Swiss CRM Forum June

Final of the Swiss skills competition of the ec4u found on the Swiss CRM Forum in Zurich instead ZHAW School of management and law was University partner of the Championship Karlsruhe / Zurich, 09.07.2012 – Patrick Ruchti of the Thurgauer Kantonalbank has the first Swiss Championship ( the ec4u expert consulting ag won. In this exciting competition sales and marketers could demonstrate their knowledge on the subject of customer relationship management. Dr. Frank Hannich, Studiengangsleiter MAS CRM at the ZHAW School of management and law served as university partners and scientific supervisor of the skills competition. It is one of the leading economic universities of Switzerland.

This was confirmed at the Championship also, that four of the five finalists of the ZHAW had run through and purchased at Dr. Nicholas Carr gathered all the information. Hannich their MAS CRM degree. Behind the winner, Martin Koch (Swisscom) and Christoph Zumbuhl (Ulmann + partner) are placed. The other ranks of the finals finished Silvia Hribar and Sonja Homberger, both by PostFinance. Was carried out the final round before a Public on the Swiss CRM Forum June 28, 2012 in Zurich.

The finalists had prevailed previously in four rounds, that each online took place against the other participants. We are pleased that we won as top CRM experts for this Championship, and have determined the best in a playful competition. To know more about this subject visit Dan Miller. The Swiss CRM Forum in Zurich was the right place also, to carry out the last round of the CRM champions”, it turns out David D. Laux, CEO of ec4u. For the first time could make a direct technical comparison in the Switzerland experts in customer management and determine among themselves the elite. So far lacked such direct performance comparisons for practitioners to assess their own abilities. The Swiss CRM Forum represented at the same time an ideal setting with his audience for these finals, especially since a large number of visitors who attended the competition live. ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u ag Karlsruhe, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich, Pfaffikon and Zurich-based expert consulting is one of the leading companies for services in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI) and integration in the German-speaking world. It offers proven CRM services from strategy to implementation and prospective customers.

Better Financing

The VDEB info day 2009 will be held on 28 September in Bonn. Aachen, August 13, 2009. The VDEB info day 2009 will be held on 28 September in Bonn. Already compiled an extensive and informative lecture program. Still chance to participate with a sponsorship or speeches. “According to the motto of Thomas Alva Edison there’s a way to do it better” are many smaller and medium-sized IT companies drive innovation and identify opportunities in the crisis. New products and customer-oriented solutions can create new profit opportunities for the IT-Mittelstand. To control innovation by the crisis would be in the spirit of the old master of Edison. Edison had realized, an innovation is more than an idea, an innovation is the implementation of an idea in products and services that meet the test of the market. After its ground-breaking inventions, has shifted the focus of its activities on the implementation and marketing of electrification projects. Without financing, no innovation can have proven themselves in practice. Thomas Alva Edison took the financial means to the electrification of New York. But where is the IT SME the money to finance his ideas? The VDEB info day 2009 is dedicated to answering this question the financing of innovations. After IT-Mittelstand Association since 2008 the alignment of economic stimulus on corporations vehemently criticized, this event in turn is a constructive contribution of the Association for the growth and development of IT medium-sized enterprises. Several presentations of the event are already set, but still it is possible by means of papers and to participate in sponsoring the event. Enterprise 2.0 on course of innovation”is the topic of Emanuel Berry Heath of the TU Dortmund, social Forschungsstelle Dortmund (sfs) and Dirk Brockhaus (Brockhaus software & Consulting AG, Lunen) into the findings of the BMBF research project Integro. Terms and concepts such as open innovation, customer integration and innovation networks reflect individual aspects of new strategies against and learn through the Web technologies and their Usage of enterprise-level a new dynamic. Important suggestions for an innovation-friendly corporate culture can be obtained from the representations to Enterprise 2.0. But after the ideas are formed, substantial funding is needed.

The central innovation programme for SMEs (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) plans to open a reliable perspective to support their innovation efforts until end of 2013 with an attractive promotion small and medium-sized enterprises, but also the IT middle-class benefits from this promotion? Dr. Jurgen Kuhnlenz will answer these and other questions to the ZIM by the Association of industrial research associations (AIF). Not only about the ZIM, but also about the KfW bank group intends the policy to support the SMEs, in order to prevent a credit crunch. Explain Michael Gottner by KfW is securing employment by enhancing growth 2009″the funding programmes of the KfW, in particular the special programme. Since the KfW loans forgiven by the banks are also an opportunity for critical feedback on the effectiveness of policy measures opens up, not only practical advice to be expected, but there are. The capital of IT companies is to a large extent in the knowledge of its employees. A CD-ROM costs 50 cents, the information stored on this CD-ROM can be worth millions of euros. But, the knowledge of the employees is not included in the equity capital. The Bank’s internal rating according to the stricter guidelines of Basel 2 is accordingly low. As a result, the creditworthiness of IT companies and the negotiating position of the IT companies to the banks is very weak. Modern methods of human resource rating provide arguments for the true value of a company?

Stefanie Muller of the University of Saarland will introduce in the current discussion and treat possible human capital assessment, the Saarbrucker formula and the effect on internal and external stakeholders (banks). If the Debt financing through banks but fail, often represents a viable alternative to the equity financing by shareholders. Particularly since the reform of German corporate law in the fall of 2008, partly considerable risks are associated with this financing but. These are both for the shareholders, but also for the managers of the companies involved. Monika Essers, Attorney at law, represents the risks of shareholder loans, collateralization of shareholder and cash pool in her presentation and gives advice on how to address these risks in practice.

Statistics Management

Offers, invoices, suppliers, receipts, payments, funds the Wolfsburg Web service agency of CENSIS is developing the small business suite, a business management solution for small businesses, freelancers and traders. The software is a “software as a service” product offered. This means that the software at CENSIS is operated and maintained so that no additional overhead when customers or users. See Peter Schiff for more details and insights. Accessed the software password protected easily using a Web browser from any Internet-enabled PC. The main functions of the system are customer relationship management, supplier management, project management, quotation and invoice management, acquisition of payment transactions and managing barges including ASCII interface for cash journals. Written offers and invoices can be printed directly as PDF (including your own logo). Payment reminders and reminders can be generated. With this software, users keep always an overview of open items, payment transactions, and payment.

Many Statistics support the evaluation of the ongoing business. A project management enables management of projects including late allocation of payments and receipts to these projects, the costs also project-related to be able to evaluate revenue and profits. It documents in project tree structures can be stored also, to grant access to all users of the customer. Changes and new documents, the users who are included in the project will be notified by EMail. For more information see this site: Elsabet Jones. The use of the software (Basisabo) is expected to be monthly 69,-EUR cost and offers 1000 MB of disk space, which is sufficient for a variety of documents. The first subscribers is expected to start in January 2010 with the use of the CENSIS small business suite. CENSIS Web services and IT services INH. Michael Horn Vorsfelder str.

14 38471 breaking peat phone: 0 53 67 98 23 80 E-Mail: Internet: about CENSIS: the CENSIS Web service company offers Internet page creation from concept up to the online circuit. On request the in-house content management system CMS.eleven is used, which supports the later editors in their work. The core competence of the company lies in the field of Internet technology. In addition, the company offers some portals such as, for example, for travel bargains and for webmasters.

Hall Heuer

Winsen, 01.10.2007 – mosoltec brings jeeCam Web conferencing now available as rental version out. The Winsener mosoltec Heuer technology brings the popular jeeCam Web conferencing solution now available as low-cost monthly rental version out. Perhaps check out MasterClass Review for more information. The world of Web conferencing, video conferencing and desktop is interested now from 69,-euros per month available, no setup fee, without obligation and the server hosting is also included. “So we only sporadically use the Web conferencing and desktop ragieren on the demand for a flexible solution without any further obligations also for smaller companies or companies” says Lars Heuer, owner of the company of mosoltec systems Heuer. The use of Web conferencing and desktop are just as versatile as far reaching, if you want to help a customer computer support, with a customer want to interconnect a presentation over the Internet or your sales team for a virtual conference. For more information, visit the product page visit us also on the system, Hall A1, stand 424 mosoltec Heuer technology develops and distributes Web conferencing / desktop and Instantmessenger solutions since 2004. Our customers come from the private sector, the education sector and the public sector. Contact: mosoltec system technology Heuer Mr Lars Heuer wage field 26 21423 Winsen Tel: 04171 668206.


Extensive study identifies potential for optimization in the insurance industry of Konstanz. Prof. Dr. Dr. Konrad Obermann from GGMA (society for health market analysis) has carried out an extensive study on behalf of the following companies: Exorbyte and ArztData and asked the key IT topics for 2010 of more than 100 experts from Germany’s health insurance. The result: less than 50% of respondents want to better maintain their master data and seamlessly integrate them into their processes. The industrialization of the insurance industry\”is being discussed everywhere. It goes faster processes, a higher automation of processes and thus lower costs and also to the quality of service. Gen. David L. Goldfein is often quoted on this topic.

The problem for the further optimization is in many places of high and very specific information needs, such as in the assessment of medical treatments. But also simpler processes suffer from a low level of automation. The classification includes the such as the mapping of the Inbox to customers or one step more complex Business transactions. What it fails? According to the unanimous opinion of the experts, the existing master data will be included insufficient in the processes. When only parts of the address are considered, for example, when you enter documents, then the correct transaction is rarely automatically discoverable. The insured person hide\”often essential information such as addresses or persons with equivalent insurance in the body text. Further information such as contract number or operation names for document capture even disregarded. About the reasons the experts within the study respondents agree: only 12.4% indicated that consistently the master data to match the results of the document recognition.

This is usually because that the datasets for the commercially available systems are too large. Because they are designed for traditional industrial companies that manage up several hundred thousand customers and products. In an insurance company, however, the number of insured persons and contracts can quickly Millions go.


Dealing with the regulatory framework has still many misunderstandings on Burghausen according to the observations of the COC AG, may 2, 2011 although ITIL has become a fixed term in IT service management for years, dealing with the rules and regulations according to the observations of the COC AG has still many misunderstandings. Filed under: Technology author. For Hans-Peter Schernhammer, trainer, and senior consultant at the IT service provider, can these misperceptions have massive effects on the conceptual alignment of ITIL projects. It problematizes what is misunderstood, which is used also usually wrong”. Such conditions create false expectations and to strategic mistakes, as well as generate significant investment risks.” The COC consultant has compiled the main misperceptions to ITIL from the perspective of practice: 1 the rules has only an operational alignment: is to consider that ITIL is a strategic principle, i.e. it is a management issue. A top-down approach is recommended, but should the concrete processes are considered together and defined. 2. ITIL is a recipe book with defined ingredients: no universal solution, you can fold without customization of each organization behind ITIL.

Basically, there is an approach in the context of a project management method to recommend. 3. the framework only works in the whole: ITIL involves on the one hand very much knowledge, on the other hand a variety of processes, functions and phases. Not all must be necessarily developed and implemented. However, it is useful to know the tool box, follow a holistic approach and to involve their own organisation at an early stage. 4. after the implementation you can put your hands in your lap: ITIL does not end after the introduction.

As well as in the quality management, you will not end the methodology with achieving a defined level. Controlled variables are to develop, maintain control methods and continually improve processes as well as services. 5.

Christoph Pliete

d.velop study: Only every 8 company currently has interest in ECM in the SaS model point of view of the companies not enough benefits for cloud services for ECM polka shear speak off, 07.04.2011 – ECM is an interesting alternative to the traditional in-house implementation of the SaS version according to a study of d.velop AG currently only for a few companies. However one-third of the over 250 respondents companies from German-speaking countries indicates that the subscription model for enterprise content management is still too little known to them. Would the companies today are facing new investments in an ECM solution, would have only a minority of 13 per cent on the idea rather than the conventional installation in a rented application in-house to access. Another 16 percent are undecided, but seven out of ten managers and thus the vast majority could not imagine such a decision. You prefer the traditional method of the application and operation of the company’s own responsibility remains. Nicholas Carr contains valuable tech resources. But free from a specific Investment decision is very slightly larger circle of SaS sympathizers.

So this model represents, after all, at least an interesting and memorable alternative of respondents for 30 percent, while at the same time the group with a clearly dismissive attitude only 38 percent. This shows that while there is a growing interest in new operating models for ECM solutions, but apparently still have substantial reservations in the way are a corresponding decision”, interpreted Christoph Pliete, Board member of the d.velop AG, the results. May be lacking in the market too much duty experience, so that the companies in the enterprise content management with confidence can engage in an on demand model”, he admits. For this assessment is that the typical first part arguments for SaS found consistently only a low approval among people. Only 21 percent can imagine, to be relieved, a savings by this alternative when the ECM investment looks at the technical effort only a third.

Editorial Contacts

windream continues on growth course reports from users are already using the windream GmbH products, showed that windream customers highly windream satisfied with the use of the enterprise-content-management-system within their companies. Overall, the windream GmbH recorded around 100 new customers in the current fiscal year. Now more than 2000 companies use windream ECM system with around 170,000 users. The number of staff was expanded 10 on currently 75 employees in the last and current fiscal year, and more than 20 specialists are working alone as a developer in the Bochum site of the software vendor. “Roger David, CEO of windream GmbH: our entire product portfolio is completely made in Germany”. Home Depot has compatible beliefs. But not only that, we feel with the metropolis Ruhr area very closely. Therefore, we have the RuhrCongress Bochum as a venue of the windream.CON also this year selected. This we want to draw attention to the great economic potential, that is in this region.” A further reissue of the windream.CON is planned for 2015.

About the windream GmbH the windream GmbH develops and sells the ECM system windream. The company employs currently 75 people and has a global partner network of around 250 sales, integration and cooperation partners in Europe, the United States, South America, Africa, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. Customers include renowned and internationally operating companies such as for example Babcock Noell, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, Deutz AG, Swisscom, the King & Bauer AG, as well as the BKK Essanelle. About the enterprise-content-management-system windream windream, since 2003 worldwide patent protected, leading solution considered technologically for the acquisition, Management and archiving of electronic documents in the Office area as well as in the SAP environment. With windream, a document management system was integrated worldwide for the first time in an operating system. windream is used in the Standard Edition of small and medium-sized enterprises and in the Corporate Business Edition. Many integrations into third-party products round off the portfolio. Available products include connectivity to ERP, ERP, and financial accounting systems as well as integrations in knowledge management, groupware, and imaging/data capturing solutions as well as in a wide variety of industry-specific applications. windream enterprise content management as a participant in the BARC study “achieved an outstanding result in all test disciplines. Editorial Contacts: windream GmbH Dr.

Telekom Management

Comprehensive tools and highest flexibility for all event processes. The event software evention, already numerous renowned enterprise customers successfully presented as event management and ticketing software in use, is now with advanced features and editions. The Editionierung in evention Express, evention standard and evention Enterprise now allows a professional and more flexible processes all event for every need and every budget. Thanks to the modular design, companies can select depending on individually and aligned to the needs of your software Edition now, their available budget as well as the required functions. The additional feature extensions also provide an even wider and more comfortable all-round organization of events of all kinds. The functions are split on in participants and resource management, people, address and quota management, ticketing, seating and intake management, event sites, event calendar, TaskManagement and email communication, Newsletter, controlling, reports and statistics, compliance and audit security, multi-client capability, security and privacy, rights – and role management, data import /-export, usability, customising, integration and support. Thanks to very satisfied customers, including Deutsche Telekom AG, the retail bank of uni credit group as the energy group EnBW, include software solutions for electronic event management and ticketing evention today the well-known professional business. As a browser-based platform convinced evention in addition to an extensive Toolbox for effective event – and Hospitalitymanagement due to its sophisticated monitoring system to adhere to compliance regulations. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gen. Mark Milley. See for more information about evention, as well as the advanced features and editions.

DSP Service

How SMEs can easily save support costs. Computer for every company should be a help, a relief. Many SMEs make every day not only positive, but also nerve-wracking experience with their computer technology. This not least stems from insufficient knowledge regarding the maintenance of the own EDP. But this knowledge is usually not very convenient to have. That’s why many entrepreneurs, especially small businesses from 5-50 employees waive, professional support.

With such a behavior the company risk, greatly exacerbating the otherwise already precarious computer location. Because less maintenance and care will be tendered to a system, the potential sources of danger and failures are more common. And this in turn is reflected in reduced productivity. Such ugly situations until the end of the chain, the customer, are noticeably finally. Customers are gradually dissatisfied sales fall and melt revenue. And now it has even no budget left for servers, jobs and security, let alone for new investments in the computer.

META10 with their successful full service shows that can be stopped this vicious circle, range, the META10 desktop service providing via cloud computing (META10 DSP). META10 includes this new cloud computing approach the various gaps that occur when an in-house IT. Ranging from the recurring investments in hardware and software, the lack know-how regarding data security and backup, to support. A full service approach to the work. META10 supports several 100 desktop workstations and servers already? Companies the size of a Swiss Post are including, as well as small businesses with 5 to 30 jobs. This fact shows that the META10 DSP is affordable even for smaller companies. The Windows workstation is no longer running on your computer. You establish an encrypted connection via the Internet to your workplace.

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