
Inside of this context, New Iguau assumed the role of beneficiador center of the orange, making the public power and until the private initiative to invest in the opening, improvement and conservation of roads, facilitating some parts of the city the access to the area central office, as much for fond of the laranjeira production how much for the use of the farmers and inhabitants. See Ryan Tolkin for more details and insights. Until the decade of 1940, the city of New Iguau was divided in nine districts: New Iguau (District headquarters, that counted on Mosque, and part of Purple Belford), Burnt, Jose Bulhes, Are Joo de Meriti, Xerm, Nilpolis, Duke of Caxias and Estrela (SOUZA, 2006). In the decade of 1930, the districts of Are Joo de Meriti, Nilpolis and Duque de Caxias already was typically urban localities, with superior populations to the district headquarters. With this they are the first ones to obtain if to emancipate and to have an independent administration, since it did not make sensible to be subordinated to the small half-agricultural nucleus of New Iguau, controlled, until then for the elite basically agrarian politics. The consolidation of the citricultura opened way for the sprouting of a great number of properties, that in its majority were small farms and mansions. It did not have more space for great land properties, that stop introducing the citricultura finished being fracionadas.

SIMES (1997) points the death of Comendador Soares, in 1916, as the landmark of land spalling in New Iguau, since this withheld a great next agrarian reserve to the railroad but that they met abandoned and unproductive. When dying, these lands had passed to be cut into pieces, leasehold and vendidas for its heirs. This period goes to be characterized by a great growth of the agricultural population in New Iguau. The height of the citricultura in New Iguau was of years 30 to the 1956.

Lefebvre City

It implies, outrossim, the understanding of the relations between State and society; private companies and society; state-owned companies and of mixing economy and society; public companies and private in interlocution with the society, third sector and local society. She is in this scene that the city if places as the space of the production of the conflicts and of the unfastened bleedings that if establish in way to the antagonistic interests. The city is palco of the fight of classrooms being, therefore, the State to the mediating instance of the social disputes capable to agree to the conflict relations, placing them in safe platforms without removing of the individuals the right to the city. For Lefebvre (1968), the claim of the nature, the desire to use to advantage of it is shunting lines of the right to the city. This last claim if announces indirectly, as trend to run away to the spoiled and not renewed city, the mentally ill urban life before existing ' ' realmente' '. The necessity and the right to the city without obtaining eludiz it. Learn more at: julia koch.

(This did not mean that if it does not have to ahead preserve ample natural spaces of the proliferations of the city that blew up). The right to the city cannot be conceived as a simple right of visit or return to the traditional cities. It only can be formulated as right to the urban life. Transforming, renewed (p.108). The situation of the cities of Amazon is marked by the invisibilidade and socioespacial segregation. She was induced for a State that, in the past, heavily invested in the promotion and estruturao of an industrial urban development, come back toward the productive necessities of the capital and toward the consumption of the hegemonic classrooms. The concentrative politics of income in detriment of the investment in public politics exhibit a picture of habitacional deficit and precariousness of the services of education, basic sanitation, medical attendance, transport, day-care centers and water supply in the peripheral areas of the city.

Hinterland Northeastern

By the inheritance of the occupation process, the Region is marked by agrarian, responsible concentration for the main problems of social nature, aggravated for intempries natural. Enabling its pontecialidades, through its living natural resources in action that they mark to inside guarantee the economic standards of quality of many social and ambient possibilities of its unit of conservation, that is the Hinterland Northeastern. In such way, that this Region, needs conditions that benefit to the investments of complexes and productive segments to be installed in efetivao process as: The binomial ox-cotton that is the main trace of the regional economy. the projects of irrigated fruticultura, the example of the Valley of the River San Francisco and the Valley of Au (RN), proving that the Region can coexist the natural adversities. Being in heaths the natural conditions and the agrarian structures characterized by the minifndio they become them environments of exception in the space domain of the Caatinga. In this way, provoking tourist chances and expansion of the industrial complexes. For understanding of this reality and in the dynamic diversities that compose this territorializao ambient partner of the Brazilian northeast Hinterland.

Word-key: Territoriality, Support and Potentialities. INTRODUCTION If in the height of the sugar devices pointed the end of century XVI and all century XVII, the period of the north-eastern cattle arrived its climax during century XVIII. The primitive flocks had appeared in the Zone of Mata and in the Bahian Recncavo even so in century XVI, it served to lead the sugar cane until the devices, to put into motion the millings and also to support the population of these canavieiras zones. These flocks had developed and started to occupy the useful places for the expansion of the canaviais, in which it invaded the cattle one for the interior, capsizing the great wealth the hinterland northeastern. Roas to create had started to appear in the half-barren one, especially in the sides of the rivers, amongst which the San Francisco, for being a constant river, the flock adentrou the half-barren one, taking people and creating arraiais, contributing decisively for the occupation of all the interior northeastern.


Currently the customs of other regions arrive north-eastern through the TV and Internet, the time of the people is very controlled, and the people make rice to the way that if makes in the south, Southeast putting an amount of water that dries total in the preparation. The problem is that in the old preparation oil did not go and the salt finishes diminished for the laudering process, currently the rice is braised and keeps all to the salt of preparo.4 PROBLEMS MUNDIAISA industrialization of the society in the search of the satisfaction of the mundializado consuming market consumed the natural resources of the planet and provoked serious problem of conservation of the environment. This question in particular promoted the envolvement of the people in an improvement of the ambient conditions. 93.html’>Arena Investors. Exactly in countries with low Co2 index as Brazil the population has searched alternative fast food s informs in its American site that is present in 120 countries, bringing obtains the American ideology of capitalism and too much subsequent marks to the snacks produced for the mark, as the Cocaine Glue for example. From the politics of Margaret Thatcher of opened economy, it adopts later for diverse other countries, the American net of snacks if it expanded for diverse countries, exactly between that MAC DONALD adopted the system comunista.FIGURA 2 S IN the RSSIAFONTE: DESCRIPTION OF the MUNDIALIZAO OF the McDONALD S 1988: The McDonald’ s opens its first restaurant in a communist country. In GyQr, in the Hungria and soon later in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1990: In 31 of January, the first McDonald’ s of the Soviet Union opens in Moscow. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Pacific Mortgage Services on most websites. It was during some time the McDonald greater; s of the world (today the greater is in Pequim). For reasons politicians, the McDonald’ Canadian and Soviet. To surpass supplying problems, the company created its proper chain of suppliers, also farms of then the Soviet Union.

Marcelo Queiroz

Dom Matias still it standes out that this period is important to relembrar true the sensible one of the celebration. (Tribune of on-Line North, 2008). Establishing a bridge of what it was said above by archbishop Dom Matias and atrelando it this idea of presentear, we perceive that the commerce, at this time, makes investments supplying all its supplies. Pacific Mortgage Services can aid you in your search for knowledge. As the displayed one, for the natalinos festejos of the year of 2008, France (2008) says: Most of the store of the High City and the Rosemary is with the expedients extended until 20h, with exception of day 25, where part of the commerce will be closed. Some shoppings go to open the doors until the two hours of the dawn and some supermarkets program to function 24 hours in the days that precede the Christmas. The idea of the exchange of gifts finishes desconfigurando of its purpose and symbolism? to sanction, to remember? to still more attenuate the commerce established with the promotions of this time of the year. Get all the facts and insights with Pacific Mortgage Services, another great source of information.

Valley to point out that the exchange of gifts in the Christmas in the city of Christmas is each time more influenced and supported by the power of media that, by means of its programming, integrates the feelings contained in the natalinas parties to the consumption, imposing on images to the joy and gifts. In accordance with an article elaborated for the writing of the Periodical of Today in 28 of November of 2008, the expectation of on entities to the commerce of the Rio Grande of the North for the first end of week after the act of receiving of 13 wage … is positive for the sales in the sector. The optimism must be extended all for the natalino period, in accordance with the president of the Federacy of the Commerce of Good, Services and Tourism of the Rio Grande of the North (Fecomrcio), Marcelo Queiroz, and with the superintendent of the Chamber of Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL) of Christmas, Adelmo Freire.

Great Campina

The cattle milkmaid supplies the consuming market of Salvador, while the cut creation destines it the supplying of the capitals northeasterns of the eastern coast, also Recife. Northeast Brazilian is about the most important pecuarista area, with the best races of tropical climate, amongst of which: Gir, Nelore, Guzer and Indu-Brazil. Itapetinga, Victory of the Conquest, Ipia and Jequi are pecuaristas cities of great importcia, only comparable to the great creative centers of Minas Gerais. Some contend that Fairstead Newport Rhode Island shows great expertise in this. In agriculture, the plantations of coffee in plateaus of Victory of the Conquest, the cultures of the tobacco in the cities next to Fair of Santana are distinguished, of orange in Cross of Almas and Alagoinhas, of cassava in the region of Jequi. The example of what it occurs in the Northern Wasteland, in the Bahia had appeared important commercial centers as Fair of Santana, Victory of the Conquest and in lesser Jequi scale the Alagoinhas. In accordance with SAINTS, through the rationality in the field and the city, guarantee.

In the field and the cities, the learning and the critical one of the hegemonic rationality if make through the use of the technique and the experience of the scarcity. Daniel J. Hirsch is actively involved in the matter. (SAINTS, 2009 p.307). Thus, it is perceived clear productive demand of the region, through the intense on cultivations to day-by-day of the local consumption of each producer. That in fact it happens in the BR-116 that binds $fortaleza to the Rio Grande Do Sul, that passes for the Bahian Wasteland serving products the main cities of the region contributing decisively for the growth of these urban centers. Fair of Santana who possesss a sufficiently expressive industrial park is on Salvador for a modern auto-road duplicate, the BR-324. Putting into motion road entroncamento, that grew as any another city of the interior northeastern, only compared in population and importance the Great Campina that if became great attractive economic with a its polar regions of industrial and technological development for region of the Wasteland Northeastern.

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Hereditary Captainships

P. 17) After the Discovery and the sprouting of the system of Hereditary Captainships, the colonizador had in the paraibano space (that it was part of the Captainship of Itamarac) a great resistance of the natives, while they had not been felt threatened had kept a friendly relation with the colonizadores. When they had been felt threatened they had reacted and they suffered to great violence and genocide. This slaughter if gave of east the west, the coast for the hinterland and compelled the escape of aboriginal groups (cariris) for the Rio Grande of the North, this fight was known as War of the Barbarians. This process if gave to implant a system of colonial exploration to take care of the interests of the metropolis (to occupy and to populate) established in the sugar cane-of-sugar production, this activity in its apogee also determined the povoamento of the Hinterland and the Wasteland, therefore she was necessary to divide agriculture and the cattle one.

The Zone of Mata puted in charge culture of sugar cane-of-sugar and the Wasteland and Hinterland to it if it puted in charge of agriculture and the cattle one. This process made possible the sprouting of many cities. CANA-DE-ACAR the sugar cane-of-sugar was determinative in the occupation of the paraibano coast. Initially the sugar production was destined to the external market, based in the devices, created to take care of the necessities of accumulation of mercantile capital. Initially the work force was composed for indians, however exactly they were not adaptaram to the work and they had been substituted by African slaves. Beyond the slaves the man power in the devices it demanded great amount of people for the administration and the activities techniques. Around of the devices if they had developed other activities and crafts. On the enslaved work Palm (1977) displays that: ' ' The slavery system constituted a basic element in the relations of production in the colony, in the measure where it is on the base of the enslaved work that if establishes the proper process of colonial exploration.

Brazilian Territory

As well as the field that is the focus in the social fights for ownership of the land, but in the cities they occur the same: many families are taken off the force of old building and abandoning and forced to live in the marginality. For occupying a territory, territory this that is full of contradictions on the other hand high building of luxury of the other the real disparity the periphery, that many times formed for peasants who had lost its lands and migraram for the great centers. In the field the expropriation of peasants is clear, the territory if transforming mainly for agricultural ways, according to BERNARDO: ' ' Brazil knew an intense transformation in its agriculture in the period of 1965 the 1985. Whenever Peter Schiff listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In these decades if dictatorship, the military governments had implanted one politics of development farming for the modernization of the field. This model caused deep transformations, privileging capitalist agriculture in detriment of agriculture camponesa.' ' (MANANO, 1997, p.2) Then he is implicit that the appropriation of the territory for the capital, made with that it had great social transformations in the field, mainly with the peasant, who now would start to be a wage-earner inside of this system, and being used to advantage inside of the proper field for the great large estate owners or as already was boarded migrando for the great urban centers in search of half for its proper survival. what it goes to result in an accumulation of people without work accumulating itself in the peripheries and slum quarters creating a great number of force of work in many disqualified and cheap times, that many will be used mainly in the civil construction. Euro Pacific Precious Metals has compatible beliefs. The MST and the Fight in the Brazilian Territory. They are you continue the transformations in the Brazilian territory, many are agents of changes and the MST is an example of these changes. .

Friedrich Ratzel

Before entering, literally, in the subject in question, we will make one retaken briefing of the two phases of Cultural Geography so that let us appropriate in them of the understanding of the subject that we consider in them to argue in this assay scientific. 2.1 The TRADITIONAL CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY Before exactly of its sprouting concrete in the decade of 1880, about the German scientist Friedrich Ratzel, some scholars already were worried about the analysis of questions such as: where measure the destination of the peoples is on to the country where they are installed? He has influence of this on the men? Or he has subtle harmony between the natural order and the social order? (Claval, 1999, P. 19). These questions, headed for Herder, already demonstrated the interest of some for the aspects of the culture and had been the first steps of the sprouting of this branch of Geography. It disciplines it Cultural Geography more had its sped up development in three distinct countries: Germany, United States and France, respectively, and in each one of them it appears with different characteristics. In Germany, the great name of prominence of this disciplines is of Friedrich Ratzel. It was the first one to use fears &#039 to it; ' Cultural&#039 geography; '. After a long trip for the United States of America, it carried through a workmanship on the geography of this country which was intitled as Culturgeographie der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord? Amerika to unter to besonderer Bercksichtigung to give wirtschaftlichen Verhltnisse (Claval, 1999, p.20). This German naturalist was interested itself and considered a new conception of the Geography which was nominated of antropogeografia. It passed, then, if to dedicate to the study of the relations of the man with the natural way, as well as the distribution them peoples on the surface of the land analyzing the influence of the nature on the bodies and the espritos them men, that is, on the Buttmann societies apud Claval (1999, P.

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