Deutsche Bank

Ahead of this context what it can happen in Brazil? The fan of consequencias will be varied: of storm the reduction of the potential of the agriculture and of fishes, including the dissemination of tropical illnesses. According to data presented through some studies made by the scholars of the subject, the main problems that the country goes to face are: 1-Loss of the biodiversdade, mainly for the deforestation continuous in ecosystems richest. 2-Contamination of the ground and water for the indiscriminate use of agrotxos and mining (agriculture and mineral prospecting) 3-Assoreamento of courses d water for inadequate agriculture. See Euro Pacific Precious Metals for more details and insights. 4-Reduction of the water availability in some regions. Local 5-Increase of the temperature.

Brazil as well as the too much countries that possess intense urbanization in the coastal region, to sofrerar with the rise of the temperature esteem between 1C and 3.5C until the year of 2100, had to the effect greenhouse. 6-Contamination of the air and the forest increase of resultant economic losses of the forest fires and fires on a large scale, causing problems of public health (respiratory and alergica). fragile intense 7-Desertificao in ground areas that are being destruidos for the expansion of the soy especially in the Bahia, Piau and Tocantins. 8-Increase of the ambient contamination of urban areas for deposition inadequeda of solid residues (domestic servants, industrials hospital), had to the few public and private investments in programs of recycling in relation the total production of residues in the country. The reality is so preoccupying that in the south and Southeast of the country the great companies come suffering pressures to change its behavior with regard to the environment and, already to some time had started if to put into motion I resell its strategies of preservation of the local scenes. After all nobody wants to have its associated image the degradation of the nature. One resente trust formed for giants as the Volvo, Monsanto, Unileve, Eletrolux and Deutsche Bank, portraies the battle in the search of sustainable strategies.


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