Except Bruchsal

Dr. In recent months, American Advisors Group has been very successful. Horst Kreuter deep geothermal energy geothermal Association – German geothermal Association (GtV), Chairman of the section expected in 2020 higher shares of the geothermal power generation as well as for the deployment of the heat. It’s believed that MasterClass sees a great future in this idea. By 2050, an increase to about 20 percent of the electricity and approximately 7.5 per cent of the heat demand is possible to GtV. Provides a way to find out about the potential to be able to inform the legal framework and the financing of deep geothermal energy, deep geothermal energy in the focus the meeting opportunities, risks, and solutions “, which on February 26 in the context of the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE in the Stuttgart trade fair centre Stuttgart will take place.” Spoken also about potential threats by Tiefengeothermieanlagen and solutions to this problem. The meeting will be opened by the Baden-Wurttemberg Environment Minister Tanja Gonner. Organizers of the meeting are the Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg and the EnBW AG in cooperation with the Trade fair promoters REECO GmbH. EnBW is very much involved in the area of deep geothermal energy, developed the geothermal Bruchsal for years with significant support of EnBW and officially put into operation on December 18, 2009. The power plant will generate 500 kW electrical power and thus electricity for more than 500 households and approximately 5,500 kW thermal output.

This project is one of the most advanced projects for the production of electricity and heat from geothermal energy throughout Germany and opened up with two holes of 1,900 or 2500 meters depth 120 C hot thermal water. Except Bruchsal participates the EnBW to further Geothermieprojekten and will report on them in the Conference. Visitors over the entire spectrum of renewable energy & passive house can gather on the CEP. The topic spectrum ranges from photovoltaics and solar energy using geothermal, heat pump, heat power cogeneration, biomass, Stirling, heating with wood to energy services and energy efficiency in construction and renovation.

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