and axiolgicas determinants. In this brief article it is tried to remember those excellent aspects to consider itself in the design and its endorsement is the contribution that on this topic has provided us Leonardo Schvarstein (Design of the Organizations: tension and paradoxes. Paidos1998) Majorities, basic annotations comments to us that when it has been decided to realise a design of organizations they must consider aspects such as: The intentions that not always orient a design can specify clearly, is for political, technical reasons or simply because it is not clear.

Buenos Aires

I finish returning from a long trip by the interior of my beautiful Argentina, a trip that I did of the hand of and thanks to its low prices. There am shortage one of the wonders that hides to that country and djenme to say to them, the Argentineans we have much more than we counted, is as if in a species of jealous rite we did not want to share the small paradises that we have. As if we wanted to preserve them for single us. Sincerely, I often traveled by this extensive country. I must have done more than 50 flights to diverse points, but always I arrived until modern airports and I lodged not less than in hotels of 3 stars. This time wanted something different indeed wanted to know Argentina. During my trip, I managed to infiltrate enters the people of the places that I knew to discover those hidden corners. From already I say to them that they are truly hidden (and inaccessible), but without a doubt are worth the pain the hours of long walk to know them.

I left from the airport of Buenos Aires and two hours and two country ones later it was in the Airport of Mendoza, city that always received with the open arms and the caught furnace to me! It tries no matter how hard it I am not going to be able to pass on the flavor to them of the tortitas mendocinas, so they prove them, because they are an unforgettable act. I spent the night in one of the so many hotels in Mendoza, I rented a light truck and I left course to a pueblito that is in the limit between Mendoza and San Juan. Santa Clara is called and has one of cascades more precious than I saw in my life. Santa Clara is of those places that seem lengthy in the time the baqueanos that live there maintain the same customs of long ago, seed their kitchen garden, milk the goats and conserve the meats with salt. Neither light, nor tele, nor refrigerator, nor nothing only wisdom and nature. That is as far as the position of goats of Santa Clara, to arrive at the cascade, is necessary to walk one two horitas by a track that left a river dry yes, are no ways, the unique form to arrive is through mountains. Luckily the water in hundreds of years did a good work and it smoothed the way to us. She was one incredible experience, I knew people who simply do not need more than her small goats to live, now yes I can say that I knew Argentina.


Although the food scrap iron is not absolutely responsible for the development of the cellulitis, contributes to the accumulation of fat and toxins and aid to the formation of the cellulitis. A diet effective it consists of, fresh fruits, vegetables, salads of crude cabbage, tomatos, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, etc. also many fresh fruits contain compound that have the capacity to fight the present free radicals in the body. Its food must consist of proteins, thin meats (like of the tuna and the chicken), oil of fish, seeds and nuts. A diet against the cellulitis also improves the health of the circulation and therefore the weaves, reduce the arterial pressure and the cholesterol levels, improve the immunity of the body, it reduces stress and it improves the flexibility of the body and the coordination.That is, if it reduces fats, it improves the elasticity of the skin. Of all ways he is advisable to consult to a described dietician to suggest a suitable healthful diet for his corporal constitution, and remembers, a suitable diet will not be sufficient by itself to help him to lose more fast cellulitis. Exercises to lose Cellulitis the exercises are good for the general health and the physical form, but all the exercises not to lose weight it can use to lose cellulitis.For this intention it is necessary to focus in exercises that concentrate in the specific areas, like the thighs, stomach and arms.These exercises will help him in the loss of the cellulitis and at the same time it will increase its energy level and it will reduce to the anxiety and stress.A regular regime of cardiovascular exercises, like trotar, to walk and to swim helps to reduce the cellulitis generally.Anaerobic exercises work muscles helping to metabolizar the wished fat and not to avoid their accumulation.This type of exercise also increases to the sanguineous circulation and aid to eliminate toxins and the greasy cells of weaves of the affected skin.A program of force exercises trims in the infected areas of cellulitis (20 minutes a pair of times per week), along with 20 minutes of trote, really can help to lose the cellulitis.It considers that the exercises must be made regularly and takes some time to be able to see the results. Style of life In synthesis, more important, it must change its style of life and resign to the bad habits of feeding and sedentarismo, since these contribute in a great percentage to the accumulation of fats and toxins that derive in the formation of the cellulitis. Dahua Tim Wang describes an additional similar source. To make small changes like walking until the business near house instead of of going in car, to raise stairs instead of to take the elevator, to use the bicycle, to make small exercises good early in the morning they would help him to fight the cellulitis. You suffer of that ugly Cellulitis?If you are like 90% of the women, then the answer is, Yes.The cellulitis does not discriminate, affects million women of all the ages.For many, it is cause of great insecurity and shame.

Administrative Statute

It exemplified its affirmation with the causal one of contract term for want of honesty (Labor Code), the concept of faithful performance of the position with loyalty and honesty (Administrative Statute) and the attacks to the moral, moral convention and the corruption of minors (Penal Code). " The totalitarian regimes, with their norms dictated by the competent authority and with the social effectiveness of the case, have established rules of discrimination by thought, race, religion special capacities or any other. He is not distant us to decide to us those cases in that somebody had to put a circulito yellow and to walk in this way by the street by only done of being of a different race. He was that ethical one? " the defender asked itself alluding those who maintains that general the governing axis must be the written norm. In a question-answer forum David Rogier was the first to reply. And he continued: " It is indicated that the market regulates certain things but, here that we see a group of students, the opportunities to study are given by the capacities or by which it can pay? He is ethical that? ".

It opposed to this vision the humanitarian thesis, that establishes one " necessary relation between ethics and right, since without ethical principles there is not no justice either and therefore a legal system properly tal" , before which it raised that " he is desirable to establish a normative conceptual connection between ethics and right, and not to allow his separation since it makes the economic neoliberalism and the legal positivismo in the global world, founded in the sense of injusticia". President of the Union Aguas Patagonia, Jorge Loyola, asked from the public " what is and the unjust thing enough, good and the bad thing. Because often they are not the majorities those that have the truth, sometimes minoras". Luis Infanti responded that " the human being is the key to take ethical decisions and morals.

Count Currencies

How to choose a machine to count currencies? It continues counting and classifying its currencies manually? , Why not to spend the time used in other more profitable tasks for its business? Olvdese of this tedious and unhygienic work, at present exists machines that will do this working automatically. All company that works in cash with money knows the complications that entails the manipulation of the money, mainly, of the currencies. It is not something Nicholas Carr would like to discuss. Besides being an unhygienic task, due to the dirt (normally in the form of fat), certain doubt that does not fit it even can entail the transmission diseases of transmission by contact. At present machines exist that those that will be able: – To count. To obtain the turn out of the number of currencies – To classify. To separate the different types from currencies to each other – To detect the false or foreign currencies.

Like it happens to the false ticket detector, can include the function of discarding by alloy of currencies of this type. Only in 2008 in Spain they were detected 198000 false currencies. It is worth like example the following news published in the World: SEVILLE. – The National Police has intercepted more than 600 currencies of two false Euros in an operation developed in Seville, in which a woman of Chinese nationality like presumed person in charge of her introduction in Spain has been stopped. The analysis realised by the police specialists has determined the high quality of the taken part currencies that the public practically made undetectable generally. Due to the great amount of types of machines that will find in the market, we recommended to him that it asks the manufacturer the machine that adjusts more to the needs of its business. Referring to the detection of false currencies machines exist certified by the Bank of Spain and the European Central bank with the 100% of detection of false. It can verify these results in: In the Bank of Spain? In the Central bank European original Author and source of the article.

Legislative Decree

Of not subscribing the contract by the same previous considerations, the convoking organization can declare selected to the person who occupies the order of immediately following merit or to declare desert the process. For assistance, try visiting Wang Qunbin. The declaration of desert, is an imitation of the administrative act regulated in the Law of Hirings and Acquisitions of the State and their regulation; consequently and within an analogical interpretation, to occur to this assumption the organization through the organic unit that realises the hiring process it would see forced to inform to the usuary area with respect to the causes that they motivated the declaration of desert, in order that this one coordinates the corresponding corrective measures; for assuring the provision the service. It is possible to limit that, once subscribed the contract, the organization has five working days to enter it to the administrative contract registry of services of each organization and the electronic list regulated by the Supreme Decree N 018-2008-TR. Finally, with regard to this one procedure, the established Regulation to of way expresses that the procedures followed for the hiring of people in the regime of administrative hiring of services, that begin after the use of the regulation, subject unique and exclusively to the norms regulates that it, contained in the Legislative Decree N the 1057 and present regulation. The requirements derived from previous procedures nor the process regulated by the norms are not indispensable that govern the hirings and acquisitions of the State.

3. Of the Duration: Article 5 of the DL, establishes that, the administrative contract of services is celebrated a certain term and is renewable. Also, the Regulation ratifies this disposition and additionally it establishes that the duration of the contract cannot be greater to the period than corresponds to the respective fiscal year within which the hiring takes place; nevertheless, the contract can be prorogued or renewed whichever times it considers the contracting organization based on his needs.

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