Business Plan

Skinny, unreadable and useless. Conclusion: Business planning – this is nonsense. It was not worth wasting time on this nonsense. How many plans are not operational and the staff does not want to work. Is that for a bank loan will fit. but why Even the most responsible chief accountant all same business plan does not write or write little or no time. And it is quite right – he has no incentive. His salary and zamorenny and cunning accountant will in any case. Could a chief accountant to write a business plan is of good quality? In 98% cases – no. Firstly, it is an accountant, not a strategist. He does not know how to write business plans and can not learn this in snatches between bank documents and records to the tax. Secondly, a financier by profession is not too large angle. Yes, he is aware of the finances of the company. But there are also links with customers, suppliers, and most importantly – a sea of people who do not know about your company nothing. None of our employees will not be a fresh look at its product, the company itself, business as a whole. Independence of the assessment will supersede corporate ethics and subordination. At least one employee will be able to tell the head of that company's personnel policy is not working? If you say, they hear him? If hear what to do? what to do? Invite a specialist from outside. Here too there are several obvious questions.


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