Regional Court

The division occurs so that it does not have overload at the hands of one alone person, such situation could generate abuse of being able. Basic the state functions are three: legislative, executive and judiciary; the legislative exerts the position of elaboration of the laws with the intention of that all exerts, moreover, it has the power to fiscalize financially and administratively the acts of the executive. The responsible ones are the representatives and state and the senators. The acts carried through for these responsible ones long for definitive purposes, aiming at to the elaboration of something, solving a problem, such actions are called of process, in the case legislative process that it possesss double sensible: sociological and legal. Sociological because they are real facts that justify the elaboration of the legal law and, when an act carried through and of it is caught if a legislative act elaborates. Official site: Robert Burke. The Executive manages the State in accordance with the laws consisting of the legislative one. In its economic and social order the executive possesss pair mission: external defense and internal security.

It is of the order of the executive the government and the administration of the State. In Brazil the system of existing government is the presidentialism, thus the Executive is exerted by the President of the Republic, having with assists the ministers of State. The Judiciary Power subject jurisdictional function, that is, of distribution of justice and application of the law in case of conflict of interests the judiciary one applies the norms, independent of the legislative will of and the executive one.

The Entities

Yes, that is a crime, not very different of what a dealer makes. The dealer in turn, if uses to advantage of the incessant search of ' ' clientes' ' to its ' ' produtos' ' , people these that make the capital to turn, making the more powerful dealers to be each time and buying &#039 more; ' produtos' ' , they live in a world where its ' ' net of trabalho' ' it gains continuity, when it is imprisoned others assumes in its place, thus making the system to continue the same of skill as was before. ' ' Estado' ' of them it functions, has organization and obtain this because they know that when makes something of wrong, the consequences are weighed, differently of our State that ' ' ajuda' ' who erra, benefits, covers. We are worried in curing males of the society, we want that everything is better, but so are disorganized that we do not obtain nor equaling in them to the parallel system of the delinquents. I repeat that I am not wanting to defend outlaws, vocs already know, that is only a critical one to the System where we live where they want to enrich more and more passing for everything and all, helping those who also want to enrich illicitly, that is a shame. See more detailed opinions by reading what Mikhail Khovanov offers on the topic..

To enrich is excellent, but that it is for its work, its intelligence, for its care, not making this and finishing all the cost with the life of other people, being plays in the streets. For the success of our System we must finish with all corja that dirty the administration, the entities that have for obligation to take care of of our welfare and not make it as they would have. Get more background information with materials from amwell. But still superficially it has the rotten fruits that they denigrem the image of these classrooms which we would have being proud in them, are corrupt: milicianos policemen, members of public administration. I am not generalizing, but all we know of what I am speaking. We are at time of election, therefore, they are not donkeys, I repeat, are not donkeys again to place those candidates who had one day made dirty the Brazilian politics, these are responsible for the all terms bad vision of our governing, responsible for great part of mazelas existing in our society. Its votes do not vendam, them have an enormous, vocs importance can not know the value of this importance, but the candidates know. I still want one day to be able to see everything widely to be in order, the desmarginalizada society and without corrupes, a society joust and without mazelas where my children and grandsons coexist what daily it is certain honored e, a little different of what alive today.

Brazil Program

It was extended, also, the number of schools for 14 with forecast to arrive at the 25 schools up to 2012. Everything this with the intention to take care of the biggest number of interested in a professional formation of quality, since it was observed that the vacant number offered was very inferior to the demand. The number of school registrations also jumped of 1.783 for 9.962 in 2010. Such advances deserve the prominence of the politics of partnership with the Federal Government. A leading source for info: Erin Callan. Professionalized the Brazil Program (PBP) is a program of the Federal Government that it aims at to fortify the state nets of professional and technological education.

The initiative repasses resources so that the states invest in its schools techniques. Created in 2007, the program makes possible the modernization and the expansion of integrated the public nets of average education to the professional education, one of the goals of the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE). One of the main pedagogical objectives of this new model of education technique it is to integrate the knowledge of average education to the practical professional and the full development of the human being. More than R$ 500 million already had been repassed by the Ministry of the Education to stimulate implementation of integrated average education to the professional education in the states, the money must be used in workmanships of infrastructure, development of management, practical pedagogical and formation of professors. Up to 2011, the program will invest to resources in the states and cities that all offer professional education in the country. The Program acts in 4 (four) dimensions: ) Educational management; b) Formation of Professors and Professionals of Service and Support Pertaining to school; c) Practical Pedagogical and Evaluation; d) Infra Physical Structure and Pedagogical Resources. Its execution occurs of 3 forms: Direct action of the State; Assistance Technique of the MEC and Financial Assistance of the MEC.

European Commission

This considerable reduction of the eligibility of the Deep a three countries beneficiaries were, however, quickly, exceeded for the extension of the eligibility to the ten new States Members that had adhered in 1. of May of 2004.' ' The Deep one of Cohesion is the appropriate tool for the reduction of the regional inaquality, a tool that functions with the intention to balance the trade balance of all the members. Today more than the half of the States Members is reached with the benefit of the Deep one of Cohesion, only for a reason or purpose illustration, detaches the repassed money Ireland: ' ' Ireland benefited of a total of 7.840 million euros in the period of 1994 the 1999, of which 1,490 million euros had been attributed in the picture of the Deep one of Cohesion, that is, 19%. For the new States Members, the part of the Deep one promotes 35% on average. ' ' The Deep one of Cohesion has a superior annual budget what it is attributed to the ISPA, beyond what presents a considerable increase of the activities in just the States Members. However, the experience in the sample by means of European Commission of the beneficiaries of the ISPA that the projects of great sum for the authorities of the European Union, this because the projects are of extreme quality, planned for technician highly qualified. Of the proposal above in 2004 the European Commission, intervined as mediating between the beneficiary countries, whose proposal was to stimulate the reinforcement in the ability of management of the deep ones of the community. Fitting to the beneficiaries (States Members) to define the mediated ones to be taken, without, however to leave of focar, in the stages of the identification, election and preparation and evaluation of the projects. In regards to secular evolution, it is emphasized, the period that goes of 2007 the 2013, already it are foreseen a relation of deep interdependence and synergy between structural and the Deep one of Cohesion, this, of the point of view on the infrastructure, as it points the third report.

President Bush

It celebrates it image of the Flagstone, where if it declared the war, in which President Bush, the minister Duro Barroso and Spanish prime minister were gifts, did not pass of one offends to the civilized world and the announcement coarsest of the breaking of human rights. For being truth, the current President of the European Commission, Duro Barroso, did not pass of a mediocre first-minister who, in search of the lost emerald, abandoned the country leaving it in a deplorable state On behalf of a terrorism that ocidente finances and generates econmica financially and, remaining the use of the religious fundamentalist ignorance to enlist and to activate operational that they commit acts of terrorism in the quality of mrtires. The terrorist said ones are welded of organizations that actuam all in the globe and that they are financed by legal structures of supposedly democratic states. The time of the American empire arrived, making jus to the ideology of President Obama, to make to cease all the wars, in special the war of Iraq and the Afeganisto. It matters to warn that to the same provoke a new attempted against in America or the Europe, attributing to an Iranian command or north-native of Korea, of form to justify a nuclear attack to these countries, does not constitute credvel plan Is certain that innumerable dictatorships in this planet exist, what does not mean that the Ocidente if invests in a galactic mandate to eradicate them. If the philosophy is this, is in the height to invade China, given that it is the biggest dictatorship of the world and the biggest nuclear threat! Not they exist nor will be able to exist in international the legal system, the calls preventive wars do not exist wars jousts nor saints, they do not exist axles of the good or the evil Lamentably, what they exist are mfias interests and, whose business is the death and destruction! How much to the validity and legitimation of United Nations, all we know that they are valid what they are valid Innumerable deliberations of United Nations finishing with the War in some countries exist, as well as finally to the thousands of millions of died by aid absence institucional humanitarian. Democracy estimates defense of the life, solidarity and promotion of the peace Definitively, the Ocidente, is responsible for this Holocausto without name and face Carlos Baron of Frank CamposVila Xira