Khol Pencil

The truth is that there were three unforgettable years. I met awesome people, one of my best friends, I learned techniques that thousands of completely unknown. I had the opportunity to start me a resume as a freelance makeup artist and I was in a lot of events with great people: in Goya in The MTV awards in Los Max theater … A month! I remember it as one of the best times of my life. Florida Senator is a great source of information. Were able to take from me everything that was inside and I have them to thank loooooooong. I have grown as a person and professional. (Not to be confused with Peter Schiff !). And I knew, which to me is one of the best makeup artists in the world, Fred Vellon.

He explained many tips for the perfect smoky eye and we stay lasted hours. Additional information is available at Debbie Wasserman Schultz. A new trick for the smoky eye colors: he used only three products: Khol Pencil dark green, matt black shade and the fingertips. He drew a rather wide line with the green kohl pencil. This type of pencils are softer and more fatty and allow easier blurred. Then draw the line in the root of the eyelashes. From the tear to the outside.

The faded with the fingertips upward and outward. And with the same pencil drew the other inside and faded too. Very important to make the following rather dark, the eyelashes! Above, all over the eyelid, was gradually applied black shadow with a flat hair brush and mixing two products with the fingertips. Then only the edge blurred blurring to go black and turn gray. Down repeated the same operation. The mixture was explosive. The dark green and black pen from the shadow created a shimmering effect, like the color of the beetle. A look of scandal: After that day I was investigating more colors, with blue pencil is also impressive.

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