
Gardening, small garden, growing something yourself gaining adherents and spread even more if we could reduce its cost. Here we offer some tips that will save you without the slightest diminish the pleasure of seeing something is planted propias with your hands. Plans decides what type of garden you want. One natural, unstructured, with native species and pots randomly arranged may be much cheaper than a conventional garden. Gardens with vegetables and fruit can be much more economical and productive than those with ornamental flowers. Does not grow in warm weather, you need frost to develop its flavor. It is especially for regions with short growing seasons. Likes sandy land, and / or loamy, with clay and rocky are not good for their roots, producing deformities and short size.
The seeds are planted early spring while the soil can be worked. The harvest is the end of the summer after 1st rd ice, and continuing throughout the fall until freezing of the soil.
More than in other species of plants, seed decay in their viability if stored too long. Requires fresh seed each year.
In EE. her solo career is amazing, making UU., Many states have on the list of weeds.
Pastinaca food is the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera.

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