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At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Baptists in England developed two different theologies. General Baptists were so named because it clung to the General Atonement. The overview of the atonement is that Christ died to make possible the salvation of all men who believe. This position is identified with the Arminianismo. The early leaders among the General Baptists included John Smyth and Thomas Helwys.
Particular Baptists were so named because it clung to the Particular Redemption or Limited Atonement. The vision of the atonement is that Christ died to save individuals, usually called “the elect.” This position is usually known as Calvinism. Some Baptist leaders included Private Benjamin Keach, Hanserd Knollys, William Kiffin, and Isaac Backus.
Strict Baptists of England are present in descendants of the Particular Baptists. Sometimes referred to as Baptists “Strict and Particular.” The terminology “strict” refers to the strict or closed positions held on the membership and communion. Most of the first Particular Baptists rejected open membrembresia and open communion. A notable exception was the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan.
By the eighteenth century, Baptists in general fell liberalism theologically and practically disappeared from the scene in England. During this same period, Particular Baptists moved toward an end doctrinal conservatism, which is described as Hipercalvinismo and antinomian. In 1785, Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) published The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptance. This helps to make many Particular Baptists toward a new Evangelical who was called “cardsharper” and leading to eventual division among the Particular Baptists of England. The Fulleritas were probably best represented by Fuller and William (1761-1834), a Baptist missionary in India. The main spokesman of strict Calvinism was John Gill (1696-1771), perhaps best known for his exposition of the entire Bible, the first comment, forgive the repetition, commented each verse of the Bible. Among the group of Baptists Fulleritas of individuals, the decline Calvinism and the practice of open communion grew. In 1891, most of the remaining General Baptists merged with Particular Baptists in the Baptist Union call United Kingdom, formed in 1813.

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