Perfect Family

In the end of the meeting they had arrived at the conclusion that does not exist perfect family, who each one goes if molding to coexist of the best form, also had commentaries on the importance of if respecting the errors and the limits of the others and the importance of the confidence, with this they had brought the subject, family and they had made a linking with the workstation, where each one must respect the limit of the other, each one must have right the questioning and if defend of form civilized without verbal aggressions, without severe increase in the voice tone. They had agreed that in all independent place of where will be to the question of the humanizao it must remain itself in first place. In it I finish meeting the participants they had brought an example that happened during the week, where two of the participants if had misunderstood, he finished giving one fight and one said for the other you this acting with its ego child, relembrando the categories space publishes intern of quarrels work, where in this space the worker can argue in the relation directly or indirectly its familiar relations, social and of the company. Krausz describes the changes that are happening and constituting a fascinating and challenging time; it is seen preparation necessity to adapt itself to these changes and to face the challenges, becoming a citizen with interpersonal ability, that if discloses in the relation individual/individual and the relations individual/group, being competitive and at the same time cooperative, individualistic and capable to work in team or to take initiative and to be satisfied it the rules. These abilities can be acquired by the self-knowledge, for flexibility in giving and receiving feedbacks, reliable development and partnerships, to know to respect the errors and limits of that together they coexist. Here, rennaissance technologies expresses very clear opinions on the subject. To work the reflexiva conscience, to be always retaking and reflecting on attitudes, values, behaviors.


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