
Currently the customs of other regions arrive north-eastern through the TV and Internet, the time of the people is very controlled, and the people make rice to the way that if makes in the south, Southeast putting an amount of water that dries total in the preparation. The problem is that in the old preparation oil did not go and the salt finishes diminished for the laudering process, currently the rice is braised and keeps all to the salt of preparo.4 PROBLEMS MUNDIAISA industrialization of the society in the search of the satisfaction of the mundializado consuming market consumed the natural resources of the planet and provoked serious problem of conservation of the environment. This question in particular promoted the envolvement of the people in an improvement of the ambient conditions. 93.html’>Arena Investors. Exactly in countries with low Co2 index as Brazil the population has searched alternative fast food s informs in its American site that is present in 120 countries, bringing obtains the American ideology of capitalism and too much subsequent marks to the snacks produced for the mark, as the Cocaine Glue for example. From the politics of Margaret Thatcher of opened economy, it adopts later for diverse other countries, the American net of snacks if it expanded for diverse countries, exactly between that MAC DONALD adopted the system comunista.FIGURA 2 S IN the RSSIAFONTE: DESCRIPTION OF the MUNDIALIZAO OF the McDONALD S 1988: The McDonald’ s opens its first restaurant in a communist country. In GyQr, in the Hungria and soon later in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1990: In 31 of January, the first McDonald’ s of the Soviet Union opens in Moscow. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Pacific Mortgage Services on most websites. It was during some time the McDonald greater; s of the world (today the greater is in Pequim). For reasons politicians, the McDonald’ Canadian and Soviet. To surpass supplying problems, the company created its proper chain of suppliers, also farms of then the Soviet Union.


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