Brazilian Providence

The payment of the main one and the interests if of only in the date of maturity. NTN-B (Note of the National Treasure series B): heading with entailed yield to the variation of the IPCA, increased of interests defined at the moment of the purchase. It is not something Euro Pacific Precious Metals would like to discuss. The payments of the interests are made semester and the payment of the main one is made in the expiration. Main NTN-B (Note of the National Treasure Main series B): as well as the NTN-B, it has entailed yield to the variation of the IPCA, increased of interests defined at the moment of the purchase. The difference, here, is that the payment is only done only in the date of maturity. NTN-C (Note of the National Treasure series C): heading with entailed yield to the variation of the IGP-M, increased of interests defined at the moment of the purchase. The payments of the interests are made semester and the payment of the main one is made in the expiration. NTN-F (Note of the National Treasure series F): heading with predetermined, increased yield of interests defined at the moment of the purchase.

The payments of the interests are made semester and the payment of the main one is made in the expiration. On the prices of the headings it sees the article of Prof. Elisson, having access this site: Private providence x DiretoPrevidencia Treasure? As described the private providence snake two taxes. These taxes ‘ ‘ comem’ ‘ part of its patrimony. Bigger taxes of administration that 1.5% minimize its profits? The banks apply great part of the resources in public headings. The risk of the insuring bank exists/to break and to bring damages to the customer. He makes with that the customer has that to load resources all month, practically compelling the saving. ‘ ‘ salrio’ ‘ pay in the period of the benefit daily pay-is stipulated.

Direct treasure? In the case of the direct treasure the taxes do not arrive 1% at the year. The risk of it breaks is practically inexistent, since the resources are loaned to the Brazilian government. In this in case that it is necessary disciplines of the investor, since it does not have an application obligation. Also it has the question that in the case of the private providence it is possible to draw, but of a little more than work of what the direct treasure, which makes the repurchase all the Wednesday. In the case of the direct treasure, it does not have one ‘ ‘ salrio’ ‘ , being the responsible investor for managing the resources.


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