Coordinating Program

One is due to know how to take advantage of the constituent process so that to the environment him it grants rank of first order in the new constitution of the country. By what? So that in Venezuela it has been pioneer in the creation of a legal frame of second and third order to guard by the environment, as it is the Penal case foreseen by the law of the Atmosphere, the decrees on quality of affluents, handling and final disposition of residues, recoveries of hydrographic river basins, among others measured that have fortified the environmental rights, advances that are recognized internationally, and therefore, not he must fail to take advantage of the present constituent process to demand the constitutional rank for these same rights, that are not another thing that to locate them in a first order in him text of the new Magna Carta. There is in addition the necessity to take into account or to have present a cost frame benefit, Why? So that the organizations take raw material and produce products and services. If the cost of producing the product is superior to the price that the clients are prepared to pay, then the organization will not be able to obtain sufficient utilities to continue with her activities during long time. Hopefully the present government of the revolution Bolivariana under presidency of the lieutenant – colonel Hugo Chavez, pauses in paying the which had attention to him, takes the suitable actions and offers the support necessary to the national companies, so that these fulfill their commitment to guarantee the preservation of the atmosphere where they operate, put many they have been the complaints of the contamination of waters, atmosphere, nature that along they are aggravating the health of the Venezuelan.

Ing. Industrialist-administrator, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM) UC Postgraduates you would maestrasen Administration of companies mention markets, human resources; Quality and Productivity; education Doctorate in titular EducacinProfesor Area of Postgraduate of Phases UC. Coordinating Program specialty Management of the quality and Productivity, aces. UCConsultor – enterprise adviser DEPROIMCAEXATEC


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