
When attending a reporter, to read a magazine or periodical, deparamo-noscom thousand of news articles that use sobreinvestimentos super-complicated terms. But before trying to understand these terms, the question is: What it is investment and why we invest or must invest? Vocsaberia to answer? In the truth, this term ' ' investimento' ' maneiraerrada is used of. In the economic theory saving has a small difference between investimentoe. When we have access the Home Broker or we bind for a corrector and we give an order of purchase of 1k of aesda Petrobra’s, for example, we are only saving. However, we quandoadquirimos a new capital asset, that is, goods that generate new goods (wealth), in fact we invest. This because when we buy action, headings or any another ativofinanceiro increase it novasmquinas national saving and when if purchase or lands to increase the production characterizes-seinvestimento, adding value to the production of the country. It can be understood easily why, in the vision macroeconomic, apoupana (its portfolio, for example) does not generate efetivamenterenda to the country, since its calculation is given by the total of the produonacional deducted the consumption from the families and the expenses of the government.

However, the magnifying of the capacity of production of a plant is umfator of increase in the national GIP, what it leads to an effective increase of wealth of the country. But, for pure convention and the easy agreement of the public, otermo investment is used when we relate in them to any acquisition deativos financial. As the intention of the site it is not to give a specific course of economy, also we will use this term to deal with a purchase of action, CDs (Certificate ofs deposit later, we will see) or any another ativonegociado in the market. In summary, investment (saving) is the privation of the use of recursosdisponveis today to receive a superior value in the future. In this ' ' to receive a superior value in futuro' ' the concept is implicit dejuros, that nothing more are of what the prize for opening hand of these recursoshoje (we will argue this with more details in next articles). Evale to also stand out that inside of the term interests it is extra inlaid work outroprmio for the risk that we run not to receive in return the valorinvestido one. Leaving of this idea of interests, we can argue two terms muitocomuns in economy and finances. The first one is ' ' value of the money notempo' ' , that is, 1,000 equal monetary units today will not be a1.000 monetary units in the future.

the other term is ' ' cost deoportunidade' ' that, thick way, is what you would lose or would earn seestivesse bought in another asset. At last, leaving for the second displayed question: Why we nsinvestimos or we must invest? Why exists people in the world todoque spends time and money, as many of vocs, to enter nessenegcio so complicated? The reply it would be well simple: to gain more money. But will be that s this exactly? The reply it is not. They exist ' ' n' ' reasons if grafistaformado in Psychiatry first publication, an excellent excellent week to all and trades! They are prepared that it will come much more for the front! Powered by


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