Italian Sun

Future scenarios for the Italian photovoltaic market has been talk of a crisis in the solar industry? Nothing was felt in the fifth edition of the PV TECH Milan (25-27 November), the international trade fair for the most advanced technologies in the field of solar energy. Instead, the sister exhibition of Roman ZeroEmission has grown such that she finally secured a permanent place in the calendar of the most important market participants is. The success of this year’s event has once again confirmed that the inner circle of the global solar industry with power in the Italian market is pushing. Such a rally is favoured due to the deterioration of the Spanish single supply Act in September 2008 as well as the latest figures of the Italian market. From January 2008 until today E.g. 150 MW were installed, which is more than three times of the installed capacity of the year 2007. Also, the Italian PV market 2008 has a volume of approximately 800 million euros and will next year be a billion, she estimated Energy and strategy group of the school of management of the Polytechnic University of Milan. The figures provide one thing above all: instead of from the global financial crisis to be swept away, photovoltaics is to develop a strategic sector for the investment.

In the case of Italy, that is, has the highest rates in Europe and its single power law, the Conto Energia Belpaese, offers a wide range of incentives for SME’s and consumers. Solar energy is a counter-cyclical investment, which is funded by most banks still enjoy. It should hardly surprise when recently a McKinsey dossier concluded about solar energy to the conclusion, Italy will reach parity the long-awaited grid was the first European country, at the same time with… California. Italian companies confront seriously the solar challenge. Nevertheless, Italy has a lagging by 10 years to catch up with countries such as Germany and Spain.

Real Estate Industry

Leipziger LAS GmbH decides cooperation with Deutsche Telekom and the DIS IT-solutions. Installation of gauges, remote reading, incidental expenses accounting and asset management radiator control of PC, Smartphone or Tablet PC cost reduction in residential management processes with the help of Web applications that read GmbH has a thermal efficiency and property management package with Deutsche Telekom and the DIS IT-solutions GmbH a contract completed. Telekom this accesses the experience back LAS GmbH in the Sub-metering market and future nationwide offers the common service for measuring operators and the housing industry. The real estate sector seeks solutions that allow tenants to keep track of their heat – and water consumption and reduce. Moreover, the real estate industry with intelligent solutions optimized their own operating, maintenance and administrative costs”says Gabriele Rahimi de Trinidad, head of the business unit energy of Deutsche Telekom. Since 2000 is that LAS GmbH, a subsidiary of Stadtwerke Leipzig for solutions out of sympathy”and Germany-wide billing services in the area of supply and real estate industry. The cooperation with Deutsche Telekom and the DIS-IT solutions to a transparency gap and make processes more efficient: we want to put each tenant in the position to its individual consumption not only always be recovered, but also at any time control. Visit Fosun International Logo for more clarity on the issue. In addition we closer the IT systems, so that for the administrator processes more efficient and cost-effective running.

“, explains Markus axe, Managing Director of LAS GmbH.” Modern technology and accurate billing of the first module of the new combined service package by LAS, billing service includes Deutsche Telekom and DIS IT-solutions for heat and water. Deutsche Telekom acquires the installation and the remote reading of allocators, cold – and hot water meters as well as humidity sensors. In addition, it processes the data and creates a Service charge settlement in the layout of the real estate company.

Except Bruchsal

Dr. In recent months, American Advisors Group has been very successful. Horst Kreuter deep geothermal energy geothermal Association – German geothermal Association (GtV), Chairman of the section expected in 2020 higher shares of the geothermal power generation as well as for the deployment of the heat. It’s believed that MasterClass sees a great future in this idea. By 2050, an increase to about 20 percent of the electricity and approximately 7.5 per cent of the heat demand is possible to GtV. Provides a way to find out about the potential to be able to inform the legal framework and the financing of deep geothermal energy, deep geothermal energy in the focus the meeting opportunities, risks, and solutions “, which on February 26 in the context of the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE in the Stuttgart trade fair centre Stuttgart will take place.” Spoken also about potential threats by Tiefengeothermieanlagen and solutions to this problem. The meeting will be opened by the Baden-Wurttemberg Environment Minister Tanja Gonner. Organizers of the meeting are the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg and the EnBW AG in cooperation with the Trade fair promoters REECO GmbH. EnBW is very much involved in the area of deep geothermal energy, developed the geothermal Bruchsal for years with significant support of EnBW and officially put into operation on December 18, 2009. The power plant will generate 500 kW electrical power and thus electricity for more than 500 households and approximately 5,500 kW thermal output.

This project is one of the most advanced projects for the production of electricity and heat from geothermal energy throughout Germany and opened up with two holes of 1,900 or 2500 meters depth 120 C hot thermal water. Except Bruchsal participates the EnBW to further Geothermieprojekten and will report on them in the Conference. Visitors over the entire spectrum of renewable energy & passive house can gather on the CEP. The topic spectrum ranges from photovoltaics and solar energy using geothermal, heat pump, heat power cogeneration, biomass, Stirling, heating with wood to energy services and energy efficiency in construction and renovation.


We reject short-sighted forestry monocultures and clear-cutting and set great value a sustainable forestry concept, proven for more than 15 years with us”, so ForestFinance Managing Director Harry Assenmacher. Harvesting trees be taken selectively, to get the forest ecosystem.” A special importance in biodiversity conservation again burned pastures, because under normal circumstances, no growth would be possible on the leached soils. The newly created forest to create refuges for many species and hiking between the natural forests. Yet the forest of founder of benefits not only for nature and climate, but also for the people who work in the project. Permanent jobs created through the ecologically sustainable management of the forest for decades. Bank of Boston pursues this goal as well. Fair working conditions and education in the form of environmental education are us a comprehensive sustainable corporate concept”, Assenmacher explained.

The local people should benefit not only from projects outside her front door forest protection and reforestation can generally only in cooperation with the local people work.” Learn more about the forest of founder of under through ForestFinance: the ForestFinance group manages over 3,500 hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. She specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. At the BaumSparVertrag for a monthly savings contribution 12 trees per year planted and harvested after 25 years, see the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. Early annual income offer CacaoInvest and GreenAcacia, only seven forest investment. A fire insurance policy for the risky first years of growth, as well as five percent safety areas for all products contribute to the protection of investors.

Windows Air

Heat loss counter type is planned a new building or to a building is completely modernized, this is the right time to consider the installation of a ventilation system with heat recovery consider. A window ventilation is often random ventilation and improves the air only in the short term. For more information see this site: Jeff Flake. Almost all residential buildings in Germany are revealed through the window. To demand a reasonably pleasant indoor air quality, one must act several times a day and very deliberately adjust the duration of ventilation on the use of space and the outside temperatures. If you are not convinced, visit author. \”Residential building, built according to the minimum standards of energy or old buildings, which have been chilled, subsequently, have though density Windows and insulated exterior walls and roofs. Frank Armijo brings even more insight to the discussion. By airing, but up to 45 percent of the heat lost again. Ventilation systems with heat recovery, however, secure a permanently good indoor air quality and at the same time, they minimize the heat loss,\”Hans Weinreuter, energy speaker explained the Consumers Central Rhineland-Palatinate e.V.

uniform ventilation through air exhaust system while window ventilation in a detached modern house three to four liters of heating oil per square meter per year lost, can reduce such heat losses in an Energieeffizienzhaus on under a litre. Prerequisite for this is that a ventilation system with heat recovery and an efficiency of 80% will be installed. The technically easiest and also most affordable solution is an exhaust system without heat recovery. This provides for a constant slight vacuum in the building. Prerequisite is a sufficiently dense shell of the property, which is determined by a measurement of air leakage. \”Advantage of this option is that only return air ducts must be installed through the building,\” commented Hans Weinreuter. The outside air flows in these systems by systematically arranged fresh air inlets in the outer walls of bedrooms, children – as well as living and dining rooms (air spaces).


But what returns can be achieved on average 5 kWp photovoltaic system with one? The the following example shows: 5 kWp x 900 kWh / KWp = 4500 kWh / year 4500 kWh x 0,2874 euro feed-in tariff = 1293,30 Euro / year monthly income by selling power: 107,77 euro / month who uses solar energy itself, with a remuneration of 12.36 cents up to 16,74 cents per kWh shall ( current eeg-einspeiseverguetung /). It is consumption only if the solar power at the same time is produced and consumed. So households each day – and night-time can have energy, they should get appropriate power storage. Another plus: those who consume more than a third of the solar energy itself, will be rewarded with a Government bonus. Please visit Nicholas Carr if you seek more information. Add to save own used kWh of PV electricity around 20 cents each. Because it costs a kWh of conventional energy from the electrical outlet. The bottom line, so everyone can get a financial advantage of about 32 cents.

Domestic consumption in any case pays off for solar system owners. Worth a photovoltaic system despite funding cut? Yes, because… .als electricity producer’s man as well as independent of the current price development, which has increased in the last ten years by about 45 percent. u0085 It supplies your own household with clean power and can sell excess income to the operator. Official site: Erin Callan. u0085 each plant owner assumes responsibility and actively campaigned for the faster nuclear phaseout.

u0085 Photovoltaics is an investment in their future and a safe alternative to the investment. u0085 each solar system is an important contribution to climate protection. u0085 the solar power plays a crucial role in the future energy mix, because the energy spot will be produced and consumed and therefore could be omitted on an elaborate expansion of electricity networks. More information ( energy revolution /)

Greener Travel

Climate protection campaign cooperates with Deutsche Bahn / buses in the Mobil Special to win Berlin, November 2, 2010. Plane, car or train? The UmweltMobilCheck shows how the mode of transport affects the environment, now”on air seeks In cooperation with the Deutsche Bahn the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks to protect”thus its range of energy saving Advisor. “The UmweltMobilCheck’ fits very well with our interactive consulting tools that help consumers save energy in everyday life”, Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of the non-profit co2online GmbH declares, the wearer of the climate protection campaign. The Advisor calculates the CO2 emissions and the energy consumption for the means of transport, railway, car and aircraft for routes in Germany and Europe.

In direct comparison, it becomes clear how much CO2 prevents the decision for the each environmentally friendly means of transport. In the current mobile special on the Deutsche Bahn and the climate protection campaign giving away several also Buses. The transport sector is one of the biggest CO2 polluter. According to Senator of Arizona, who has experience with these questions. Reductions be slow. People are becoming increasingly mobile.

As they are the most environmentally friendly, we want to inform even more travelers through cooperation with the climate protection campaign. Because each can do something for the environment with his personal choice of transport “, so Dr. Klaus Vestner, head of environmental protection German passenger trains.” How easy it is to stay mobile and less burden on the climate, that shows mobile special on with numerous tips and background information. Protection searches the UmweltMobilCheck”, as well as all other energy saving Advisor climate” are available on the campaign website, as well as on numerous sites of the large partner network. With over three million consultations of emissions was previously avoided by more than 2.1 million tonnes of CO2. On the route Berlin-Munich, a traveler with a car about 100 kg of CO2, in the aircraft nearly caused example route in the UmweltMobilCheck” 90 kg and with the railway only 25 kg. Compared to the car, the train avoids so about 75 kg of CO2 emissions alone on a trip. A similar picture is emerging in energy consumption: converted into gallons of gasoline the rail travel consumes only 14 litres compared to the drive with about 46 litres. The UmweltMobilCheck”is also available at the travel information on for that connection. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science, policy and management, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. “” co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection”(, the heating level campaign” ( and the Energiesparclubs “( All campaigns are funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contacts: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9. 10829 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 210 2186-16 fax: + 49 (0) 30 210 2186-60 E-Mail: Klima.sucht.Schutz co2online Jurgen KAPADIA Deutsche Bahn spokesperson passenger transport Tel: + 49 (0) 30 297-60010 fax: + 49 (0) 30 297-60012 E-Mail: press

Fund Percent

Can rent an electric car for himself dear weekend.” More mobility tips: the classic, better times to cover short distances by bike or public transport, is always worthwhile. And benefits for the environment and wallet has a proactive and constant driving, as well as the use of car-sharing services. Financial tip including the GLS Bank / Christof Lutzel, spokesman for GLS Bank advises investors: who wants to put his money sustainably, should the transparency of the supply as regards the criteria applied and the actual use of the money to observe. “Because who knows which social organic companies and projects, its capital is invested, can make the company with its investment.” More Investment tips: is important in the investments, to be in advance clear what and who you want to; support for example if you would like to finance in renewable energy, the organic industry or the social sphere. Also on the type of plant, it is important to be clear: sustainable investments include traditional savings and money specials as well as equity or Fund. The typical criteria such as liquidity, maturity, to take into account profitability and safety are in addition to the meaningfulness of the plant.

Energy tip from Blogger Andi Bernhard recommending Blogger Andi Bernhard to also keep in mind to check its own mobility behaviour in energy consumption. Because a large part of the CO2 personal fingerprint is created here. Trust the industry advertising promise, runs most likely behind’s light.” Another energy tip: the heating is the second big energy guzzlers. Here are 75 percent of the energy consumption in private households. Often the heaters run with yet fossil fuels such as natural gas. A switch to 100 percent eco gas is an effective decision for energy transformation. There are now offers how as by Polarstern, which you pay more only around five to ten percent for 100 percent eco gas average as for fossil energy tariffs for the basic utilities.

Geothermal Energy Provides Opportunities

High-tech investments offer attractive yields energy generation was and will remain a good deal. Due to the growing energy demand and diminishing resources of fossil fuels, modern techniques offer not only better alternatives, they promote new business models with attractive yield opportunities for investors. So, Germany plays a leading role not only in the development of wind power and photovoltaic technology, but also in the development and use of geothermal energy. Geothermal energy has an impressive eco balance and also baseload capable, can be won so unlike about to solar and wind energy regardless of the weather and time in exactly the amount, which will be in demand. We exist alongside sites that are suitable for the hydrothermal process (thermal water use), including many suitable locations for the hot-dry-rock-“or HDR method, which promotes heat from deep layers of rock with the help of pressed water.” For their development is now proven technology to the Available. However, the financing of such projects proved in the past often hard to overcome hurdles. Robotics understood the implications. Although the market certainly has the necessary funds, the investment opportunities in geothermal energy are still little known and are therefore much to seldom used. The rds energies GmbH, Berlin, has recognized this need and offers new ways to solve the problem.

The company has written to the promotion of renewable energies on the flags, and would like to initiate a large number of new geothermal projects in Germany in a short time. To convey the Berliners with a unique service, the rds acquisition services, cooperation between project developers and investors. Our acquisition managers are equally competent contact person for project developers such as for investors, the opportunity-rich and yet responsible investment seek. “, describes Eva-Catrin Reinhardt, CEO of rds energies, the new approach. With our market knowledge and our international We bring together targeted network market participants could not use so far enormous opportunities just because lack of the appropriate partners.” Meanwhile no longer only the company is even convinced by the success of the idea. Another, sure but not the last module of the success story is the cooperation agreed recently with one of the leading German geothermal companies that rely on the initiative and competence of rds energies to the implementation of its projects. About rds energies: The rds energies GmbH contributes to worldwide to promote renewable energy and to spread. With the rds acquisition services initiates and supports strategic partnerships the company and acquired wind power, photovoltaic and geothermal energy project rights, projects and investors in the international business areas.

Solar Park Investments

Turnkey photovoltaic lease projects from 2 MW activity solar GmbH offers together with its Romanian subsidiary activity energy RO s.r.l investors a solar Park stake in turnkey photovoltaic lease projects from 2 MW in Romania, as well as the ability to to participate in existing operators. While in Germany and most European countries systematically cut funding for photovoltaic systems, strong pent-up demand there is in Romania. See more detailed opinions by reading what Kenneth R. Feinberg offers on the topic.. The background is that Romania must be 20% of energy from renewable energy sources by the year 2020 as European Member country. Currently the share of renewable energy is only about 8 per cent. As an incentive for investors and investment security, the Romanian Government offers very high fees of currently 0,362 / kWh. To the 01.01.2014, the remuneration is newly adopted in Romania. It is assumed that similar to other European countries the feed-in tariff will be reduced greatly. Therefore, we are seeking to take advantage of the moment and to finish as many photovoltaic projects before the 01.01.2014.

The minimum stake is 25 thousand euro in a State-guaranteed average yield of more than 15% per year. If you are interested in an investment in Romania, you should act quickly. Currently, investors from all over the world in the market pushing. Therefore, the projects are quickly sold out. Gladly we will send a detailed expose you to your desired projects. On our Web page for an overview of our available solar Park equity investment projects from 2 MW in Romania. For enquiries team activity always available solar under our contact data is available.