John Dewey

Knowles expressed that adults learn differently from children and coaches in their role as facilitators of learning should use a different process to facilitate this learning process. For Knowles, there are five factors that we detail below, that distinguishes adults from children. In his work the modern practice of adult education: Andragogy Versus Pedagogy of 1970, presented their Andragogical model. UNESCO resumed the concept in substitution of the expression of pedagogy for adults, under the interest in the process of training and continuing education for adult women and men, differentially to the formation of the child and the adolescent. Yturralde asserts in our Organization, over these past two decades, we have trained more than 40,000 pupils of the productive sectors since our Foundation, offer free lectures to students in their final years of College to support them in their transition towards its inclusion to adult life, and yes there is a difference in the behaviors and interests of the two types of audiences. Equipped with a special patience, teachers must apply different to the trainers or facilitators corporate methodologies; two approaches, two goals, two different markets. John Dewey, (1938) all real education occurs through the experience. Dewey believes that experiential learning is active and generates changes in people and in their environments, and that not only goes to the inside of the body and of the soul which learns, but it uses and what transforms the very important physical and social environments are us indicates, that processes andragogicos stimulate the reasoning, promote the constructive discussion of ideas, favoring dialogue, it originates, points of view, ideas and innovations and at the same time it leads to rethink proposals as a result of the confrontation of individual knowledge and group conclusions.

There is no that forget as well noted, adults are more motivated to learn by internal factors, such as development of our self-esteem, rewards such as salary increases, promotions and needs evolved, described by Abraham H. Maslow in his hierarchy of needs. Although we will eventually find people who will seek to avoid participating in learning processes by several factors such as fears, by lack of security, embarrassment among other factors. Humans usually do more to prevent their greatest fears, what does to achieve their desires, but is part of a reality. Interesting is to comment on what would be the work of the teacher who describes himself as of andragogo, about it, he says, It is a skilled facilitator in the process of knowledge transfer and transfer of experiences. The andragogo ceased to be the instructor, because he must play several roles: facilitator, transmitter of information, awareness-raising agent, change agent, agent relationship, tutor, coach, mentor the Andragogo facilitates interpersonal interactions and organizes educational activities, whose main actor is the participant as a learning partner. It should not be forgotten, in an educational environment, where the Group has its share of responsibility, a participant can become a resource for another. Exchanges provide a dynamic transaction original author and source of the article.

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