Brazil Program

It was extended, also, the number of schools for 14 with forecast to arrive at the 25 schools up to 2012. Everything this with the intention to take care of the biggest number of interested in a professional formation of quality, since it was observed that the vacant number offered was very inferior to the demand. The number of school registrations also jumped of 1.783 for 9.962 in 2010. Such advances deserve the prominence of the politics of partnership with the Federal Government. A leading source for info: Erin Callan. Professionalized the Brazil Program (PBP) is a program of the Federal Government that it aims at to fortify the state nets of professional and technological education.

The initiative repasses resources so that the states invest in its schools techniques. Created in 2007, the program makes possible the modernization and the expansion of integrated the public nets of average education to the professional education, one of the goals of the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE). One of the main pedagogical objectives of this new model of education technique it is to integrate the knowledge of average education to the practical professional and the full development of the human being. More than R$ 500 million already had been repassed by the Ministry of the Education to stimulate implementation of integrated average education to the professional education in the states, the money must be used in workmanships of infrastructure, development of management, practical pedagogical and formation of professors. Up to 2011, the program will invest to resources in the states and cities that all offer professional education in the country. The Program acts in 4 (four) dimensions: ) Educational management; b) Formation of Professors and Professionals of Service and Support Pertaining to school; c) Practical Pedagogical and Evaluation; d) Infra Physical Structure and Pedagogical Resources. Its execution occurs of 3 forms: Direct action of the State; Assistance Technique of the MEC and Financial Assistance of the MEC.


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